Sidebar last updated on: 3/25/15
No comment is to fall below 1 point. +1, not -1. I ask everyone here to check popular posts often, especially near the bottom. Do not let the wave of new users ruin your buzz, just give them time to learn the rules and cancel out their unintentional damage until then.
You're new? Awesome!
Welcome to WhoWouldWin, I'm Roflmoo, the mod you'll probably be seeing the most around here.
There are a few things you should know if you're gonna be hanging out with us for a while. Please check this sidebar semi-regularly, as the rules are heavily influenced by user input, and they change slightly now and then.
(All Meta posts need mod approval)
Be nice. We're here to have fun.
Downvoting is for nambypamby little wieners who can't argue their own position. If you want a discussion, then discuss. If you want a circlejerk, there's already a sub for that. Don't do it here. We encourage the upvoting of all relevant content, and we have a wide definition of what's acceptable. Relax with the hate. Great content is being buried because it's unpopular, with no comments explaining the opposing side. You have the rest of Reddit for that. Downvoting is not and never will be allowed on this sub.
You're actually allowed to repost. The only stipulation is that we ask you to check to see if your fight has been posted. If it has, then please link to the old fight in the main body of your post so that the discussion can continue rather than stagnate. Beyond that, try to broaden or change the discussion when reposting, so it isn't completely ignored as old. (And seriously, let an old post be dead for a week or two before you resurrect it, okay?)
Look to your left. If you see a large number of posts about a single fighter, it's probably best not to use that fighter right now. Batman, Warhammer 40K, Bruce Lee, Hulk... hell, even silverback gorillas have all had their fads here. We don't mind regulars, but use your best judgement on whether you'll be contributing or spamming at the time you post your fight. Sometimes, it just needs to wait for a while to avoid getting buried. If you're drawing a blank on fighters to use, there is an excellent series of posts full of under-appreciated characters below, in our subreddit's special links.
Admit when you don't know. No one expects you to be a genius when it comes to every aspect of every character. Let us know when you're just guessing and we'll be fine with it. Always admit it up front if you're unfamiliar with a character. Your opinion is still valid, and you're sure to find plenty of users who will happily give you a condensed description of anyone you haven't seen, to make sure you're on the same page.
All Of Fiction these posts are not allowed and will be removed.
Sub Vs. Sub Sub vs. Sub and other posts that can lead to large numbers of opinionated extremist raiding this sub are not allowed. Though each topic may be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Variety is fun in fighting prompts, and ambiguous fights can have their own uses, but most people prefer as many details as necessary to help reach as accurate a conclusion as possible. Outlining arenas and specifying which universe/version of characters are very helpful details to provide, many users like to know even more. You don't have to use rules, but don't be surprised if things don't go the way you pictured if you let the other users make up their own conditions.
Pokedex entries are bullshit.
The penalty for breaking the basic rules of this sub, contributing to spam, trolling for drama, or for purposefully making things more difficult for the mods, may result in a ban. I usually warn when strikes are issued, but I do this as a favor to those I believe mean well. I am not obligated to issue warnings, strikes, nor warnings for strikes. The other Mods may or may not choose to use strikes at all. You can be banned for a first offense if it bothers the mod staff or attacks our community.
To submit a battle, click the Goku vs Superman button above. If you ask me how to do it, I'll know you didn't read this.
Need a crash course WhoWouldWin? Check out the WhoWouldWin Wiki!
The wiki includes:
Welcome Post for new users
Rules - for official mod stances on the Rules of the Sub
MegaMeta - Compilation of Approved [Meta] Posts
Character of the Week/Team of the Month Archive
Links to the sister-subs and partners in the WWW Network
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[–]angelicable 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (4子コメント)
[–]Sandisk4gb4[S] 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]angelicable 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–][削除されました] (1子コメント)
[–]angelicable 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)