This is my guide on how to play a trans character (this includes nb people, considering the fact that most of us ID as trans) in roleplays. I’m sick of people making excuses as to why they refuse to play one so, I am making this guide to put a stop to it once and for all. Under the cut you will find the Do’s and Don’t’s of playing a trans character.
Huge No No’s:
Saying male to female or female to male
Trans people who are transitioning/have transitioned were always the gender they identify as, regardless of what they have in their pants. If they have a penis and say they’re female, then guess what? They’re female. You don’t have to have a vagina to be female and you don’t have to have a penis to be male. Simple as that.
You have to be dysphoric to be trans
This is a really harmful way of thinking, first off. Yes, some trans people do not feel comfortable in the bodies they’re born in. Others might feel completely and utterly comfortable in their bodies. You are trans if you identify with a gender different from the one you were assigned with at birth. It does not come with any other requirements. That being said, there are different ways to be dysphoric. You can have top dysphoria, bottom dysphoria, or both.
Never have a male FC as a trans woman character or a female FC as a trans male character
Literally why I even have to say this boggles my mind. Just because a male has a penis and so does a trans woman means nothing? One is a woman and one is a man? They both just have a penis? This is so offensive, please don’t do this. This is why trans women get upset when a male actor is casted as a trans woman. It is better to have a cis woman FC as a trans woman or an actual trans woman FC as a trans woman character. If you know nonbinary FCs with resources, then by all means have them as an FC for your trans character, but even I know how difficult this is. It’s perfectly fine to use a cis FC for your nonbinary character.
Nonbinary people are not trans
I am so sick of people saying this. Nonbinary people are trans. A majority of us identify as trans. But, you can be nonbinary and not identify as trans. This is possible. Most of us do though. This is why it is harmful to use the asterisk (*) behind the word trans. Don’t tag us onto a word that we’re already apart of. You don’t do the same to the people who are on the asexual/aromantic spectrum so, why do it to nb trans people?
Nonbinary genders only came around recently
Ah, yes, so you’re just going to discount the hundreds of cultures with more than two genders? We have existed on almost every continent this world has, and we have existed since before recorded history. Two genders is a highly Westernized concept, just like everything else in our society.
Never ever call a trans person an “it”
Some people have it/its pronouns, so that is completely different. Those are the pronouns they feel comfortable with. However, calling a trans person “it” when it’s not their pronouns, is highly offensive and if you do this, you are transphobic.
Never use a nonbinary FC as a cis character
I don’t even want to get into this one, just don’t. You are erasing the fact that they’re nonbinary. If you have a nonbinary FC, have a nonbinary character, there’s absolutely no excuse.
Things to remember:
Neopronouns are a thing
Neopronouns are untraditional pronouns. People typically only use the pronouns they are familiar with (she/her, her/him, they/them, xe/xyr, etc), but this is me telling you that there are more pronouns out there. Here’s a nice directory of neopronouns you can look at. They are used just like any other pronoun so, there are no excuses to you not using them. I also recommend looking here for a nice list of nonbinary genders. These are not all of the nonbinary genders of course, and you must keep in mind that if you’re interested in a gender such as two spirit, you must have a Native American character, because it is a cultural gender.
You must dress feminine to be a trans woman and use she/her pronouns, etc
This is reinforcing gender stereotypes and the gender binary. A trans woman is still a trans woman if she has a beard and wears traditionally masculine clothes. Nonbinary people don’t have to dress androgynously to be nonbinary and they all don’t have to use they/them pronouns. Trans men don’t have to dress in pants and t-shirts all the time and go by he/him pronouns to be boys. She/her and he/him do not equal male and female and the same goes for clothes. Why do cis men get applauded for wearing dresses and “breaking gender roles” when trans men do the same and get called “pretenders” or “women”? Clothes are clothes and pronouns are pronouns. They literally mean nothing when it comes to your gender.
Trans characters face oppression and adversity
Trans people are killed everyday, especially trans people of color. Please keep this in mind when you play a trans character.
Wrapping things up:
Playing a trans character isn’t that hard. You are simply playing a character who falls outside of “gender norms.” Trans people are human beings. We laugh, we cry, we get angry, we suffer from mental and physical illnesses, we bleed. We are normal and always have been. You literally have no excuse not to have trans characters in your RP. You have no excuse not to play a trans character. You only need to keep the things in this guide in mind, decide a gender or genders your character will be, find an FC that fits the requirements, and play them. That’s it. If you have any more questions or concerns then feel free to ask me. Happy RPing!!
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Fuck all of this. Fuck your gross, transphobic “anyone can be trans!11″ ideology. HERE’S THE REAL WAY TO HOW TO PLAY A...
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