Jokes were branded racist, anti-semitic and transphobic

James College’s Pride Night last night was prematurely ended after a fire alarm interrupted the drag performer’s final performance.

The event was hosted by Gareth Dybiec, James College Chair, and LGBTQ, and promised the “event is designed to be enjoyed by everyone and make you feel welcome and accepted”.

But audience members complained throughout the night over reports of the drag queen’s material containing racism, anti-semitism and transphobia.

One line of the material was said to be, “I’m sweating like a Jew in a bank”, which caused offensive among some members of the audience.


When college chair Gareth Dybiec asked performer “Miss Sam Buca” to apologise after her penultimate performance, she said: “I do apologise if I have upset anyone tonight. I work all over the world.

“I could have come out and been abusive, but it’s all tongue in cheek and lots more people say things a lot more abusive.”

Students took to Facebook to air their opinions

Students took to Facebook to air their opinions


The performance was interrupted by the Roger Kirk Centre’s fire alarm set off by a student.

The building was then swiftly evacuated by the security team.

The perpetrator is believed to have been fined £800.

It happened in the Roger Kirk Centre

It happened in the Roger Kirk Centre

Gareth Dybiec, organiser of the event and James College Chair, told Nouse:

“I apologise to anyone who was offended by tonight’s acts. I took on the feedback from last year and implemented everything that the LGBTQ community wanted.

“However, I do not appreciate, accept or condone any behaviour that involves calling the emergency services because people were annoyed with the acts. It was stupid and can be summed up as the most pathetic thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I just hope no one actually needed those brave fighters.”

The Tab has contacted Miss Sam Buca for comments.

Staff at the Roger Kirk Centre insisted that CCTV footage will be thoroughly reviewed in order to find the perpetrator and press charges due to the waste of emergency services time and resources.

Do you know anything? Contact us


  • Alf

    I’m embarrassed for this horse faced trollop. Snobbery trying to pass itself off as journalism Ellen better hope to marry rich, because she’ll never pay the bills with her writing.

    • Jenm1985

      Couldn’t have said it better myself. Ellen, learn from this and quickly.

  • Dunk

    Idiot. If this is the nonsense you are allowing to lazily and offensively drip from your otherwise rectally engaged fingers, I think you should spend less time on buses and more time on your education.

  • WTF?!

    this is by far the dumbest thing i have ever read. why was this a good idea for a story? and you probably should have went into the tav as you might have found out the people in there are quite nice as are most pubs like that instead of filled with students who want to cause trouble all the time ( and yes i am a student)

  • Emma

    Ellen, you cannot tell anything about a village from being on one bus journey. I’m actually embarrassed that I’m a former Stirling university journalism student, who, by the way comes from Cowie. Before you start writing this crap, get to know the people who live here before you generalise. Oh, and spend less time on the bus and more time sorting out your sentences.

  • John Paton

    You dont know what the people in cowie are like they are friendly people you are just a snobby git you didn’t meet anyone to see what they are like

  • Matt

    No background knowlege on Stirling or Cowie obviously, other than her obvious 3.7second google search to find out cowie has a factory and used to be a mining town…….. Wow thats some crack detective work right there! Quite clear this numpty needs to get to know the city and people she is going to comment on before she does so. Also making Stirling seem like a dirty bleak place where locals and students dont mix effectively turns off about 2/3s of the audience thats will find this garbage online

  • Sean McCabe


    Judging a place and it people within 5 minutes without actually speaking to anyone!

    You’re a whole new definition of stupid aren’t you?

  • J mcp

    Embarrassed yourself here Ellen. Good luck resurrecting the journalism career now. Never mind, Burger King often hire graduates. (If you ever manage to do so!)

  • Kev

    Ignorant fucking idiot !!

  • lee

    you realise people from these areas are reading this, cheeky cow

  • Jane the dog

    Ever wondered where the Cowie circular ends up? Emm is it Cowie? Dumb bitch.

  • NLM

    Wow. The good people of Cowie defending their village here… get a life people. Good article Ellen :)

    • WTF

      Can you explain how this is a good article? Went on the Cowie bus and ended up in Cowie. Shock horror! Also judging people without knowing them? What makes the place she comes from any better than Cowie? Also if she has a problem with going through Cowie and the cornton I’m guessing she’s never been to the raploch or st Ninians? Or went really crazy one night and went to fallin or Plean. Stirling and it’s residents are proud of where they come from and if the history of the place. Slagging the people off when you have to spend a fee years here is just not clever.

      • NLM

        I did not encounter any “slagging off” the good people of Cowie in this article.
        Anyway, being a features article the idea is to entertain people and write something that is not NEWS. I laughed when reading this and so did the 800 people that shared it on Facebook.
        I’m a journalist and the Features editor for a paper and would say that this is a good article! :)
        Like I said earlier… get a life?? ;)

        • OPQ

          Most of the people sharing it now, are doing so out of contempt. This is going to grow arms and legs, maybe you should feature it in your paper and get there first before the local press does. The whole tone of the article is condescending and smacks of elitism. I am from Bannockburn – two minutes from Cowie. I went to the University for four years, commuting every day. If the article was meant to be funny, it wasn’t. And if you don’t class this paragraph as slagging Cowie off, you need our head examined. “I think we spent a whole 5 minutes in Cowie which really was enough. If we had had more time we could of maybe had a drink in The Cowie Tavern or had dinner at the local Indian take away. However the decision to get back on board the bus was a welcome one and although our trip to Cowie was a little adventure, I don’t think I will be rushing back any time soon.”

    • eileen


      • NLM

        Big words Eileen! Looks like University does work for some people :) calling someone a fanny just based on their comments is as “condescending” as you say this article is.
        As far as I am aware, Cowie is not a person and therefore making fun of the tavern or the bus is not attacking the good people of Cowie..
        God, you’d think Scots could deal with banter!

        • LT83

          ‘Who lives in houses like these?’ Not many students’ with a picture of actual peoples houses is that not making fun of the people living in them?
          And students are superior to who exactly?

          Cowie is not the most desirable location that’s really not breaking news but snobbery and being offensive make funny features…I think not!!

        • OPQ

          I’m not Eileen. I’m not going to resort to calling you a fanny but you are definitely ignorant in your defence of this joke of an article.

          • NLM

            Ignorant? QPQ, what is it you do?

            The Tab is a student run newspaper FOR STUDENTS. I will give £100 to the person who surveys 100 random stirling Uni STUDENTS and proves that this is offensive in their minds :)

          • niny c

            if you don’t like stirling or cowie then fuck off back to whare you came from

          • NLM

            Haha who says I’m not from here? I feel sorry for you people. Must be difficult not having a sense of humour.

    • eileen

      oh and im not from Cowie, i chose to live there, and was gutted when i had to move away


    Oh no, there’s not a nightclub or sexual health clinic in sight, this is clearly no place for a student.

  • Danielle
  • Danielle

    If you click on my link underneath yu will see what I think about it cheek cunt

  • jakki currie

    some folk have plenty time on their hands…our taxes go to help fund there education…don’t hear any complaints about taking our money… cowie is full of proud hardworking folk and are proud of they come from…

  • jakki currie

    me folk have plenty time on their hands…our taxes go to help fund there education…don’t hear any complaints about taking our money… cowie is full of proud hardworking folk and are proud of where they come from…

  • joe

    hmmm NLM thinks this is a good article!!!! obviously a friend!! the biggest problem people have with this article is the sheer laziness and prejudged opinion of someone who didn’t do any homework one the area or the people who live there! she obviously has been living in a bubble wrapped in cotton wool all her life. cowie is a great place to live the people are honest and hardworking. granted they may be a bit rough round the edges but what do you expect it’s a mining village!!

  • jakki currie

    some folk have plenty time on their hands…our taxes go to help fund there education!!!!…don’t hear any complaints about taking our money!!!!… Cowie is full of proud hard working folk and they are proud of where they come from…get to know a place before you start to rubbish it….

  • Chumbabum

    Great article Ellen.

    Another mystery solved.

    Thanks for taking one for the team and sparing the rest of us from having to end up in Cowie.

    Keep up the great work. Had a proper laugh reading this… And the comments!!!! Hahaha

  • Angela

    For someone to be someone so judgemental of a place I am confused why you chose to study in Stirling at all, but I hear only the elite can go to St Andrews.
    I grew up in a nearby ex mining village and attended school and university with friends from Cowie, believe it or not we did stay in houses just like that as students. However the ones pictured are probably occupied by tax payers who subsidise you in some way as a student.

    Sadly we don’t all come from privileged backgrounds some of us have to work hard to get what we want, therefore where we’ve come from becomes a place of pride.

    Good luck in your education and career should you have the misfortune of being in Cowie again the Taverns Jägerbombs are as good as any.

  • littledarling161

    Ever wondered where the Cowie Circular ends up? I decided to find out. well no i never wondered but so happy to find out that the Cowie Circular ended up in, wait for it people, dum dum dum, it was Cowie how amazing is that didnt that make u do a little dance, great detective work Miss Marple u solved the worlds greatest mystery woo hoo :p xx

  • Dee Dee

    It reminded me of Dee Dee going to Yoker. Except not quite as eloquent as Dee Dee.

  • eileen

    i lived in Cowie for 22 years, and i can tell you it’s a village full of good community spirited people, how you can seriously write such trash having spent barely 5 minutes in the village is beyond belief, think you need to stay away from the 54A bus, utter tripe, oh and i think your time at university has been wasted…….plonker

  • Aye ok then

    I hope your not studying journalism or politics at uni, I would be willing to wager you’re possibly studying beauty therapy or something which requires you to inhale solvents.

  • david cameron

    haha i couldnt care less about cowie, but this is just a shit article, its boring, pointless and reeks of arrogance and immaturity… if this is the creme de la creme of stirling uni then that place should really rethink its jounalism course

  • Dave

    You Remind me of one of the actresses on the show I work on in England. She says to me, ‘you sound american, where r u from?’ I say Scotland, she says ‘oh I hate Scotland’. Hmm ‘why is that?’ I say.. ‘Well we took a train ride to an airport and, well I just didn’t like it’.
    Ok, ‘probably you didn’t see the best of Scotland if you only went to an airport.. Which city was it?’… And After a very long pause, she says.. ‘ umm, Bristol’..

  • Julie Macgregor

    I have just read this ‘piece’. Piece of what, I have no idea. It’s not journalism. Its naive, patronising and bordering on offensive. “..and we were now alone with the Stirling locals”. Cue scary music. “Who lives in houses like THESE?” Like what?
    If you really had to write a piece about the Cowie circular, how about talking to the folk that use the service? How about making the most of the opportunity, going for a pint and making some new friends instead of casting your judgemental eye over everything then writing it up as ‘journalism’. A new features editor for the Daily Mail in training..

  • Zander

    You’re a fucking boot haha

  • AM88

    Stirling doesn’t have the best night life I agree, but surely there are more exciting things for students to do at night than staying on a bus to see where it goes, but what do I know I mean I live in one of THESE houses.

  • Victoria

    Just shows how pathetic people are where ever you are from ya snotty wee women chase your self bk to it cos COWIE or STIRLING doesn’t want u.

  • tonto

    hardcore journalism there, having the sheer nerve to take a public bus through a working class area you maverick!

  • Lisa Dreczkowski Millar

    I read this initially assuming it was a comedy piece but then the sinking realisation came that Ellen was being serious and she felt it necessary to share with us all her great adventure to infamous Cowie on the Cowie curcular that went to Cowie!!! An incredibly poor piece of writing with a lack of journalistic flow or any real point to the article…. and yes I was a student, I grew up in Bannockburn and studied at Strathclyde and thankfully survived 4 years of Weegie life relatively unscathed……. note to Ellen.. judgemental ignorance is a very ugly trait

  • gdawg

    Daddy pays for your studies well eh?? The snobbery is utterly rancid…as a fellow journalism student i hope you fail as this is an abysmal piece for many reasons. Should have be taken down long ago…..elitist bollocks.You are not a good writer and have no understanding of the craft you would like to entertain. Im sure The Daily Mail have a column spot for you although i doubt they’d even hire someone with such low human qualities. Fail!!!

  • Cowie Main Street Resident

    ”who would live in a house like these?”
    Well that picture is taken outside my front door so that would be me and my family. A hard working family with a two year old daughter who pay tax so the government can cover your education.
    Whilst it might not be the most glamorous of places, the village is full of great people who care a great deal for the community around them.
    Your pathetic attempt at journalism shows you to be a spoiled, immature little person with no respect for anyone other than yourself.

  • Barbara

    Hello Miss
    I was born in Cowie 65 years ago, you have no idea what goes on there if you ever need help or a safe place to rest you could ask anyone living there and you would be given help!… You were there for LONG ENOUGH FOR THE BUS TO TURN… if you had just been a bit longer someone would have told you just how much Students have been living in Cowie from all over the world I might add as exchange students. AND CAME BACK TO VISIT THERE HOST FAMILYS … YOU REALY HAVE TO WORK OUT HOW TO WRITE THE TRUTH BEFORE YOU RAMBLE ON ABOUT THINGS YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT! SO UPSET AT YOUR COMMENTS. Oh and by the way better people than you live in those houses.

  • Tara-Jane Bloomfield-Gerdes

    I think the loan should be the similar to a full-time minimum wage. Might be more to pay back later, but in my opinion it’s best to just view it as a graduate tax and a debt you might never completely pay off anyway. Also, it’s crazy for the government to assume your parents should support you at uni!

  • Ben

    Tuition fees have nothing to do with living expenses and the rise to £9000 a year really doesn’t matter until you graduate anyway. I get no support from parents and live off my maintenance loan without a job or any other source of income, as do many of my friends. The only reason students are ‘poor’ is because they have no idea how to budget and blow most of their income on booze/drugs.

    • Rad Pitt

      Students are great at budgeting generally. But it’s not the same scenario for everyone. For students who have to take other debt into account the £27000 certainly doesn’t help their financial anxiety, which is why many consider dropping out altogether.

      • Rad Pitt

        aren’t great*

    • joe

      bullshit. unless you’re getting a much higher maintenance loan then the £3500 i get. its financially impossible to live off that figure alone. you’re rent alone must come to at least £3000 a year at most uni’s. dont forget bills. so, if your claim of no other financial support is true, then that means you live on less then £400 a year. well i’m sorry but unless you’re eating dog food and live in a fucking hobbit hole, you must be talking absolute shite my friend.

  • upset

    why doesn’t leeds uni get a graduation cap? all i want is a graduation cap.

  • archie

    £7000 a year is more than enough to live on without having to get a part time job! Work all summer instead of in term time and save some money if your short!?! The students who are worst off are those who get minimum maintenance loans (£3500) a year and no support from home. The ones who get the full whack (7000) shouldn’t be complaining really regardless of your background, that is sufficient money to live on in most cities outside of london.

  • Zyzz

    Well that’s tough shit. University is a privilege, not a right. If you can’t afford it, fuck off.

    • archie

      right wing moron.

      • Zyzz

        left wing moron

    • Probably a rich moron

      Because higher education should be about wealth, not intelligence right? What a wonderfully retarded idea

      • anon

        It doesn’t matter. Nobody has a right to university education funded by other people. It is a service you purchase.

  • perspective

    i receive minimum maintenance loan (£3500) a year and no support from home. I’m at university in Oxford the most expensive city outside London my accommodation is £6700 and i find the extra 3000 myself by working and thats not even taken into consideration living costs. you think you have it hard with £7000?!?!?!

  • Johnny

    Unfortunately, the government has botched this one by insisting that the universities offer students from poor backgrounds fee-waivers. Considering that students don’t have to pay these fees up-front anyway, and that the real financial barrier is not fees but living costs, fee-waivers are an utter waste of money. Much better to give students from poor backgrounds the £9k a year and charge everybody fees.

  • herp

    I love the fact that I can receive more money being on benefits than I can from student finance. Isn’t that a great incentive?

  • Glory be to God not creation

    it all belongs to God and freedom can only be found in Jesus Christ not in our city or in our people. Hull is just a place it is not to be worshipped….glory honour and praise only belongs to God Almighty the creator of heaven and earth. Please Wake Up and stop glorifying the created and praise God for the life He has given us and the privilage from Him to live in Hull.

  • Karl eastham

    Hi, I’m a local councillor for residents in these halls, I’d be keen to get in touch with students affected – you can tweet me @karleastham or email

  • drag

    It’s a drag act, everything was said in jest. What more do you expect from a bloody drag act?!

  • Tom

    Hahhah karma for the butthurt faggot, he was fined £800!!! LOL

  • Had enough

    People might have died in a fire as a result of a student being offended and trying to censor a comedic act, let that sink in.

    • WhinyFeminist

      That is absolutely ridiculous. I bet you do an arts degree.

  • Gunter

    Censorious and priggish wanker. People like this (the phantom fire alarm puller) are an embarrassment to all liberal democracies.

  • Hahahaha racism

    Racism isn’t funny, really, is it? Neither is mocking trans*people – for whom this was supposed to be a Pride night, a celebration of their identities. I don’t understand how anyone can argue in favour of racist, transphobic, or anti-Semitic nazi jokes.

    • Tom

      Jokes are meant to mock people, you retard.

  • WhinyFeminist

    Oh you’re offended? My heart bleeds