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BestOfOutrageCulture - for when people use outrageous hyperbole when it's unwarranted. Typically involves non-serious matters being made serious fucking business.
See this post for rules and guidelines, and a longer explanation of the sub.
Content generators:
Any political sub
NO circlejerk subs. We can't verify what is/isn't real.
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"Discussion" subs:
So far, Anita Sarkeesian has been compared to:
1) Hitler 2) Glenn Beck 3) Al Sharpton 4) Jesse Jackson 5) Alex Jones 6) Anne Coulter 7) A Fox News reporter 8) A greedy robber baron 9) The "Iraq War hero" of the "social justice movement" 10) Charlie Manson 11) David Koresh 12) Jim Jones 13) Al Capone 14) Andrew Wakefield 15) Bernie Madoff 16) Kim Kardashian 17) Patricia Pulling 18) Westboro Baptist Church 19) A "fiery Baptist preacher in the Bible belt"
anita sarkeesian is literally hitler, again (self.BestOfOutrageCulture)
evergreennightmare が たった今 投稿
if anybody is particularly mad about anita getting onto time's list, just remember: they gave hitler man of the year. admittedly almost 80 years ago, but they don't by the metric of who is the best people, just the most influential. and for better or worse, anita is influencing.
if anybody is particularly mad about anita getting onto time's list, just remember:
they gave hitler man of the year.
admittedly almost 80 years ago, but they don't by the metric of who is the best people, just the most influential. and for better or worse, anita is influencing.
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