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all 9 comments
[–]covetlovers -12 points-13 points-14 points  (3 children)
Ugh that post is disgusting. Seriously why is 'jailbait' such a turn on? Isn't it hard enough for them to get a girl in the first place? Believe it or not these shitlords aren't the hot stuff they would like you to think. For those who would like to read a little story about meeting one of these jerks in real life, here we go:
I used to wonder what someone who embodied the 'white cis male' reddit stereotype looked like. It blew my mind when I met one in my all male multimedia class. During class he would constantly scan though images of girls on reddit, girls who mainly appeared underage or somewhat close to it. He would constantly rate them out of 10 to other guys in class, stating which ones he would bang and which were unfuckable. If he noticed a woman in her mid twenties that he deemed fuckable, he would state that while she was hot now, she was a depreciating asset. An asset that wasn't worth it in the long run.
I do not personally rate people on a superficial and degrading scale out of 10, however in this special circumstance I'll make an exception. He was honestly around a 2/10 if that. Worst teeth I've ever seen, stumpy, overweight with awful hygiene and severely balding at only 25. To top it all off, he was the most misogynistic asshole I've ever met. This guy treated my differently to the guys in class because I'm a female. It was so strange, it was as if he hadn't interacted with a young woman before. He once greeted me in class saying, "How's my little slut today?" God, it makes me cringe. It was a few years ago and I didn't know how to react to something like that. Nowadays I'd put him in his place but back then I merely shrugged it off. Wish I was making this shit up.
My point from this rambling is, I've met one of these assholes in real life. These rare, unfortunate beings. They no longer enrage me. I pity them as they probably will spend most of their lives locked inside their puny minds, with their pathetic imaginary sex lives.
Apologies if my grammar isn't so great, experienced a concussion the other week. Fainted and hit my head, oops! My head still isn't feeling quite right. * Apologies AGAIN for going on a tangent. I discovered SRS a few days ago and it's like an internet wonderland for people who are sick of all the bullshit people say on the internet. Thank you
[–]tamallamaluv -5 points-6 points-7 points  (1 child)
"How's my little slut today?"
WTF. Fuck that shit. It's awful that you had to endure that guy for at least a semester...
[–]covetlovers -4 points-5 points-6 points  (0 children)
It was awful, it was incredibly embarrassing. The guys in my class thought I liked it because I was too shy back then to say anything about it. When he said it, it was disguised as being friendly but it was just so fucked up. I'm friendly towards everyone, however sometimes men interpret it as flirting. I think that's why he thought he could treat me like a sex object in class. Ugh, cringe.
It was three years ago now, if were to happen today it would result in a brutal verbal beatdown. Knowing him, he'd probably end up in tears.
[–]luladinsjw thought police -1 point-2 points-3 points  (0 children)
"I'm a nice guy!!!!"TM
[–]SpiralSoulsocial justice paladin -19 points-20 points-21 points  (2 children)
Jesus christ the link to that "just 18" porn sub is the creepiest thing. It's the very exact youngest a girl can be for it to be legal, meaning anyone searching that out is only doing it because they can't get anything younger and would totally be jerking it to 14 year olds if it wouldn't get them thrown in prison where they belong.
[–]speed0spankSocial Justice Mage -11 points-12 points-13 points  (1 child)
Cue the "I only search for teen porn so it's not old ladies!!" song and dance...because average porn sites are chock full of old ladies am I rite??
[–]TSA1984[S] -7 points-8 points-9 points  (0 children)
God. Don't tell me that's a thing...
[–]SRScreenshot ~Automated Poopologist v0.1~wow -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
On a picture Scarlett Johansson as an eight-year old "Her age + 10 = 18? = legal" [+46]. Followed by links to porn subs.

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
At 2015-05-04 02:06:45 UTC, Maxxxz1994 wrote [+44 points: +44, -0]:
Her age + 10 = 18? = legal
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[–]Thrashlockgoat-footed balloon man -2 points-3 points-4 points  (0 children)
...where the fuck did they even get the 10 from? And reddit will never get over the loss of jailbait and creepshots.
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