全 19 件のコメント

[–]Sylphied 7 ポイント8 ポイント  (6子コメント)

I disagree with you.

#GamerGate isn't more than that. Or let's say, #GamerGate shouldn't be more than tha. What you're fighting for isn't what I thought #GamerGate was about. I don't know what it is, anymore. I thought I did. I thought it was fine if people wanted to talk about feminism and campus rape, and Reddit admins; as long as what they genuinely are here to change and improve was the video games industry.

But, clearly, that's not the case. People care about these things. People want to talk about them, I understand that. But you have to undersand that that is the face of the sub, and even the face of #GamerGate. When people look in KiA, that is what they see. Not Kotaku, or Gamasutra, or Polygon; but Ellen Pao, and Randi Harper, and Brianna Wu.

It hasn't been the case for a while. #GamerGate started out with set goals, with set opponents. It wasn't a culture war, though its opponents were culture activists. As someone, who thinks like you do, tried to enlighten me not too long ago: We're about fighting a culture war, and also care about video game journalism. I disagreed with him, then. I said no, we're about video games journalism, who also talk about other things. I don't feel comfortable saying that anymore.

That is not why I signed up to #GamerGate. That is not what most people I saw early on, on /v/, signed up for. And today, KiA looks more like /r/redpill than /r/Games. Full of nonsense that I don't care about. Full of nonsense that wasn't what I thought we were about.

We are not soldiers. There is no enemy. There is no battlefield. This isn't some kind of holy fucking war. This was an attempt to improve. An attempt to help. An attempt to show that we are not what they say we are. And the fact you think we're winning in this attempt, when, for the most part, we've been firmly dead in our tracks for the last 5 months stuns me.

And it all just makes me so very sad, when I think what we've accomplished and what more we could have done. I signed up to improve video games journalism; not fight your culture war.

So, yes, I disagree with you.

[–]feroslav [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

what more we could have done


This is just whining. Do you know about more corruption in games media? You have something important to talk about on KiA? You think that there will be new scandal every day? What have you uncovered? What is it that you want to talk about on KiA and you don't even submit posts about? KiA is what users make of it, it always has been like that, mods aren't here for deciding what is supposed to be discussed here.

If you don't know about anything important to post yourself, why do you expect that other people will?

[–]DeeDoubs [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

GamerGate isn't more than that. Or let's say, GamerGate shouldn't be more than that.

You have to deal with what is, not what should be. The idea that #GamerGate is about nothing more than ethics in gaming journalism is just idealism and subscribing to that belief in spite of the evidence to the contrary only weakens the overall position.

People wouldn't have been talking so much about boycotting Obsidian had it really just been about games journalism.

EDIT: Didn't read the TC's opening post. Realize it's kind of a load. Doesn't change that the topic premise is correct.

[–]m0r1arty [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Torn but completely agree.

I signed up for ethics in gaming journalism, I've learned a lot about other things such as MRA and feminism but they are not why I come back every day and send the emails I do.

They are important topics, but they are not GamerGate.

[–]superstuff25 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

" Full of nonsense that I don't care about. Full of nonsense that wasn't what I thought we were about."

Welcome to game journalism and tech and the gaming industry of today.

We have to fix it, we are the only ones who can and actually do something about it.

[–]TheHoff779 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I'm in a similar basket: Disclosure and ethics in Game journalism will always come first (even if I like a bit of juicy scandal as much as a pig likes a roll-around-in-the-mud)

Yes, the other stuff is worth talking about, some of it's even worth fighting over, but every once in a while I worry that one day we're going to charge off into the sunset to Fight the Daemons of Misandry and never return to our beloved vidya.

[–]thiagosc666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

You speak as if journalistic ethics and culture are mutually exclusive subjects.

The lack of journalistic ethics is directly linked to the cultural activism of some, therefore it falls under the Gamergate purview.

As someone, who thinks like you do, tried to enlighten me not too long ago:

Why don't you try to enlighten us about your seemingly irrational position?

[–]randomcallsign [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

GamerGate starts and ends in journalism. it might intersect with other battles but this is us

[–]nodeworx [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

I don't think that the ethics side of things can be cleanly divorced from the larger cultural implications surrounding them.

Trying to do so means that you are fighting symptoms while denying that the root causes have any validity.

Beyond giving our detractors more ammunition against us ("It's about ethics in..."), it's simply bad strategy to try and ignore the larger world around us wherein GG is a newcomer in a process that has been going on for much longer.

That said, I find the recent focus on drama not productive either. We should not be in the business of giving our detractors a platform to profothelyze on.

[Edit] Just wanted to add, that those that do focus on the ethics side, the email writing and the fact-checking are the ones I find most effective at advancing our point of view. I just think that they do need to be aware of the larger picture around them.

[–]thiagosc666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I don't think that the ethics side of things can be cleanly divorced from the larger cultural implications surrounding them. Trying to do so means that you are fighting symptoms while denying that the root causes have any validity

That's true. I find odd that someone might suggest that we should ignore the larger context and focus on journalists only. The journalistic malpractice we see everyday is a byproduct of cultural activism. Exposing the source is part of solving the problem.

[–]Megatics [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The only thing GamerGate shares an ideal with is the idea for Artistic Freedom. Which encompasses an issue with Outrage culture, that has existed for a very long time.

[–]feroslav [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Is it satire? This is cringeworthy as fuck, are you 10?

If there is one thing that Antis are right about, it's their mocking of ridiculous pathetic "speeches" like this one.

edit: That doesn't mean I disagree with OP on the basic idea, I just can't stand that terrible pathos.

[–]AntonioOfVenice 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (0子コメント)

On Twitter, I got the sense that some supporters of Gamergate think that there is any shame in being anti-SJW. There really isn't. A lot of people are getting sick with these perpetual outrage machines. I'd like for us to take the credit for the tide slowly turning against the SJWs, but it might be that we are a reflection of the Zeitgeist and not its shaper.

[–]Paitryn [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

do not make #gamergate a moral crusade. its never been what its about

[–]subhorizonKOBS Reject [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

It's now about a media culture revolt.

Censoring comment threads and opposing ideas, MSM misrepresenting an issue for views, web publications using click bait titles and trying to trigger readers to follow their agenda...

I think everyone is here because they are sick of these things.

[–]superstuff25 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Gamergate is a big push agasint PC and censorship. It is about ethics in journalism and it is about facts.

It is logic and reason agasint feelings and outrage.

[–]thiagosc666 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Although a bit too hyperbolic for my taste, I agree with it.

[–]CaesarCzech 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)


[–]Markiep52 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh I thought we were all white CIS emperors, when did we get a black guy?