※This tool is free.(modify & redistribution free)
※This converting game size is 1280*720
Ⅰ.Use tool
- Converter
- fxckBGI
- python(3.x ver down)
- ActivePerl
- nsaTool
Ⅱ. Converting
1.Use BgiFileTool extraction *.arc files.
(extraction reference link : http://refusal.zz.mu/tc/2)
2.File sorting
data01xxx.arc -> scenario folder
data02xxx.arc -> image folder
data04xxx.arc -> voice folder
data03xxx.arc , data05xxx.arc -> sound folder
sysgrp.arc -> sysgrp folder
3.Script generating
The same path to scenario, run bgi.bat.
4.create nsa file & copy your device work files.
(nsa file , 0.txt, 1.txt, default.ttf, image2 folder, savedata folder)
5.Enjoy onscripter girl game^_^
Ⅲ. Play Shot
Posted by Refusal