





Thus, the logic of the feminist argument to “Teach men not to rape” is revealed.

Yes because it’s such a radical notion to expect rapists to control themselves.

This analogy is terrible because

  1. When someone reports a robbery and the police come, they don’t find out the home owner’s door was left unlocked and decide a crime didn’t take place or imply that the home owner was literally asking to be robbed.  They still treat it like a crime and search for the guilty part regardless of the actions of the homeowners.
  2. The percentage of the general population that commits home invasion and burglary is FAR lower than the percentage of people who commit rape, and studies show the vast majority of people who commit rape don’t consider it rape. (A coerced or unconscious person is seen as consenting for example).
  3. Educating people on the concept of consent and how to respect bodily autonomy is not some huge overask, it’s like a very basic thing that would take very little time and impact the world in huge ways.

Misandry Mermaid thinks more people are raped then they are robbed

“This analogy is terrible because” it blows your bullshit argument away like the house of cards it is?

“This analogy is terrible because When someone reports a robbery and the police come, they don’t find out the home owner’s door was left unlocked and decide a crime didn’t take place or imply that the home owner was literally asking to be robbed.”

Actually, here are some PSAs from the UK on the matter.

Interesting.  By the logic of you Misandry-Mermaid and so many others, all these images are evidence that we have a “burglary culture” in the UK.   Every PSA is “protect your home from burglars so they can’t steal from you” instead of “teach swipers no swiping!” 

“They still treat it like a crime and search for the guilty part regardless of the actions of the homeowners.”

Well for a start, a single unlocked or open window will invalidate your entire insurance policy if your home is robbed.   In pretty much every household insurance package, forgetting to lock your door or window or leaving a window open: means the robbery was your own fault and tough shit for you. 

“The percentage of the general population that commits home invasion and burglary is FAR lower than the percentage of people who commit rape, and studies show the vast majority of people who commit rape don’t consider it rape. ”

That is a very very very very BOLD statement.  Do you have any cited sources for that?  Any evidence that doesn’t come from the opinion page of another tumblr feminist?  No of course you fucking don’t, do you sweetheart? 

“(A coerced or unconscious person is seen as consenting for example).”

lol wut 

“Educating people on the concept of consent and how to respect bodily autonomy is not some huge overask, it’s like a very basic thing that would take very little time and impact the world in huge ways”

Is that why so many feminists are under the impression that erections equal consent, that men cannot be rape, that men always want sex, again that an erection means the man is enjoying it and he is not being raped even if it’s a woman forcing herself on a man in his sleep. that rape is power plus privilege. that a man can overpower any woman who comes on to him, that Janexo considers a fat (and very sober) woman having sex with an extremely drunk man after he’s had a massive PTSD episode… a blow for fat women’s rights and body positivity? 


Woah woah let me get this straight: you constantly say that people trolling you, being stared at rudely on the train, being criticised on the internet, revealing outfits in videogames and not being allowed to wear revealing outfits to school are all evidences of Rape Culture

But you dismiss burglary as nothing more then “having things stolen” like it’s just someone swiping gum?

Let me tell you something, hon.   The result of burglery is not just people losing a lifetime’s worth of their most treasured, valuable and irreplacable values, like what happened to my grandmother.

But the result is that the victims often no longer feel safe in their own homes.   Someone invaded the sanctity of the place where they should feel the most safe. 

And that’s just for those “lucky” enough to be outside when the burglary happened.

What about all the people who were savagely beaten, raped and even murdered by people who were robbing them? Hmmm?

“A BLIND teenager left afraid to be home alone after being burgled by a so-called friend said of his ordeal: ‘It’s ruined me for life.’

Brandon Coleman had to move out of his flat as he no longer feels safe there and has lost his trust in people.

The 19-year-old’s nightmare was sparked by Reece Dunne who befriended Brandon then burgled his flat while he was out.

Brandon said of Dunne, 21, who has been jailed for 20 months: ‘I considered him as my friend.’”

No seriously, you “trigger warning” things that merely make your simpering yes-girls offended or annoyed, but then you dismiss what can easily be a deeply, deeply, deeply traumatic event simply because it isn’t a sexual trauma?  Honey, fucking please, if someone nicked your macbook you know you’d be whoring out for as many sympathy and asspats from your friends as fucking possible.

Shut the hell up.

Get fucking rekt

I love it when feminists say “you won’t ask a burglary victim if they were asking for it”

1) One of the first things police ask is if any entryways were open

2) Another thing they ask is if they bought anything expensive recently. As in, thieves saw them carry it in…

So yes, this question of “was it inviting to thieves” is asked.

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    uhhh, yeah. if you ask me, i’m pretty sure most people get stolen from more often than they get raped....
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