Consider this line to be the height of wit that makes you want to read everything below. TL;DR: Skip to the top comments and they can tell you if you should bother.
I was reading Pax Dickinson's AMA and ended up following a few of the links he provided. One link stood out, written by Hadley Bennett;
Moving Beyond Hit-And-Run Warfare: How #GamerGate Can Actually Win
I read it, I thought about it, and the man makes excellent points. I highly recommend that you read it as well, it is an excellent primer. Read it now, it's not too long.
Pax's AMA got some blowback, his history has some controversy regarding previous tweets. There are a lot of people within GG that identify to the left of the political spectrum that did not respond well to the idea that a dyed-in-the-wool GG organization should be right wing in nature, that it should be apolitical. The majority of people I saw responding (not all), were fine with being outright against all things SJW.
We are all very well aware of the problems that game developers face from this vocal minority that can manufacture outrage at a moments notice and create what appears to be serious uproar over... nothing. We are winning, but who else actually knows that we are? We are winning, but for how long?
The vast majority of us who affiliate ourselves with GG, did so initially because we love our games, and we hate that people are trying to dictate our game experiences. We took the threat seriously.
Other interests and their fans did not. Some are in a similar position to ourselves and are under attack, and losing. Many industries lost the fight long ago. One of our greatest strengths for the majority of our hobbies existence, is the fact that we did not give a flying fuck what other people thought about our hobby.
Think for a moment about what SJW's have succeeded in co-opting though. They began at the top and worked their way down. Before us, Comics were slightly higher on the list along with Sci-Fi and Fantasy writers, and Heavy Metal. How are we enjoying those new Thor comics so far? No offence, and I'm right there with you, but gaming was a bottom of the barrel target. Look at Education at any level. They are winning there, and it is by no means the only fundamental aspect of our society that is getting slaughtered in this fight.
So the above is mostly preaching to the choir, and it is entirely too rah-rah-go-us to keep going on about. Down to the brass tacks of the matter.
I agree with Hadley Bennett. If we don't organize something, we're going to lose steam eventually. The SJW's, while complete idiots, are also fanatical, and organized, and in no danger of slowing down. We can counter them on a regular basis, and destroy their arguments with facts, but aside from the gaming press and other gamers, nobody hears about it, and nobody gives a shit about us. It is entirely one sided in the bigger picture.
The long haul does not favor us at this time, in fact the current end game may be a complete loss if we look far enough ahead. Do a simple exercise here; look at universities and what students are now being taught, and the increased direction towards becoming institutionalized hugboxes. SJW's by and large are frigging useless in the real world, but the students our higher institutions are turning out today, will effect the world tomorrow. There is no shortage of Liberal Art majors who found out their degree is useless, and returned to study Law and Political Science.
Not a threat you say? Perhaps we'll weather it out, but these fuckers are going to have kids, and everything is going to amplify. Right now they are the minority, but they are educating the next generation. Politicians will pander to these fucks to get the votes, don't doubt that.
I don't know the timeline to all this, I just know the pattern. To really win, we need to affect the public discourse, we need to affect the mainstream. We need gaming to be represented intelligently and coherently, we need people that the media can call to present a counterpoint, we need people who can lobby in our favor, we need people that can apply the law in our favor. If nobody is asking the questions and providing the viewpoints that we find favorable, then we can expect to get shit upon endlessly.
You may not care, because fuck it, society has never been on our side in this. I know that without the above we'll still give a good fight, I know that we can follow the money trails, call out the bullshit, and apply consumer pressure, we have the grassroots movement going in our favor, but others have been in our position before and failed. They either got co-opted, or they ran out of steam. If we don't act, then eventually society, and law, will dictate the terms on our behalf, without our voice.
Currently, we can apply pressure on the advertisers, we can pressure websites to get their shit together. We are still moving forward in a positive way, but we may be peaking.
That is not the same as affecting politics, mainstream media, and public awareness. In the end, those three things will win the fight. Every fucking time. Right now, we are peanuts in the grand scheme of things, SJW's are our anti-thesis, and they have all three of those factors in their favor. The only reason they haven't won everything already, is due to being batshit crazy by default. Yet they are still making headway in other areas, and they are doing it a hell of a lot faster.
We can combat this, effectively. Time for an example of grassroots activism going full tilt.,
Again worth your time to actually look. They managed to organize half a million Canadians, and they kicked some serious ass. Half a million Canadians! Canadians can be damn good at apathy. They succeeded because their techniques to get people to act are simply brilliant. They took the work out of it for the average person, providing form letters that only took a few moments of your time to sign onto, email notices on developments, links to articles favorable to the movement by highly respected journalists. They lobby. They defeat bills that are not in our interest. They put the major Canadian media companies on their heels, and they made them look like complete fools. They did it professionally, they did it apolitically, they focused on the issues and they made the information easily digestible for media dissemination.
This is the face of what proper organization can actually do.
It is easy to hate on telecommunication companies though, and easy for people to back that cause, and easy for the politicians to fight for the 'little guy' when pressure in applied correctly. Ours is a more uphill battle, on a different battleground altogether, but this shit does work.
I will leave you with this nugget on Internet Activism:
According to some observers, the Internet may have considerable potential to reach and engage opinion leaders who influence the thinking and behavior of others. According to the Institute for Politics, Democracy & the Internet, what they call "Online Political Citizens" (OPCs) are "seven times more likely than average citizens to serve as opinion leaders among their friends, relatives and colleagues…Normally, 10% of Americans qualify as Influentials. Our study found that 69% of Online Political Citizens are Influentials."
Thanks for your time.
[–]scytheavatar 5 ポイント6 ポイント7 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]Lord_Spoot 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]spatchbo 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–][削除されました] (2子コメント)
[–]CharlieIndiaShitlord[S] 4 ポイント5 ポイント6 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]superstuff25 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]the_gamer_rises 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]gargantualis 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]tchouk 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]NocturnalQuill 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Letsgetacid 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)