sniperman357 asked:

Do you care about men's problems, such as higher suicide and murder rate? Also do you recognize that 10% of rapes are towards males and 40% of domestic abuse is towards them?

More women attempt suicide, and women are still the majority victim of every violent crime.


femininsmfatale asked:

Why hasn't anybody bashed your bigoted head in yet?

mr-cappadocia answered:

The Feminist movement has enough against it already that we don’t need to make up bullshit accounts to bring it down.


I’m sure she thinks that feminism isn’t a hate movement, while asking why you haven’t been fucking assaulted. 

That’s because it isn’t a hate movement. It’s an equality movement. Sure some of us might hate sexist, transphobic folk, (like Mr. Cappocia, here), but that doesn’t mean we’re a hate movement, Please spread your MRA lies elsewhere.

thecacklingcreep Source: mr-cappadocia

Anonymous asked:

“Penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.” -Definition of Rape, as defined by the FBI. This applies to victims of any gender, with the abuser being either gender, no matter if it's a dildo, a penis, fingers, a pipe or bat, etc. And an erection does not equal consent, just as lubrication/wetness does not equal consent. Emotional abuse is abuse, we are all human.

How many women are raping men, though? That’s right, none.