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[–]satansauce666 -32 ポイント-31 ポイント  (15子コメント)

Being a straight guy, with many gay friends and growing up thinking that being gay is completely normal (which I think it is) this makes me laugh.

Simply because there's always those people whom have to mention in every conversational topic that they are gay.

Who gives a shit man? Lol just be you and enjoy yourself. These days the majority of people support the gay communities and I don't think you need to defend your beliefs. I for one, see the fun in this message. Maybe the ones of you who are mad are the people they are targeting?

Just chill, at least they Arn't gay bashing bigots. So have yourself a chuckle, and smile at the fact that you're not a special snowflake, you're just another amazing human being on this planet keeping it real as fuck and people support you.

[–]Glurky_Spurk 11 ポイント12 ポイント  (4子コメント)

edit: nevermind, disregard this post. realized he's a racist troll.