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  1. If you believe in a right to be free of criticism, you don't believe in free speech. You just believe in your speech. 
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  2. What @voxday meant became clear later in the interview, @Popehat. He was referring to Democrats' modern KKK tactics to isolate enemies.
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  3. The KKK would destroy businesses who dealt with blacks. Democrats destroy businesses who deal with #GamerGate & others. @voxday @Popehat
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  4. .@NXorableWandrer @voxday Like, say, en masse boycotting advertisers who work with wrongthink publications?
    2 retweets 13 favorites
    Vox Day @voxday · 17m17 minutes ago
    @Popehat @NXorableWandrer I answered several of your questions. My turn to ask a few. Do you admit that you have no integrity?
    1 retweet 0 favorites
    8:54 AM - 26 Apr 2015
    1. .@voxday well, I try to achieve what I see as integrity. Not sure if your definition involves mass forced relocations or something.
      1 retweet 4 favorites
    2. @Popehat That's an evasion. It is a yes or no question. Do you admit that you have no integrity?
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    3. @voxday @Popehat What kind of a question is that?
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    4. .@voxday I strive to have integrity. Like most, sometimes I fall short. Why?
      0 retweets 2 favorites
    5. @Popehat is uberintegrious. @voxday
      Translated from Portuguese by Bing
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    6. @Popehat You are still evading. Do you admit that you have no integrity? Yes or no? You still owe me several answers. I didn't evade yours.
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    7. @NickSorbello @Popehat A relevant one. He has made claims I assert to be false.
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    8. .@voxday Your response shows what an unserious person you are. You're like the Usenet made flesh.
      3 retweets 17 favorites
    9. @Popehat It's a very simple question. Do you admit that you have no integrity? And yet, you keep evading it. Three times now. So, yes or no?
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    10. @voxday @Popehat Ok, but that doesnt mean anything. It certainly doesnt mean he has no integrity. You may be the wrong one here.
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    11. @voxday Ask a better and even more subjective question of @Popehat as a yes or no, like if he finally admits that he is concentrated evil
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    12. @Popehat You made certain claims about me. I denied them. I have made certain claims about you. Now we're seeing if they are true.
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    13. .@voxday If I cooperate with your WoW-forum-moderator-level logic trap, will this go quicker? Fine. No.
      2 retweets 3 favorites
    14. @Popehat @voxday maybe he's using "integrity" to mean "white racial purity"
      0 retweets 0 favorites
    15. @Popehat HEY! We do NOT insult Usenet like that around here... @voxday
      0 retweets 0 favorites

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