Just getting up to speed with GamerGate?
KotakuInAction is the place to discuss the gaming community, gaming journalism, and issues in the gaming industry. If you're more into general vidya discussion, check out /r/neogaming. For the full KiA experience, visit the KiA Hub multireddit.
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We believe that the current standard of ethics in the gaming industry is unhealthy to itself, and to gamers. We have taken notice to various conflicts of interest, and wish to address these in hopes that the gaming industry can change, in order to retain the trust of its concerned consumers.
We believe gaming is an inclusive place, and wish to welcome all who want to take part in an amazing hobby. We welcome artistic freedom and equal opportunities for creators and creations. We condemn censorship, exclusion, harassment, and abuse.
This is a community for discussion of these issues, and for organizing campaigns for reform, so that the industry can be held accountable for its actions and gamers can enjoy their medium without being unjustly attacked or slandered.
- Don't be a dickwolf.
- Posting personal information on anybody ("doxing") is not allowed.
- Do not post in bad faith.
- Direct links to other posts on Reddit, including NP (No Participation) links, are not allowed.
- Brigading, aggressive dogpiling, inciting witch hunts, or any call-to-arms posts against other users or subreddits is strictly prohibited.
- Archive links where possible.
- Seek verification for posts with major claims.
- No reposts.
- No memes as OP.
- Link shorteners will be approved only by moderator discretion.
- Reddit politics unrelated to gaming and/or GamerGate doesn't go here.
- Tag your posts appropriately (ex. [Drama], with the brackets) so they may be given the proper flair.
If you have any questions or concerns, please message the moderators before private messaging an individual moderator.
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[–]Quor18 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)