What triggers my anger is when that person who happens to be a female says: “I don’t need feminism. I don’t need to be liberated.”

How about you tell that to:

  1. that Moroccan girl who killed herself after being forcibly married to her rapist (x)
  2. that 11-year-old Texan girl who got raped by 18 men while the New York Times said she “dressed older than her age.” (x)
  3. Reyhaneh Jabari, an Iranian woman who was tortured in jail then hanged after killing the man who was going to rape her. (x)
  4. Nojood Al-Ali from Yemen who got divorced when she was 10. (x)
  5. the 16-year-old girl from Ohio who got raped and filmed at a party by 2 boys, while CNN reporters talked about the bright futures of the rapists as athletes. (x)
  6. the 94 women in Jordan who were legally married to their rapists, only in 2014. (x)
  7. the 8-year-old girl who was married to a man 5 times her age, and died on the day of her wedding because she suffered from bleeding and uterine rupture after intercourse. (x
  8. the 25 Palestinian women who were killed by either their brother or father, in order to “protect their honor” only in 2013. (x)
  9. the 99% of Egyptian women and 90% of Yemeni women who have experienced sexual harassment (x) (x

You still don’t need feminism?

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