What Tumblr taught me about rape.
- If someone claims they were raped you are instantly suppose to believe and side with them even if they have no way to prove it or their story changes over time making their accusation questionable at best.
- If someone is accused of rape you have to assume they are guilty, and if they deny the accusations or have proof that they were not guilty you should assume they are lying and if you defend then you are victim shaming.
- Deciding that you need to do research before taking sides means you are instantly taking the rapists side because you clearly don’t trust the victim.
- If your research leads you to believe that the accusations are false and you choose not to get behind the accuser you are instantly deemed a shitty person who defends rapists.
Oh yes, absolutely, no questions about it. Tumblr’s “justice” scene is entirely black-and-white, just the way they like it.
One thing that you forgot to mention: All of this applies only if the accuser is female and the other is male. If it’s the other way around, feel free to disbelieve and neglect the research as much as you want to. Any man who claims he was raped by a woman is full of shit, because of course NO woman would EVER do such a thing. And besides, it probably isn’t even physically possible.
Dear tumblr,
- Men CAN be raped by women.
- Not all accusers are telling the truth.
- Not everyone accused is guilty.
- False accusations go around all the time. People are allowed to feel like someone could be lying.
- It’s ok to ask questions and do research before instantly believing rape accusations.
- It’s ok to side with neither the accuser or the accused if you don’t feel comfortable picking a side.
Rape accusations are not something you just instantly believe and go after someone for without knowing the facts. Take the time to look into the situation and figure things out before coming to any conclusions. It is okay to do this. you are in no way victim shaming by doing research on an accusation that can and most likely will change a persons life forever.
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THIS. Dear tumblr,Men CAN be raped by women.Not all accusers are telling the truth.Not everyone accused is guilty.False...
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One thing that you forgot to mention: All of this applies only if the accuser is female and the other is male. If it’s...
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It’s sad how many thought that the Xkit guy would do something like this with no evidence to back up their claim……these...
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