sage-kun, real name Matt Coy, 26 years old, is a tumblr user in the California, Long Beach area (near LA), who is working towards a job in educating middle school students, and he is a rapist. Several years ago, he raped his straight friend while they were sharing a bed (during a trip) as said best friend was sleeping, by performing oral sex on him. He has talked about this incident to me privately as well as publicly on his blog. The state of California clearly defines the actions he performed as rape. This is a screencap of him admitting to being a rapist on his blog:
This is a screenshot of a post he made a while ago after it came out that a popular tumblr user, Josh Macedo, was sending unwanted sexual messages to women, particularly underage women, where sage-kun talks about a “horrible, very bad, no good” thing he did that hurt someone (rape, but he refuses to call it that out loud).
Please do not be friends with this rapist. I know a lot of you like and are friends with this person, but you absolutely must not simply ignore this massive, glaring, horrifying thing he has done. He is emotionally manipulative and has tried to silence me into keeping quiet, as well as calling attempts to call attention to what he has done as “slander” and “petty warfare”, and convince me that he has a right to keep this quiet. I am writing this post because I think everyone who associates with sage-kun deserves to know that he is a rapist. I dare him to reblog this post. I dare him to acknowledge 100% publicly to everyone that associates with him that he is a rapist, not just “a person who did a very bad no good thing”.
sage-kun can be found on the following websites (he may try to relocate or change urls, I will keep the original post updated with the most up-to-date info available to me):
tumblr: sage-kun
twitter: sage_kun
facebook: Matt Coy
okcupid: DriftingTerra
Please reblog this post everyone, I’m begging you.
so what, is social-justice-wario too boring for you now, aliento? lmao
Here’s my reblog that you think I’m so scared of doing. I’m not running from what I did. I’ve talked about it at least twice on my blog and with multiple friends in private, so this is nothing new for my older followers.
This incident occurred in summer of 2006 at Anime Expo. My friend and I were sharing a bed and I sexually assaulted him, both molesting him and performing unwanted fellatio on him. I’m not going to skirt around my actions, as I have not done in the past. I’ve been fairly open about this, posting about it twice publicly (including the post you screencapped as well as another time on my previous blog that I remade from in 2012).
My friend and I have discussed this incident at length, both right after the incident and even years later to this day. As far as I and mutual friends of ours know, he’s forgiveness. Hell, he even jokes about it every so often.
Does his forgiveness lessen the shittiness of my actions? Hell no. What I did to him was wrong and gross in every way possible and I feel that I do not deserve forgiveness in any sense of the word. He still has every right to stop talking to me and drag my name through the mud as he pleases because of what I did. My friends that know of this incident, whether they’re just learning now or have known of it for a while, have a right to leave me if they feel uncomfortable without saying a word (which is why I never question unfollows or unfriending).
The issue I’m taking with this though? This incident has zero to do with you. Nothing. You’re taking someone else’s victimhood status that he doesn’t even align himself with and using it for your own gain. In fact, your use of this incident is actually upsetting my friend greatly and triggering his PTSD he obtained from army service.
That’s the reason I don’t call what I did rape: he doesn’t want to call it rape. As a victim of the incident, he has every right to call it what he wants, and he has not and does not want it to be called that. So way to speak over actual victims.
Hell, by your definition, you raped me. That one time you tried to stick your dick in my ass while you thought I was asleep soon after we had consensual sex? You know, the time you gave me HPV on my anus because of your actions since you didn’t use a condom? But I don’t call it rape because I don’t consider it rape, so I never called you out publicly (I have discussed it with a few close friends) as a rapist because I don’t consider you one. You’re a sexual assaulter at worst, especially given how you recreated the incident of what I did to him (performing the sleep checks, slow actions as to not wake the person, etc.), manipulating me into silence as you did what you did so that you could get away with it.
This call-out is one of the most disingenuous things I’ve ever seen, William. People full-on know of how much we hate each other and you’re only using this as a guilt-trip to manipulate other people, considering your sheer number of posts you made telling your followers to reblog it. A lot of our mutual friends already knew what happened because of my public posts and private conversations with them. Like I said before, if anyone is uncomfortable by being friends with me knowing this information, they have every right to walk away with no words, or even negative words, said. However, what you’re doing isn’t that. It’s exploiting call-out culture to further your own name and drag mine in the mud and to not give voices to victims. You’re speaking over the victim with what you’re doing here considering you have zero contact with him.
You have absolutely no right to use someone else’s pain simply to further your own gain by speaking over them.
And with that, I’m done. I’m not running from it, I’m staying right here, and like I said before, I’m completely discuss this further (or not) with anyone who feels uncomfortable. You can continue checking my blog even though I’ve stopped checking yours (like you really got that I want to teach middle school after complaining about middle school? check yourself). You can continue making shit up about me both on teachytv, aliento, any private or public blog (lmao “petty revenge” is that what you consider a call-out post over you speaking over people of color?). I would never run away from my actions and I’m not quite sure why you think I would, Mr. Changes-his-url-every-few-weeks-for-literally-no-reason (though it hasn’t changed since like April I think?). I literally don’t care anymore. My life may not be even close to perfect, but I’m not going to let your boredom from being intentionally unemployed for nearly 3 years and riding off of the kindness of your friends and donations from a popular blog bring me down.