
Thursday 23 April 2015 | UK News feed

White people and men told 'please don't come' to student protest against inequality

Student leaders accused of racism and sexism after organising equality event at Goldsmiths University in London

goldsmiths university Photo: ALAMY

A student group has been accused of sexism and racism for banning all men and white people from attending an equality event.

Goldsmiths University student union have been slammed after refusing to allow anybody that isn't a non-white female from attending the event - organised to protest against inequality and celebrate racial unity.

The event, which took place on Wednesday, was organised by Welfare and Diversity officer Bahar Mustafa.

On the event page, she wrote: "If you've been invited and you're a man and/or white PLEASE DON'T COME."

Picture of the event page

The event at the University of London college, claimed to be "challenging the white-centric culture of occupations", "diversifying our curriculum" and building a "cross-campus campaign that puts liberation at the heart of the movement".

A senior Student Union society president, speaking on condition of anonymity, slammed the event and organiser Bahar.

Speaking to student newspaper The Tab, they said: "For Bahar to have the nerve to write this is patronising beyond belief.

"She has made it very difficult for white cis males on campus who feel like they can't say anything for fear of retribution.

"The irony that she thinks that they are diversifying the student community in the name of feminism and multiculturalism is laughable."


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