Detroit just announced they will build a 1,000 foot luxury water slide through downtown and charge customers $15 per ride while they continue to shut off water to 3,000 low-income homes per week. Share if you agree this is deeply immoral and insane!
Republican Free Market
Unfucking believable. This is why this country is falling apart, people are homeless, and children are going hungry. I hate this fascist bullshit.Wow.
Slide The City is a private company that tours the country and builds water slides. They’re coming to my city in Tennessee in a month or so. The city of Detroit is not the one building the slide. Nor are they giving the water to the company for free. Also fascism has nothing to do with this.
That’s Tumblr for you. Sometimes they’re true and accurate, but just as many times, its just a bunch of idiots getting...
^^^for that last comment