The Other McCain

"One should either write ruthlessly what one believes to be the truth, or else shut up." — Arthur Koestler

Emma Sulkowicz Is a Vindictive, Dishonest and Crazy Slut — Allegedly

Posted on | April 24, 2015 | 146 Comments

That word “allegedly” is important to add because all I’m doing is giving a thumbnail summary of what Paul Nungesser alleges in his federal lawsuit against Columbia University, its president Lee Bollinger and Professor Jon Kessler. They say that revenge is a dish best served cold, and Nungesser has served up a buffet of revenge on Emma “Mattress Girl” Sulkowicz. She tried and failed to get Nungesser expelled from Columbia with what was, according to his lawsuit, a false rape accusation. When that failed, allegedly, Sulkowicz convinced two other Columbia students to accuse Nungesser of sexual misconduct and both of those accusations also failed. That’s when, with the approval Professor Kessler, Sulkowicz began her “performance art” project, carrying a mattress around the Columbia campus to publicize her accusations against Nungesser, despite the fact that he had been completely cleared of wrongdoing.

Now, if we ponder every possible avenue by which Paul Nungesser could (a) vindicate his reputation, (b) possibly collect a large cash settlement, and (c) deliver a brutal payback to Sulkowicz for her effort to destroy him, I doubt he could have done better than what he has done: Instead of suing Sulkowicz, he sues Columbia. Why?

  1. Columbia’s endowment is reported at $9.2 billion — that’s billion with a “b” — which means they may (and probably should) decide that quietly paying Nungesser a couple of million bucks is a small price to pay for ridding themselves of this bad publicity.
  2. Suing Columbia calls attention to how the university violated its own policy by permitting Sulkowicz to breach the confidentially requirements of the university’s sexual misconduct hearing process and, indeed, by endorsing this breach through Professor Kessler’s role in Sulkowicz’s “performance art” project.
  3. Most of all, by not naming Sulkowicz as a defendant, this means that Sulkowicz does not have cause to respond to the allegations he makes against her in the Columbia lawsuit, and guess what? You can’t be sued for defamation because of allegations made in a lawsuit.

In other words, if Nungesser had said some of these things during an interview with a reporter — e.g., that Sulkowicz contracted chlamydia after she had sex with two guys at a party — maybe she could have sued him for defamation. And if he had named her as a defendant, they could have fought it out in court. As it is, all this negative stuff about her is now a matter of public record: “Nungesser said X, Y and Z,” and there isn’t a damned thing she can do to prevent anyone from quoting it.

There is plenty of legitimate basis for Nungesser suing Columbia, but it’s the irreparable damage his suit will do to Sulkowicz (and her clearly dubious claim that he raped her) which is the real news here. Of course, Sulkowicz doesn’t get it, providing this clueless quote to the Columbia student newspaper:

“It’s ridiculous that he would read it as a ‘bullying strategy,’ especially given his continued public attempts to smear my reputation, when really it’s just an artistic expression of the personal trauma I’ve experienced at Columbia. If artists are not allowed to make art that reflect on our experiences, then how are we to heal?”

Sweetheart, you are done. Finished. Over. Maybe you don’t realize it yet, but you will never recover from this, not ever.

Be sure to read paragraphs 16, 18 and 26especially 26 — and don’t miss the footnote at the bottom of page 7.

“Punch back twice as hard,” indeed.



  • Daniel Freeman

    Speaking of vindictive, dishonest and crazy, a bakery here in Oregon that was shut down by the Gaystapo in July has been additionally fined $135,000, and a competitor (allegedly) helped shut down their GoFundMe to boot. However, there is still a Samaritan’s Purse campaign.

  • Matthew T. Mason

    There’s no allegedly about it. Lisa Watson is very open and proud of herself.

  • Guest

    She is not even pretty. Notice how all these ‘false rape’ accusations are from women who are far below the threshold where that is even realistic (and how the true hotties don’t seem worried about some supposed ‘culture of rape’, despite being the ones supposedly at greater risk).

    Plain and unattractive women don’t get attention, and so they they use this as a tool to get the attention they crave. Period.

  • Daniel Freeman

    Yeah, I have to admit that I originally said something along the lines of “you can never know too many words,” but removed it before posting because it isn’t true. I’m generally in favor of knowing more rather than less, but there is one word that I regret discovering.

    I won’t say it, because in the past (on another board) someone took it as a challenge and looked it up, and ended up sharing my regret.

  • Phil_McG

    They’re college kids. Too young to spot crazy.

    Men usually have to get burned by one before they learn to spot the signs. That guy Jackie invented Haven Monahan to impress dodged a bullet. She could easily have accused him instead of the fraternity.

  • Phil_McG

    I thought Boogie Nights showed the people im the porn industry in a poor light. It didn’t glamourise the porn industry.

  • TJ

    He’s essentially trying her in the court of public opinion just like she did to him, only he will likely get a large payoff from the university as a result.

  • GED 300+ Club

    “98. Columbia initially told the Activists it would cost $1,500 to clean up the protest,
    but then only billed them $471 because it decided to sponsor the balance. Columbia thus spent
    over $1,000 (one thousand dollars) effectively sponsoring a defamation and harassment movement against Paul. President Bollinger, continuing to show moral cowardice, issued no
    statement to the effect that the University and the District Attorney had cleared Paul of any


  • Danielle Patton


  • gothamette

    Both her parents are psychiatrists.

  • Ayatollah Obama

    She is a pioneer of sluttiness. Initiating anal outside the context of a relationship is slutty even by 2015 standards.

  • Art Deco

    She’s handsome enough. That picture really does not capture her.

    Her problem is her character. She lied out of spite and then it was in for a dime, in for a dollar. Her stupid mother and father have thrown rubbing alcohol on the open flame, as has that art professor.

  • Art Deco

    You’d figure Kirsten Gillibrand would be able to pick out a con when she saw it. Then again, maybe she’s in on it.

  • Daniel Freeman

    The poor girl. Not to impugn an entire profession — there are some good ones — but I can’t ignore the pollution of the pipeline by the wierdos that major in psychology to try to figure themselves out.

  • Fail Burton

    Given the court documents there’s a certain vicious satire to an alleged whore carrying around her own mattress. It could start a new trend in prostitutes running around in motorized beds with a red flag they turn down like a taxi to start the meter running. All this alleged whore needs now is a man and a camera and then she can sell rape porno to feminist conventions. She could reenact her own rape or make a video about “This is How Not to Get Raped,” or she could become the spokesmoron for a mattress company.

  • K-Bob

    I guess some are too young. I remember spotting some crazy in those days. A couple of times I had to sort of run away from it, and that was an “arm’s distance” situation already.

    OTOH, we send kids to college without any education or life experience. I was unusual in that I’d already had a few different jobs before college and was paying my own way through school. That helps keep things real.

  • Fail Burton

    You need glasses. She’s a totally hot chick.

  • Fail Burton

    “Oh, look! It’s a commercial for the #JustListen Mattress Company.”

  • Fail Burton

    Man Rapes College. College confirms #JustListen, awards man 5 million dollars.

  • K-Bob

    As I wrote the other day, let’s all just assume it’s her Maxi Pad and ignore it as a personal problem.

  • Daniel Freeman

    If anyone asked me (which they don’t), I would advocate taking a year before college to do entrance screening at a county courthouse. They would learn a lot about people and the world, focus their interests, and be motivated to not have to do that forever.

  • Guest

    Who in their right mind would hire this evil sociopath? – she is a false allegation just waiting to happen.

    I wouldn’t trust her to mow my lawn without crying rape.

  • Guest

    So she does ass to mouth and caught an STD after a drunken gangbang apparently – classy broad.

  • le Père Mersenne

    The autocorrect function is part of your browser. So blame Google, Micro$oft, Firefox, or whoever.

  • gothamette

    I’ll go ahead and impugn an entire profession. Psychiatry attracts a lot of strange characters. It’s not cardiology, or a branch of medicine with clear, scientific parameters. It’s highly political and psychiatrists cannot agree on definitions.
    Google Kerry Sulcowitz, her father. He runs a head-case business of some sort. Apple, tree.

  • gothamette

    She has a cute figure and does not lack for male attention. Her problem isn’t her looks, it’s that she is an attention-whore. Perhaps she didn’t get enough attention from Daddy?

    Another thing, which in a more stable person wouldn’t matter, is the disconnect between her name and her looks. A Jewish name and an Asian face? I think this sets up issues from the get-go.
    She has a younger sister, Olivia, who looks almost totally Caucasian. Olivia has a lot of Emmas-related stuff on her FB page. Too bad, I hope this doesn’t ruin Olivia’s life.

  • Steve Skubinna

    Psychology is a legitimate science. Psychiatry, for the most part, is modern day shamanism. Illnesses and diagnoses are not determined through empirical study, but by the profession having a conference and discussing them.

    Case in point: however did they cure all the homosexuals? That used to be diagnosed as a mental illness, and suddenly it wasn’t. You’d think psychiatrists would be trumpeting this astonishing feat of curing all the gays, except that they did nothing of the kind, just rewrote the DSM.

    Or look at the gyrations they went through prior to releasing the DSM-V. Whole categories of neurosis and illness are created and abolished with a wave of a pen.

  • Steve Skubinna

    Actually, I think the mot juste is “classy dame.”

    I read a lot of Raymond Chandler and Ring Lardner.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Two jews beating the sh!t out of each other
    on the jew created playing field of feminism
    and in the jew controlled courts…….
    Does it get any better than this?
    More Popcorn!!

  • Teofilo Cruz

    She will simply resort to the
    old jew [and dindu] ploy
    of changing her name;
    And what is Tawana Brawley
    calling herself these days?

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Now I might actually pity her.
    She was probably uses as
    an in-house experiment
    as a small child.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Less chance of pregnancy with anal
    but, then,
    maybe that’s how she
    was conceived.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Except for entertainment
    when there is nothing on TV

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Maybe she just likes the taste.
    The Scots eat haggis.
    The Apache favor mule.
    It’s probably a jewish thing.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Speaking from experience:
    Not really.
    But they are certainly
    much less pretentious.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Put a [tasteful] lock on the knife drawer,
    and have lots of mirrors in the house.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    There are no ‘good’ lawyers.
    Effective ones, yes
    but none ‘good’.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    She will probably become a notable artiste,
    with a loft in New York’s Soho district
    and a liberal martyr
    like Tawana Brawley.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    among the jew
    there are no standards;
    never have been.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Narcississm and sociopathy

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Same parents…….
    It’s already ruined.

  • Teofilo Cruz

    Or get a job in Corrections.

  • K-Bob

    That’s a good place. Also working at the Secretary of State office, or for a county judge. You don’t just see the slice of life you’re used to, you see a completely random slice of humanity, and it’s a real eye-opener.

  • Art Deco

    The name looks more Polish than Jewish, though I think in the case of her family, it’s the latter. Her father’s given name is ‘Kerry’, which looks rather silly on a grown man (and does not match a Polish or Jewish name). Her habit of dying her hair unnatural colors at intervals is disconcerting, though it does not look bad on her.

    It often fails, but in dealing with your daughters you need to be severe with mendacious and manipulative behaviors, as well as with immodesty and sluttishness. You’d also be advised that the added cost of a private research university is seldom worth it. You’d also be advised to turn a skeptical eye on how your children are fulfilling their distribution requirements. Hint, courses in studio art are commonly courses in rubbish these days. Have a look at what studio art classes produce before you take any such classes. If the philosophy department employs decent people, take philosophy. Take history surveys. Take mathematics and especially statistics. Take art history if it avoids the contemporary scene. Take medieval and renaissance literature.

  • Art Deco

    Go away.

  • Measure For Measure

    Anti Semite.