Last month I posted about Kirikiroid2, the KiriKiri2 emulator for Android devices:
Crysis99 from Fuwanovel shed some light on how to make it run properly. Credits to him:
Finally, we have a somewhat decent KiriKiri 2 engine for Android. I was browsing through Sakamoto's website, and came across one of his posts about it. I won't be talking much about it, but instead on how you can play the free version. The site has two different sites link for downloading, the Google play site and the Baidu site. At first, I didn't know, but there are two different versions, but after reading in the forums (It's mostly in Chinese), I found out why the baidu download didn't work. The two versions, the paid one in the Play Store, and the Ad-driven Chinese version. Chances are, (unless your phone is in Chinese), the app will crash if you try to launch the free version. That's because the developers intended it for the Play-Store-less China users. If you haven't guessed already, all you have to do to bypass this is simply change your language to 中文(简体) [Simplified Chinese], and perhaps also your region to China time (GMT+8:00, 中国标准时间).
So there you have it. I’ll be updating the previous post to reflect the changes; but in the meantime, enjoy running high-quality visual novels on your Android device.