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by Prozac101 · 8 minutes ago

The article

That started it all

The prelude to trouble

Until this point everyone was just voicing their distress over the article and how unhappy they were with it. Talking shit, being a bit vulgar (because that is the flavour of this group, some close people in it), you know the drill. These are women who love their uteruses and very vocally speak about their rights to their own bodies. So naturally shit was bound to hit the fan and spray all over.

Who is this lady..

No seriously..

Why does she exist

Uh oh

God damn

So just having some fun with her at this point I guess, because what else can you do?

Some lady randomly butt into a conversation (Was friends with the girl in dark pink, ended up commenting from seeing it on her side panel I guess) Didn't like being told off so she got "butt hurt" and felt it was appropriate to tell people to kill themselves, make fun of little kids, and somebodies dead mother. All because she wants to stick her hand in other peoples uteruses.
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