sniperman357 asked:
More women attempt suicide, and women are still the majority victim of every violent crime.
sniperman357 asked:
More women attempt suicide, and women are still the majority victim of every violent crime.
Anonymous asked:
Good. I start teaching next fall. Had a friend in administration who hooked me up. Nice try trying to shame me, though.
Anonymous asked:
Not between a man and a woman, no.
Anonymous asked:
Anonymous asked:
My university was UVM I was an education major with a minor in Gender studies.
sigfrid98 asked:
No. Now I’m blocking you.
femininsmfatale asked:
mr-cappadocia answered:
The Feminist movement has enough against it already that we don’t need to make up bullshit accounts to bring it down.
I’m sure she thinks that feminism isn’t a hate movement, while asking why you haven’t been fucking assaulted.
That’s because it isn’t a hate movement. It’s an equality movement. Sure some of us might hate sexist, transphobic folk, (like Mr. Cappocia, here), but that doesn’t mean we’re a hate movement, Please spread your MRA lies elsewhere.
If you’re a teacher, and NOT misandrist, you’re holding the girls back in your class, tbh.
So many misogynists in my asks defending MRA positions, smfh.
Anonymous asked:
How many women are raping men, though? That’s right, none.