Just a thought about all those “Why does it take a white person talking about racism/man talking about feminism for y’all to listen when POC/women have been saying this for years? Why are you praising this person for saying something that should be common knowledge” posts you see so much of:
You do understand that it is a far larger step forward for a person in the majority to recognize and address the faults of the majority than for a minority to recognize and address the faults of the majority, right? It’s easy for someone to criticize a group they are not a part of. Self-reflection, including finding and acknowledging both your own faults and the faults of your peers, is more powerful than pointing out faults in others.
Yes, it should be common knowledge. It should not be a big deal that a man says he’s a feminist, or a white person fights against racism and white privilege. But we don’t live in that world yet. Some people are trying to get us there, though. Don’t hold them back.