The cartoon of drowning immigrants (above) is by Ali Dilem, published by Liberte in Algeria. He has recently joined the staff of Charlie Hebdo – but they have not published this particular cartoon. That has not stopped many people on Twitter sharing the image as if they did.
[Edit: to explain: “regroupement familial” is the title of the French immigration policy for non-EU residents in France being joined by other family members from abroad. This requires 18 month initial stay (12 if Algerian) before they can come, income status etc. You can read about the policy in a English google translation here. The cartoon above is saying that the policy is contributing to deaths in the mediterranean by families desperate to be reunited.]
Charlie Hebdo did however have this front cover (below):
“A Titanic each week” is the headline – about 1,500 died following the collision with an iceberg in April 1912. The warning is without action many more will die each week trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea, equivalent to one of the most shocking of maritime disasters.
The National Front’s response to refugees from a war zone seeking safety at huge risk – is to have a deterrent policy (see their “Drama in the Mediterranean: a deterrent to immigration policy“) to prevent fleeing across a treacherous sea in overcrowded unseaworthy vessels. The joke here is the deterrent policy may as well be Celine Dion singing ([“Shut up!”]) for all the good it will do, let alone patrol boats to send them back. The satire is on her and also the National Front policy on immigration. She is singing the title song to the blockbuster film “Titanic”, which ties in with the headline.
Fleeing a war zone like Libya or Syria, we are not dealing with immigrants, but refugees. Maybe it makes it easier for people like Le Pen and Katie Hopkins to imagine them as illegal immigrants or like “cockroaches” or “norivirus.” Maybe cartoons for some are not the best way to point out that families are being united over time in the cemetery that is the ocean floor, or to poke fun at anti-immigration parties with scorn and derision.
Rather than the outrage directed at Charlie Hebdo for a cartoon they did not publish, or misunderstanding the one they did, how much better to use our anger at such deaths at the EU that has not done enough to prevent the humanitarian disaster that has befallen Libya and Syria. Let alone the cutback in rescue operations in the Mediterranean, as a “deterrent” for people facing far worse than a perilous journey on the cruel and deep blue sea. It was predictable the deaths at sea would increase.
Let us talk about the racism which is killing people – our EU government’s response to conflicts in the Middle East and North Africa and the people killing one another in the actual conflicts causing the refugee crisis. Oh wait, someone drew cartoons which offended you. How dreadful – but at the last count the people killed by them were the cartoonists.
Please consider signing this petition to the EU Commission President. But do lobby your government too, which in the UK you can via this petition.
Article written by John Sargeant on Homo economicus’ Weblog
Follow @JPSargeant78
*Conversation I had with a french follower on twitter did not contradict my assertion in French it was Le Pen. Happy to correct if I am wrong. [Edit: Originally post said “The woman in front is Le Pen*, leader of The National Front (FN).” It seems it is Celine Dion and so have removed that line. Also changed singing Le pen to Celine Dion.]
Nice post. Just a note on translation: ‘ta guelle’ means ‘shut your gob’/ ‘shut up’. (Which is the least many of us would like to say to Marine Le Pen.) :)
Cheers have now included in post 👍
Apparently Charlie Hebdo republished it (from liberte)
It’s not in the latest edition (the one with front cover). However, as they do republish his cartoons they well might do. Seen his others in it which make fun of anti-immigration/religion as you would expect of Charlie Hebdo.
I appreciate cartoons can be in bad taste, and beyond the pale for some. It helps though not to misrepresent the meaning and understand the context.
So if they do republish – making my headline out of date – hope explanation helps.
I don t think this is Le Pen, this is more Céline Dion. They do not use to caricature her like this but I can be wrong.
I was taking a punt – Le Pen is usually not that glamorously depicted – but then previous cover editions I saw it wasn’t Luz drawing her. So it could just be a dig at Dion singing tied up with “a Titanic per week.” Hence my * – though the Le Pen bit gives background to National Front policy attitudes.
I am french so I am just trying to help :) some sources say this is Céline but they are very reliable so maybe your guess is good.
Sorry they are NOT very reliable
I agree with you most French people on forums discussing cover saying Celine Dion that I’ve just read – see updated post.
I’m not sure who’s singing is worse ;)
Ok, Luz has the answer…
I heard one singing and that s enough!
Thanks for helping, much appreciated.
Not sure if it’s meant to be Le Pen or Celine Dion – isn’t it just meant to be Kate Winslett? The cartoon figure adopts the same pose as her in the film.
So does Dion in the musical video – and Winslet does not sing so safe to assume Dion. But I cannot say anything as I thought it was Le Pen – having tried to block out that bloody song.
Pingback: Charlie Hebdo didn’t publish that Mediterranean drowning cartoon — and it isn’t racist