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The Pool is Getting Crowded! ? DeckPosts
Ad Market Is A (Nominal) Zero Sum Game
Notwithstanding the massive market share movement online, the ad market as a whole, at $544 billion in 2014, has not meaningfully expanded due to the availability of online advertising.
Ad budgets by major marketers generally increase each year in line with their expected sales forecasts, which tend to approximate GNP growth. According to Zenith Optimedia, the average annual growth rate for the ad industry for the last 20 years was 4.2%; for the last 10 years, it was 3.9%.
This makes good sense; there is only so much attention that consumers have and if it moves from print to online, marketers¡Ç advertising budgets will follow.
Even within online, there has been disruption with a move to mobile devices from desktop / web access. Facebook¡Çs Q1 2015 numbers show this well: marketers actually decreased their spending year-over-year on ads served to web users of Facebook, while substantially increasing their commitment to advertising delivered on mobile devices.
This means a critical question is how much more penetrated in user time and attention the internet will become versus other draws¡½like broadcast, radio, and print¡½and in what kinds of products. The fact that there are new ways to reach consumers doesn¡Çt really expand the pool of dollars as a whole; it tends to move them from one type of advertising to another.
The key issue now, from my perspective, is that the online advertising market share gains from the advertising pool as a whole, are beginning to slow. While advertising on the internet has grown at a compound growth rate of 27% over the last 10 years, it grew at 17% in 2014, decelerating from 19% in 2013 and it is projected to grow 15% in 2015. I think online will continue to take share from the total market, but at an increasingly slower rate.
In 2014, the 15 largest online advertising revenue players generated almost $100 billion of advertising, amounting to 70% of the market. All together, they grew 24%, outpacing the 17% growth of the market as a whole, implying the largest companies are getting bigger.
Excluding growth claimed by the top 15 global players, the rest of the industry only grew 3%, as noted in italics in the table above! It is possible that this is partly because the most exciting growth areas of online advertising¡½mobile and video¡½are largely going to Facebook and YouTube (Google), but it is an interesting point, nevertheless.
WPP Annual Report and Accounts 2013 - Why we exist
WPP Annual Report and Accounts 2013 - Four strategic priorities
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- 2015-05-04 le journal de ma gravure 3/25 12%