Oh My Goodness Gracious! I've Been Bamboozled!

Jay/Jayce/Jason (primary)
Siv (secondary)
trans nonbinary quiromantic gray-asexual
I am 23 years old, white, and more or less scared of people
I have adhd, ptsd, depression and self diagnosed autism. I...





An old YGO screencap redraw :o

why did you lighten maliks skin fuck you

Umm, his skin is still very noticebly dark. It’s not like they made it the same color as Bakura’s or anything. Also, almost all of the colors in the redraw are lighter than the screencap. I don’t think this warrants you being rude to the OP.

stop being overly-defensive for like 3 seconds and look at his skin in the two pics he is CLEARLY lighter and you know it. nothing else was lightened to that extent and EVEN IF THE REST OF THE PIC WERE LIGHTER it would STILL be wrong because lightening ppls skin in art or photos is racist as fuck.

the artist made a conscious decision to color maliks skin 2 shades lighter, nobody was holding them at fucking gunpoint to do that. me saying to knock it off with the racism isnt “rude” and if you think “being rude” is a bigger deal than the constant devaluing and erasure of dark skin youre not worth the energy to reply to any more.

even Bakura was lightened and that’s serious bullshit given that Bakura’s hair is still the same shade as it is in the screencap so like…. why is skin lighter??? what is this bullshit

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    even Bakura was lightened and that’s serious bullshit given that Bakura’s hair is still the same shade as it is in the...
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  4. yamiyuugis reblogged this from theabcsofjustice and added:
    stop being overly-defensive for like 3 seconds and look at his skin in the two pics he is CLEARLY lighter and you know...
  5. theabcsofjustice reblogged this from yamiyuugis and added:
    Umm, his skin is still very noticebly dark. It’s not like they made it the same color as Bakura’s or anything. Also,...
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