Sunday, April 5, 2015


私にはわからない.このフィルムは日本のプロパガンダか? そうかもしれない.私にはまだわからない.昨年,我々は第二次大戦中日本が20万人をさらってきてセックス奴隷にしたという主張を調べ始めた.私は今タイにいる.調査を継続するために,もうすぐミャンマーに,そしてフィリピンへと渡る.しかしこれはもう嘘だと言うことがわかっている.




南京の件の背後にいるのはGlobal Alliance(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)だ.セックス奴隷の件の背後にもGlobal Allianceがいる.注意しないといけない.多くの場合,影に隠れていて表面には出てこない.

Global Allianceは,当時,精神的に病んでいたアイリスチャン(Iris Chang)とも組んでいた.彼女は日本を打ちのめすような本を出版することになる.Googleで彼女の名前とGlobal Allianceを検索してみろ.彼女は銃で自殺する.彼女には銃を預けておくことはできない.同様にキーボードだって預けておけない.Global Allianceは物語を広めるために彼女を使った.彼女は今,平安のなかで静かに眠っているだろう.

Global Allianceと関係のある他のグループは,南京事件のキャンペーンとセックス奴隷の嘘の中心にいる.私はいずれ調査の対象を南京の件にシフトする.その申し立てが本当だと私が信じる結果になったとしても,私はこう言うだろう.最低限度だと.おそらく非常に誇張されている.731部隊についても同じようなものだろう.

これらの主張が中国(RPC:中華人民共和国)から来ているのを思い出せ.Global Allianceの背後にいるのも中国だ.中国を信じるのか?

真に正しいことは,Global Allianceとその他のグループは,日本に対しての憎しみの感情をあおるためにこれらの件を使っているということだ.日本の軍事力を弱くさせ,その一方で中国は海軍力を強くして領海を広げようと企んでいる.



What Really Happened at Nanjing?

I do not know. Is this film Japanese propaganda? It could be. I do not know yet. 
Last year I and others began researching the allegations that Japanese kidnapped 200,000 sex slaves during and before World War II. We are still researching. 
I am in Thailand researching and will head to Myanmar and back to Philippines for more research. But we already have learned that this is false. 
The Japanese did not commit this crime of kidnapping 200,000 women. 
It literally is communist propaganda that started in 1978 by a communist named Yoshido Seiji, and was propagated by the second biggest paper in the world, the left leaning Asahi Shimbun. 
The narrative then took a life of its own and Korea and China began using it to squeeze money and hatred (Korea) and to keep Japan weak (China). 
The sex slave myth is all a big scam. 
The Kono statement was a cultural mistake by Kono. House Resolution 121 and the UN report are part of the big scam. Representative Mike Honda was behind 121. Many of his voters are Chinese and Korean, and he obviously hates Japan.
I came into this with open mind, as I later will do with the Nanjing issue. My mind remains open to new evidence but the big scam already is obvious.
As for Nanjing, the people behind the Nanjing issue include Global Alliance, who also is behind the sex slave myth. Global Alliance. A name to watch. Much of this is hidden in plain view. 
Global Alliance worked with the mentally ill Iris Chang. Chang allegedly wrote the rape of Nanjing. She went on a grand book
tour smashing the Japanese. Google her name and Global Alliance. She later shot herself to death. She could not be trusted with gun, and so could not be trusted with a keyboard. They used her to sell the narrative. May she rest in peace.
Global Alliance and some other related groups are dead center in the middle of the Nanjing campaign, and the sex slave lies. Eventually I will shift to Nanjing. If it turns out that I believe the allegations are true, I will say this. At minimum, it appears highly exaggerated. Similar appears to be true with 731. 
Remember: these allegations are coming mostly from PRC, as does Global Alliance. Do you trust PRC?
What definitely is true is that Global Alliance and others are using it to whip hatred against Japanese. They are trying to keep Japan's military weak while China expands its borders and Navy.
We all know that war crimes occurred on all sides. The Bataan Death March really happened. I went to Bataan in January. Nobody denies it happened, but this does not mean that all allegations about everything automatically are true. 
Likewise, people are accusing the USA of raping its way across Iraq and Afghanistan. I spent almost four years in those countries during the wars. It's all a lie. Our people did not commit these crimes other than some very limited cases of criminal activity.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Canada: Excellent letter from Australia-Japan about the Korea-China comfort women scam

オーストラリアで慰安婦記念碑設置反対運動で活躍している Australia-Japan Community Network(AJCN) が カナダで慰安婦像計画のあるバーナビー市長宛てに慰安婦像反対の手紙を出しましたのでご紹介します。
AJCNは、オーストラリアで他のエスニックグループとの連携も模索し、NSW州の政府機関で多文化社会、移民社会のいろいろな問題点の解決を担当するCommunity Relations Commission for Multicaltural NSW に対しても、「慰安婦像のような移民の母国間での政治問題をオーストラリアの持ち込むべきではない、まずコミュニティのハーモニーを第一に考えるべき」と訴えて活動しています。
25 March 2015
Mayor Derek Corrigan
City of Burnaby
4949 Canada Way
Burnaby, British Columbia, V5G, IM2
Honourable Mayor Corrigan,
Re: Comfort Woman Statue Proposal
I am writing on behalf of Australia Japan Community Network which has been opposing a similar proposal submitted to Strathfield Council in Australia by a group calling itself “China Korea Alliance against Japanese War Crime “. We are dismayed to have learnt that you are also under pressure to consider such a proposal for your council. We would like to politely but clearly point out to you that this has nothing to do with women’s or human rights but has everything to do with the international political campaign waged by China and South Korea against Japan. The hidden agenda of this campaign is to weaken the ties between Japan and the US, Canada, Australia and other countries. This is 100% political, otherwise why would they wait 70 odd years before finding a need to erect such statues across the world?
We have been working to stop the proposal here in Australia for over a year now. I would like to stress to you that in every sense this is a truly divisive community issue. Last year a petition of more than 3400 local residents was submitted to Strathfield Council that included many non-Japanese residents, and even Chinese and Koreans. I am sure you are already seeing this issue beginning to divide your own community and that of your community over a political issue which has nothing to do with your council, the citizens of Burnaby or the wider Canadian community at large.
If I may, I would also like to bring your attention to some of the often raised issues surrounding this controversy. You may have noticed that Ms Jan Ruff O’Herne is often quoted as a victim of the comfort woman system in the on-going anti-Japan campaign. This is totally incorrect. She was a victim of a crime committed by lower rank soldiers in the front line. As this was breaching the code of conduct the facility where she was captured in Indonesia was shut down by the Japanese imperial army itself. Later, the soldiers who held the key roles in this incident were prosecuted and the one found to be most responsible, was executed.
This kind of crime did happen on some occasions during the war. However, those acts were deviations from the norm.
These days, even the far left scholars have ceased on insisting that 200,000 women were abducted and forced into prostitution by the Japanese imperial army. The most ardent promoter of the comfort woman sex slavery theory admitted that there were no such abductions on the Korean peninsula. This is simply because such an act of abducting 200,000 (or more) women by deploying troops in the middle of war is impossible. No army can afford to do it while fighting against enemies. How do you arrange transportation, accommodation and food for the women? There would have been so many riots and it would have made it extremely difficult to govern the occupied territories. There was absolutely no such records at all. Where have the parents, husbands and brothers of those women abducted in front of them been? Do you still remember the ferry accident in South Korea last year and how the parents and relatives of the victims behaved?
What about those crying old women testifying their stories? At one point the South Korean government chose a dozen or so former comfort woman (paid prostitutes) as the most reliable ones to testify. Unfortunately, their testimonies were so inconsistent and some were clearly talking about their experiences in the Korean War where there was no Japanese involvement that they could not be seriously believed.
In fact, 122 Korean former comfort women are presently suing the South Korean government for forcing them to sexually serve American (and Australian) soldiers during the Korean War. Ironically, the current President of South Korea, Ms Park’s own father was directly responsible for the establishment of these comfort woman brothels. I fail to understand how some Koreans can accuse others.
Left wing scholars have shifted their narratives from abduction to collusion. They say “many women were deceived by vicious Korean pimps but the Japanese authority did not proactively arrest them nor rescue the women. Hence, the Japanese government was guilty as well”. In actual fact, there were numerous newspaper articles about Japanese police who cracked down on Korean crime groups and rescued women at that time. In any case, it is far too difficult for them to prove such an abduction theory because it is totally improbable and unrealistic. In reality it was a commercial operation licensed by the army. Such a system would not have been pleasant in any case but there were also stories of amicable relationships between soldiers and comfort women leading to marriage in some cases.
The American government also went to extraordinary lengths in the search for solid evidence of Japanese war crimes. The IWG (Nazi War Crimes &Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group) spent seven years and 30 million dollars searching for evidence under the Clinton and Bush administrations. The final report to the congress clearly states there was no tangible evidence found.
The abduction theory is an impossible theory. Then why are Chinese and South Koreans pushing to erect statues across the world? The president of the Sydney Korean Society said through his delegate that he wanted to erect 10 statues across Australia. Are they that concerned with woman’s human rights from seventy odd years ago? I really don’t see this in their written or spoken comments at all. Rather, the real motive appears to be far more political. The true intention of the comfort woman statue campaign run by the Chinese and South Koreans is to bring pressure to the close relationship between Japan – and the US, Australia, Canada. “Comfort woman” issue has being used as no more than a tool for their campaign to achieve this outcome. This is clearly shown in their action agenda, (See attached document). South Korea is a glove and China is the hand inside. South Koreans are simply being used by the Chinese Communist Party which wants to remove all obstacles in their way to support their own expansionism.
Ms. O’Herne is apparently saying “The Japanese are waiting for me to die but I will never die until the Japanese government officially apologizes.” We are sincerely and truly sympathetic with her case and feel sorry for what happened to her, but she has been offered an apology and compensation by the Japanese government but has chosen not to accept these offers. The matter was legally settled between the Japanese government and the Dutch government. We would like to send her our very best wishes but politely point out once again she was not a victim of the comfort woman system which was in essence a commercial operation. She was the victim of some rogue elements in the Japanese Army who were held to account for their crimes. There should not be any confusion or blurred lines in this matter. Sadly it appears she has been misled by politically motivated people to believe a very different story which has no basis in fact or evidence.
As you may or may not be aware this is a highly politicized matter far beyond any normal human rights issue. No local Canadian community should be subjected to this politically charged dispute with this China-Korea international campaign. We know that you just wanted to be kind to your new sister city but please put harmony in your community first. Harmony in the multicultural city is not given. It requires hard work to achieve and maintain. This is exactly what we are going through right now here in Australia. You have far more important things to do for your residents.
Australia Japan Community Network is a group of Japanese and non-Japanese residents working together to achieve harmony in multicultural societies in Australia. Please do not hesitate to contact me should you like to discuss on this matter.
Australia Japan Community Network
【 Attached Document 】
In a newsletter widely published by the Korean Society of Sydney in September 2014, the ‘Korean and Chinese Alliance Committee in Australia (KACA) for denouncing Japanese militarism says, “We will mark the year 2014 as the beginning of ‘The New March 1st Movement’ and declare that they will “continue their activities in Australia to denounce Japan for their war crimes committed during World War II“. Chairman, Sang Ok, is vigorously leading this campaign as written in the article below.
KACA activities as listed in the news article are as follows:
1. We will strongly accuse the Japanese Prime Minister Abe and other politicians for visiting the Yasukuni Shrine and demand an apology to Korea and China.
2. We will hold exhibitions, forums and seminars to teach the second generations of Korean and Chinese people in Australia and Australian citizens about the resurgence of Japanese militarism, history revisionism and war crimes such as ‘Comfort women’ and the ‘Nanjing Massacre’.
3. We will erect statues of the “Three Sisters” in Australia in order to inform people widely about the atrocities committed by the Japanese army in the name of “Comfort Women”; kidnapping of young Korean, Chinese and other Asian women and turned them into sex-slaves.
4. We will lead the consensus to pressure the Japanese government to stop revisionism so that we can prevent the good-hearted Japanese people, who have been silent, from waking up to teach the false history to future generations of Japanese.
5. We will demand that the Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott acknowledge the Japanese invasion and violations of women’s human rights during World War II, and correct his mistake in thinking that Japan is Australia’s best friend in Asia.
6. We will urge the Australian government to change their thinking towards Japan as their ally, and demand their foreign policies that currently lean towards Japan to be changed so that Australia will treat Korea and China equally with Japan.
7. We will urge the US government not to be deceived by Japan, acknowledge the dark evil intention of Prime Minister Abe, stop remilitarization of Japan and change their foreign policies that put Japan first before Korea and China.
8. We will hereby announce that both Korean and Chinese people will work together for the benefits of both countries and we will continue our activities until above mentioned aims are fulfilled.

Japan: The important Historian Dr. Hata speaks on World War II issues

(translation from English to Chinese)
Japan: The important Historian Dr. Hata speaks on World War II issues (English subtitles)

Great that this has English subtitles. Normally only in Japanese, which is like locking it in a vault:

"Professor HATA Ikuhiko graduated from the University of Tokyo in 1956 and received his PhD from the same institution in 1974. He worked as chief historian of the Japanese Ministry of Finance between 1956 and 1976 and during this period from 1963 to 1965 he was also a research assistant at Harvard University. After resigning his post at the Finance Ministry Hata served as a visiting professor at Princeton University from 1977 to 1978 and then was a history professor at Takushoku University from 1980 to 1993, at Chiba University from 1994 to 1997, and at Nihon University from 1997 to 2002.

"Hata's scholarship has been widely praised. Historian Edward Drea, for instance, has written that Hata's "published works are models of scholarship, research, accuracy, and judicious interpretation", and Joshua A. Fogel, a historian of China at York University, concurs that Hata "is an eminent scholar who has for over forty years been writing numerous excellent studies of Japan at war.""
秦的学识被广泛的赞赏。比如,历史学家Edward Drea写到:秦出版过的作品是学识,研究,准确性,明智的解释的模范。在纽约大学的一位研究中国历史的历史学家Joshua A. Fogel同意秦是一个杰出的学者,秦连续40年写了许多卓越的对于日本战争时期的研究。

(translation from English to Chinese)
South Korea latest US ally to join AIIB

Washington looks increasingly isolated as another important ally joins the China-backed Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB). Australia and Taiwan could be next, as a deadline for founding members approaches.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

ISISのように振る舞う韓国人 updated (Strathfield)

— 日本の安倍晋三首相の肖像の首を切り落としている.





カリフォルニアにあるそのグループはKAFC(Korean American Forum of California)と呼ばれる.像を見にグレンデールを訪れたとき,KAFCのPhyllis Kimが,日本共産党員を引き連れてツアーをやっていた.私は丁度そこでビデオを撮っていた.



米国の連中は中国系のグループGlobal Alliance(世界抗日戦争史実維護連合会)がバックについている.Global Allianceは馬鹿馬鹿しい本”Rape of Nanking”を支持したが,著者のIris Changは銃で自殺した.彼女は自分が言った嘘にいたたまれなくなったのだろう.彼女は今,平穏かもしれない.しかし彼女は生きているときにこの世界に憎しみをもたらしたのだ.最初は慰安婦像,次は犬の首を切り落とす.やがて米国のために努力してくれている多くの平和な日本市民に暴力を及ぼすようになるだろう.







Koreans Behaving like ISIS -- beheading effigy of Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe
PM Abe is a staunch ally of the United States. He will speak before our Congress this month. 
Notice that on the right side of the screen shot (from the video) is the little golden "Comfort Women" statue. Korean and Chinese communists are building these statues in various countries.
Currently they are trying to build a statue in Burnaby, Canada. The good citizens of Burnaby must ask themselves if they want a statue built in their town that is funded by people who beheaded Japanese Akita dogs in front of the Japanese Embassy in Seoul. 
Yes, that is right. They took Japanese Akita dogs and cut off their heads. These are the people supporting these comfort women statues. They call them "monuments to peace." 
The Koreans and Chinese communists in Glendale, California who erected that ridiculous statue by the library (I went there to see it) have brought only problems to Glendale.
The group in California is called KAFC -- Korean American Forum of California. When I visited the statue in Glendale, Phyllis Kim from KAFC was running a tour for Japanese communists. I was right there making video.
Currently, related people are also are trying to erect a comfort women statue in Strathfield, Australia. This is already causing racial frictions in Strathfield, a town that is known for its racial tranquility. 
I plan to go to Strathfield myself to talk with any officials who will listen and to explain who these people are. They will bring hatred to Strathfield. And lock up your Japanese bred dogs. 
To say again: the people erecting these statues are Korean and Chinese communists, along with heavy support from Japanese communists. 
Those in the US are backed by a Chinese group called Global Alliance. Global Alliance backed the ridiculous book "Rape of Nanking" but Iris Chang who later shot herself to death. Maybe should could not live with all of the lies she told. May she rest in peace now, but she brought hatred to the world while she was alive. 
The communists have been trying to erect a statue in Fullerton, California. A small team and I travelled to the area months ago to inform local thought leaders that this is a bad idea. 
First comes the comfort women statues, then comes the beheaded dogs, and possibly violence towards peaceful Japanese citizens, many of whom fought for the United States.
These actions are linked to a larger information war that is trying to shut down our military in Japan, and they are trying to split us from Japan. The highest puppet masters are in Beijing. 
These statues with their bloody fingerprints should be ripped from the ground and hauled to a dump and buried.
Good Chinese and Koreans should stand up to the communists in their midst. Ultimately this will bring trouble to innocent Chinese and Koreans. 
In the video at the link, Korean communists play like ISIS as they behead an effigy of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.
Please watch the video:

Wednesday, April 1, 2015









Japan: Cherry Blossoms at Yasukuni Jinja (shrine) last night  

Many people in Japan try to predict when the cherry blossoms will come. It is difficult to predict exactly when, but when the blossoms come it is like living, silent fireworks that bring joy. This special joy in the people is easy to see. We have something similar in Washington.

The blossoms stay on the trees only for a short time, and then another beauty unfolds as the blossoms fall off and carpet the earth, or float down streams and rivers.

Japanese have a festival under the blossoms during which they come together and drink and eat under the trees. I was lucky to be invited last night to come to Yasukuni jinja where an esteemed group of people were carrying on the tradition.

At the table, a kind Japanese lady explained that Japanese for hundreds of years have carried on this tradition. She said that during the old days, farmers thought that to drink under the cherry blossoms would give them strength and health to work through the summer. 

She said that just about five years ago, it was scientifically proven that the pollen falling off the trees actually does provide health benefits, and as it falls from the trees above into our glasses and onto the food, that the pollen is like medicine. Of course I did not check into this, but the story was interesting to hear.

On an earlier trip to Yasukuni I made a long tour of the museum inside. Inside the museum behind glass, many letters are displayed from Japanese military members who were fighting in World War II. 

Many of the letters are translated to English. I read every letter there, which took a long time because there are so many.

The Soldiers knew they likely were going to die in the war, and often they would say in the letters that one day their souls will meet under the cherry blossoms at Yasukuni.

U.S. newspaper ad to urge Abe to apologize for wartime sexual slavery

(Translation from English and Japanese to Chinese)
"U.S. newspaper ad to urge Abe to apologize for wartime sexual slavery"

 This is an amazingly well financed information operations designed to split Japan from important allies such as the United States. The widespread sexual slavery narrative is a gigantic lie. 

 Others have said the USA did the same in Iraq and Afghanistan -- I was there. It was a lie. Our troops did not do this thing. 
米国がイラクやアフガニスタンで同じようなことをしていたと言う者もいる ― 私はそこにいた.そんなことは嘘だ.我々の兵士はそんなことをしない.

 There was a rape and murder south of Baghdad. The Soldiers were caught and went to prison. We should have executed them. That was a singular event and the murdering soldiers tried to hide it from other Soldiers. Our own Soldiers would have crushed other American soldiers for doing this. The US military did not do this in Iraq and Afghanistan. (I use capital S for good Soldiers, and small s for those who should be in prison.)

 There may also have been rapes at Abu Ghraib, but any stories of widespread rapes are lies. I spent about 4 years in Iraq and Afghanistan and not a single Iraqi or Afghan every complained to me about this. I would have published any credible allegations. No media who were there reported this, and literally thousands of journalists reported on those wars. But that does not stop people from claiming this is true!
也许在Abu Ghraib监狱也有强奸案,但是任何说强奸案广泛存在的说法都是谎言。我曾在伊拉克和阿富汗待过4年,没有任何一个伊拉克人或阿富汗人对于这些事情向我抱怨。我愿意提供可靠的报告。没有媒体报道过这样的事,不夸张的说,有数千记者报道了那些战争。但还是不能阻止人们宣称这是事实。

 Likewise there were no contemporary reports from media that Japanese kidnapped and raped 200,000 women in World War II. These allegations were made in the 70s and 80s and took off with great steam in the 90s when the Chinese went industrial with their information war against Japan. Remember that the war ended in 1945, but it was not until the early 1980s that the allegations really began.

 How can someone kidnap and rape 200,000 women and not leave millions of witnesses, with headlines around the world? 

 Remember that we were firebombing and using atomic weapons on Japan. The USA did everything possible to destroy any trace that the Japanese were actually human. Our own war department made films that made Japanese look like rats. Surely we would have heaped mountains of blame on Japanese for kidnapping and raping 200,000 women. But we did not. Because it never happened. 

 Exhaustive searches of US archives -- such as outlined in the 2007 IWG report to Congress that I spoke about in Tokyo -- have turned up nothing. The Dutch found some credible information that about 19 women actually were taken as sex slaves in Indonesia. This happened to some others in Philippines, but the Japanese Soldiers were caught and punished, and Japan apologized and made compensation. These were abuses of the system, not a system of abuses.
米国の資料を精査した資料 ― 東京でも触れたが2007年の議会へのIWGリポートでは ― 結局何も得られなかった.19人ほどのオランダの女性は,インドネシアで実際に性奴隷にされたことがわかっている.実行したのはフィリピンにいた日本兵で,彼らは捕らえられ罰せられた.日本は謝罪し補償をしている.ただしそれらは軍というシステムを裏切った犯罪行為であって,軍が犯罪を犯したわけでは無い.

 Yes, yes, the Bataan Death March actually happened. I was just over in Bataan just a couple months ago on research. Nobody denies this or that we did similar on the Trail of Tears. And no person with much knowledge of US history denies that we committed genocide against Native Americans. But that does not mean that 200,000 women were kidnapped and raped by Japanese, or that US troops raped their way across Iraq and Afghanistan.
是的,是的,Bataan Death March确实发生了。就在几个月前我在Bataan做研究调查。没有人否定这个或者我们在美国眼泪之路上做的同样的事情。没有一个拥有足够的美国历史知识的人否认我们对原住民犯下的种族大屠杀。但是不意味着有20万妇女被日本人绑架并强奸,或美军在伊拉克和阿富汗到处强奸。

 It is all part of a big information war. The funny thing is, they could be more effective with their information war if they just stuck to real atrocities and did not make up whole-cloth lies. And nobody commits atrocities more than Chinese. Chinese are the worlds atrocity-meister. Even Nazis cannot keep up with Chinese when it comes to genocide. Japanese never have committed genocide. Chinese, Germans, Americans, Russians, and many other surely have, but the Japanese have never committed a genocide. 

 The ianfu (comfort women) system was real. Everyone knows this and it is well documented and continues today around the world, including here in Chiang MaiThailand, just down the road from my office. Nobody has ever denied this and nobody is ashamed of it. They are prostitutes doing their thing and that is that. 
慰安婦(comfort women)は実際にあった.皆それを知っているし,それに関する文書も世界中どこにいても読める.ここタイのチェンマイにある私のオフィスでも簡単にダウンロードできる.だれもそれを否定していないし別に恥じているわけでも無い.彼女らは売春婦で彼女らの仕事をやっていたというだけのことだ.
慰安妇(comfort women)系统是存在的。每个人都知道这个,而且被很好的归档记录在世界各国今天都有。包括在泰国清迈,从我办公司的路上,没有人曾经否认过这些,也没有人对此感到耻辱。她们是妓女,只是做她们自己的事情而已。

 And the comfort women of World War II, including those who serviced Americans in Honolulu, etc., were making a lot of money.

Michael Yon

The bickering allies of United States in Asia

(translation from English to Chinese) 
"The bickering allies of United States in Asia"

Mr. Kent Harrington is largely correct. I do disagree about PM Abe visiting Yasukuni. Japan has freedom to worship as does the United States. We should not interfere with this basic right. On a diplomatic level we should not mention this. This is Japanese business. 
Mr. Kent Harrington大部分正确。我确实不同意安倍首相访问靖国神社。日本有信仰自由,正如美国所做的一样。我们不应该干涉这个基本权利。在一个外交的等级上我们不应该涉及这个。这是日本人自己的事情。

Japanese are friends and allies. China is pushing buttons to make KoreaUSAJapan, and others, all fight each other. China is playing a big information war. If China does not stop, this will bounce back on China.

Mr. Kent Harrington has an understanding of what is happening:
Mr. Kent Harrington对于正在发生的事情是有认识的。