This is the place to unload that baggage that's been weighing you down for days, weeks, months, or years. This is to relieve the pit in your stomach that won't go away, not for the angry rant you could spew at anyone. When you need to make a post for yourself, not necessarily for advice, or to answer questions, but to get it off your chest, we'll be here to listen and, if you want, to talk.
The Rules
Do not insult, antagonize, interrogate or criticize the OP. Be respectful. Do not give advice if the NAW (No Advice Wanted) flair/tag is active on a post. Unsolicited advice will be removed from these posts.
- Unsolicited advice will be removed if the OP adds the NAW flair. If you want the NAW flair, submit your post as usual, then click the 'flair' link under the post body. A drop down menu will appear, choose NAW and you're done! Or message the mods and we'll do it for you.
This is a safe space for people of any and all backgrounds. Oppressive attitudes and language will not be tolerated. Any content that is deemed sexist, racist, transphobic, homophobic, classist, ableist, or intolerant of certain religions will be removed and the user banned. In addition, slut-shaming, victim-blaming, body-policing are not allowed.
Angry rants are not allowed. Your post must concern something that has been bothering you for a while, not the rant for the guy that parked in your spot once.
Meta posts and witch hunts are frowned upon. If a certain user or subreddit has been bothering you, we encourage you to take it up with them. If you do make a post about them here, do not mention or link the user/subreddit directly. If you do, we will assume you are trying to start a brigade and you will be banned.
If you wish to discuss or have a complaint with our moderation or rules, or you've been warned for a rule violation, message us. Attempts to address these things in the comment section will be removed. Message us for permission prior to making a meta post or it will be removed. Click here to message the mods.
See also:
Be respectful. This is a place for those that need support.