5 Ways to Fight the Patriarchy Without Coming on Too Strong

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You’ve come a long way, baby, but there is still work to do. We all want to rock our own inner Gloria Steinem—but how do we do it without coming on too strong, or looking weird? Here are some tips to fight the patriarchy in a way that isn’t, you know, too crazy or anything. Demand your rights in a totally fun and approachable way!


Don’t be afraid to shine at work—but do it quietly!

Yes, sometimes we feel like we’re dancing backward in office-appropriate high heels, but the patriarchy isn’t going anywhere until women show, in the words of chief feminist priestess Beyoncé, that it is girls “who run the world.” Just make sure you don’t rub all that competence in your coworker’s faces, because they’ll feel threatened and find you less likeable. Yikes!


Topple the patriarchy – not your self-esteem.

Lots of women feel like we’re not good enough, and obsessing over the patriarchy too much can act as a constant reminder. Sometimes, you just need to take a weekend off from fighting the patriarchy to feel good about yourself. Plus, for guys it’s a real turn-off.


Defy unrealistic beauty standards with Youtube makeup tutorials.

Trying to live up to media images of attractive bodies, makeup, hair, and fashion steals countless hours from women’s lives. Fight the power by trying one of those messy, undone, “I woke up like this” looks that are so hot right now and share your just-okay-looking face with the world!



Have menstrual pride! Just keep it among us girls.

Women’s bodily experiences have been marginalized through discourses of purity and shame. Use social media to let the world know that you’re not afraid to talk about your body, cramps and all! Just make sure to manage your privacy settings so your coworkers, relatives, and hot guy friends never, ever see those posts.


Fight phallic logic.

Feminist theorists like Catherine McKinnon and Hélène Cixous teach us that the phallus dominates our laws, and even our speech. Fight back by calling out sexist assumptions men make in everyday life. Just be careful not to be too castrating about it. Like Mom always said, a man needs to feel like decentering the primacy of his worldview was his idea.


You are woman, hear you roar! Adorably and quietly, in a way that isn’t too off-putting. Go, girl!


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  • Andrea Muraskin

    When the check comes, make a motion towards your wallet at the end of dinner, but when he dismisses your attempt to pay, just shrug and say “thanks.”

    • Hassan Cheaytilli

      Haha or you could not take alimony? Right?

      Or you could make a protest against male genital mutilation? Right?

      Or you could demand women be included in the Selective Service draft aswell? Right?

      Those are good ways to fight the patriarchy.

      • gudfried

        Andrea would like to apologise to you profusely for trying to get alimony off you.

      • gudfried

        She would also like to apologise for roaming around town tearing off foreskins.

      • gudfried

        And also for pushing, in the highest levels of government, for global warfare.

      • gudfried

        ps. you sound bitter :'(

  • Karene Arundell

    Indicate you’re quite the Mario Kart player. Blush. Say to the nearest male, “Of course, I’m probably not as good as YOU.” Then set up a game and power slide that bitch into first place. Then let him slip in Grand Theft Auto so he can knock over a few prostitutes. Don’t want to completely emasculate him.

  • Frankus

    unfortunately, this is also the picture used for: http://reductress.com/post/the-week-i-had-sex-with-everyone/

  • Anon

    Create your own hugbox blog-site where you and your BFFs complain about how hard it is to be a white, upper-middleclass woman in a Western nation in the 21st Century. Then you can best determine how to save the less fortunate and non-white women from the clutches of white, upper-middleclass men through banal observations.