Knowing how to deal with Internet trolls is tricky, because the separating line between offensive expression and harassment very fine, and usually depends on your vantage point. But one subspecies, the misogynist troll, has been causing an awful lot of trouble lately. Online abuse seems to accompany every woman that pops her head over the parapet: Mary Beard, Caroline Criado-Perez, Zelda Williams and so on. It’s not just the big fish, either. The non-celebs women cop it too, but we don’t hear about it. Despite near universal condemnation of this behaviour, it just seems to be getting worse.
Today, a strange and mysterious advocacy group based in Berlin called the "Peng! Collective" have launched a new way of tackling the misogynistic Twitter trolls. They’re calling it "Zero Trollerance."
Here’s what they are doing. If a Twitter user posts any one of around one hundred preselected terms or words that are misogynistic, a bot – an automated account – spots it, and records that user’s Twitter handle in a database. (These terms, in case you’re wondering, include, but are not limited to, the following gems: #feministsareugly #dontdatesjws "die stupid bitch", "feminazi" and "stupid whore".)
This is the clever bit. This is a lurking, listening bot. It’s patrolling Twitter silently as we speak and taking details of the misogynists. But then there is another fleet of a hundred or so bots – I’ll call them the attack bots – that, soon after the offending post has been identified, will start auto-tweeting messages @ the offender (more on what they tweet below).
This separation of powers is a clever ruse, designed by a female programmer, who’s asked me to call her "Jenny Mainframe". Twitter doesn’t allow spam bots, and so anything that looks like one, and these attack bots do, will get shut down. So the fleet tweets in blasts – blitzing thousands of trolls with a message, before then disappearing, only to be replaced with brand new wave of attack bots who will spam and vanish. They have names like @trollcoachsock and @trollcoachcliff.
This means Twitter’s anti-spam filters won’t be able to shield our misogynist from receiving, over the course of six days, six patronising and funny "self-help" steps, which are designed to help him (or her, of course) eliminate the inner troll: Zero Denial, Zero Internet, Zero Anger, Zero Fear, Zero Hate, and finally Zero Troll. Our bewildered online misogynist will receive a series of handy videos, practical pointers, and some motivational tips on how to be a better person. Here’s one of the videos (warning: contains strong language).
The website explains the objective:
"Zero Trollerance is a self-help journey designed by guru Adler King in consultation with reformed trolls. Adler's team of Troll Coaches are constantly analysing Twitter and enrolling new trolls in the program where they are led through an intensive process of self excavation and given practical tools to overcome their inner hurdles. For trolls, this is the first step towards a new life."
By stage six, the troll should be purged, the demons expunged. For that final step, the advice is:
"Letting go of an identity is never easy. This final steps brings the troll to a point of no return. Even if he relapses at a later point in time, which is highly likely, he cannot undo the process he has been through. He will forever be a troll but whether he continues to indulge in sexist behaviour is completely in his own hands. His task now is to move forward, continue to challenge himself and take others with him as he goes."
There is even testimony from "reformed trolls" who document how they, too, have been through the programme and come out a better person. One Twitter user, @lolshirtguy, explains his experience:
"Day one: shock. Day two: feeling lost and alone. So angry! Day six: reborn, and full of love. Thank you, Zero Trollerance!"
I’m going to assume that you have noticed that the point is not that these misogynists will be following the six steps. Rather, that this is meant to annoy them. The point, of course, is that they will get a dose of their own medicine: being patronised, sneered at and made to feel foolish. This, in the parlance of troll culture, is known as "trolls trolling trolls". It’s considered to be one of the best antidotes to online nastiness. Don’t take offence or get upset by these trolls, since that’s what they’re trying to do. But don’t just stay silent either. Troll them back!
The Peng Collective, who I’ve been following for a couple of years now, are sort of French Situationists for the digital age. They are a small group of about six campaigners, and have a looser network of supporters who will join up to work on a specific issues they care about. Their modus operandi is to create or produce strange and humorous media "moments" – like Zero Trollerance – to raise awareness about something important and serious. They often do that by creating a spectacle by subverting or disrupting media culture, such as turning a schmoozy corporate media campaign against itself through ironic inversion. Last year, in their most well-known campaign, they launched a website called "Google-Nest" which parodied what they consider Google’s lax privacy policy. The site presented new Google products including, "Google Bee" (personal drones) and "Google Hug" (location-based crowdsourced hug matching). The group, masquerading as Google, presented these new produces at a large tech conference, which they called “your data, our future”. Thousands were taken in, and Google even threatened legal action.
I spoke with the person at the Peng! Collective who’s behind all of this. Her name – although I’m fairly sure it’s not her real one – is Ada Stolz. She’s been working on this since January, and told me she was motivated because she was repeatedly told by women and transgender activists and journalists that every time they get online to try to change something, they get targeted by trolls, and it’s stopping them from coming forward. "It inspired me to do something that was more edgy and playful than 'don’t say mean things to us'. For every troll that rethinks his behaviour after reading a news article about how someone suffered because of online abuse, there are probably a dozen who get excited by their power. So how do we turn it around on them?"
To me, this looks like a pretty neat plot, but it’s certainly not foolproof. Isn’t it possible that the bots target the wrong people? The project seems to assume that the"people who use this sort of language are all angry and bitter men: but in a recent study of misogynistic terms being used on Twitter I conducted for the think tank Demos, an awful lot were coming from women. Then of course, a lot people use these terms in non-derogatory way. Bots aren’t very good at nuance.
"Yes, only at about 80 per cent of those who are using our search terms are doing it in a hateful way." estimates Ada. They are using over one hundred search terms – mostly English but some other languages too – and reckon they’ll find 3,000 users every day. That means there will be 600 poor sods who will receive troll self-help training when they shouldn’t. "We apologise in advance to all the people who are mistakenly identified as trolls," explains Ada, "but we encourage them to watch the videos, laugh and share them anyway."
But the main question, really, is whether this will work. I wonder if it might simply infuriate these trolls, making them even more angry with the world, thereby inadvertently making matters worse. "I guess they’re going to get angry," says Ada. "But they aren’t the only ones who can have fun. By mocking them, I also hope it will prove empowering to people who are on the receiving end of their abuse."
I’m undecided. But I tell Ada I’ll be watching her spam bots with great interest to see how it all unfolds – at least until Twitter gets wind of them and tries to shut them down. "They aren’t spam bots," Ada corrects me. "They are good bots."