This is the tumblr I guess of that guy who draws that one webcomic you've never heard of unless you have. He uses it for Tumblr things I suppose. Yep.
And the winner of the best Halloween costume goes to.. Peter Pan and his shadow!
Wish I had a twin to do this with!
Ummm pretty sure this is racist
I’m sorry, what colour is your shadow then, orange?!
this is racist and disgusting
Not racist! How can a shadow even be the source of racism- firstly shadows don’t have a race, and secondly, everyone’s is the same bloody colour- black!
People just lookin’ for reasons to be mad
I am black, and this is not blackface. This is full body paint. This is not racist because he is a shadow. Do not try and be a social justice blogger with false fire and false information. Do not think you are doing a service when you are actually proposing false accusations.
WELCOME TO TUMBLR - “We get offended by shadows!”
*sees own shadow on pavement*
“Fuckin’ racist bastard”
People who think this is racist are really superficial and shallow and don’t bother to think beyond what their eyes see in the first five seconds. Blackface is blackface because the intent was/is to deliberately imitate a black person by a non-black person, usually in a demeaning or stereotypical manner that is considered racist now. Just putting black paint on yourself does not automatically mean you’re trying to imitate a black person. A LOT of people in the world need to learn to recognize intent and context, because holy shit.
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