You’re getting in the way of all the men who want to bang

Gay clubs are for gay people. Are you gay? No. So fuck off.

A horrifying epidemic is upon us: straight girls at gay clubs.

Dressed to the nines and fuelled by naivety (“so what is poppers then?”) they’re a nuisance.

While in normal life they would be offended by being called “breeders,” at a gay club they hog the dance-floor and remind us of the reason for the break up of girl bands.

Queer clubs are for queer people.

This isn’t “heterophobic” because let’s be honest, heterophobia doesn’t exist. It’s a nonsense term made up by the same group of twats who say people are racist to white people.



The lunacy of having a system of subjugation in society only then to turn around and accuse minority groups of discriminating is clearly idiocy.

To the girls who complain of being hit on by rugby lads and long for a “safe space”: gay clubs are not your safe space.

This isn’t to say you should get over sexual harassment in a club.

But this is our space, a space for queer people to be queer. Unapologetically and mercilessly queer.

Your presence, as a tacit part of the heterosexual hegemony, is not welcome.

I see you

I see you

“But I just want to dance, stop being a prick!” There is something delightfully ironic about hearing straight girls complain about not having a place to dance.

The whole world caters to straight people, from the music played on the radio to the quantity and quality of clubs which serve your needs.

So if you “just want to dance” you can dance elsewhere. Like in your room, or fucking anywhere, but not here.

While you’re twirling around having a grand old time with all your little girlys, pretending you’re in Sex and the City, everyone else wants to fuck.

And you’re in their way. You’re having a great time, and we want to have a great time in the bedroom (or toilet, am I right George Michael?) but we need to find someone.

While you’re dropping your pancake-ass you got, you’re stopping potential men from actually dancing and ergo fucking.

Look at how fun you are

Look at how fun you are

“It’s so much fun, because there’s less testosterone and fighting.”

Firstly let’s just disregard how much this is said, and how massively offensive it is to suggest pent up masculine madness can’t break forth from a queer person.

And secondly: this is an awful justification for your presence.

Because they only see one part of queer culture, people think everything kinky, rough or “other” is gone because Graham Norton’s suits are shiny and not leather.

But it hasn’t.

And so to suggest you’re just going to have a great time because we’re all faggy as fuck, and we should raise a pink margarita, is just illogical.

Gay men can be rowdy, and we’re not here to fulfil your dreams of a night out just with “the girls” which resembles a scene from a BBC3 representation of a nightclub.

But your blonde bob cries out: “It’s an experience.”

Are you out of your straight ass mind? Gay clubs and queer people are not your zoo or entertainers.

We might be better dancers or have better music, but this is for us. Our culture, queer culture, is for queer people. If you want to watch us and “experience” it, just wait until a celebrity appropriates it in five years time.

In gay clubs we’re dancing, drinking and socialising like normal human beings who just want to be with queer people for one goddamn second of our insufferably straight-controlled lives.

Quite why straight people feel the need and/or sense of entitlement which enables them to colonise every fucking culture they can find is beyond me.

Not the kind of pole action we want

Not the kind of pole action we want

So if you want to just have a bit of fun and experience something new, try deep-friend mince pies: they’re not as bad as they sound.

But don’t schlep all the way to Soho just for a patronising “experience.”

There is one type of hetero who can be in the place and they are the nervous looking fag hags who’ve been dragged out by their gay best friend.

They can stay because mazel-tov to them for turning up and only mildly cock-blocking.


  • Joe Root

    you are probably the worst bloke in durham

  • Anom

    Such appalling language. What would your mother say.

  • Blonde Bob

    Cracking chat, funny tone, top work by Mr White.

  • Good Googly Moogly

    Great! Now all Durham needs is a gay club to kick straight people out of …

  • Joanna Gower

    Oh, shut up, Charles. Queer clubs are a safe space for queers with regards to being free in their sexuality and the expression of it. If someone comes in who acts in a homophobic way, they will be removed. If an asexual person came in who also wouldn’t have sex with all the people in there, would that be a problem? It’s an excellent learning experience, to be honest. I love taking my straight friends to queer clubs – they become more accustomed to seeing men kiss men etc which normalises non-heterosexuality, and become more used to seeing people present as their chosen genders. Would you exclude men from feminist spaces? As long as it’s done with an air of respect, support and allyship, I’d welcome any cis or heterosexual person. There are also people who currently identify as cishet who are curious about exploring the queer subculture as a road to learning about their own sexuality. Are you really going to exclude them? Yes it’s irritating when I hit on a straight girl. So what? Get the hell over yourself. Love, a queer woman.

    • Joanna Gower

      I mean even ignoring the shocking asexual erasure in this article (nice one supporting LGBTQ+ individuals, Charles), it’s also giving gay men a horrible stereotype – way to reduce the stigma.

    • farkennel

      As long as you dont bitch when a straight man hits on you then it`s fine.Love a straight man.

  • DU Lesbians.

    Dear straight people,

    I for one am glad that you are joining us in the battle for equality, one vodka cranberry at a time. The world wouldn’t exist without you lot, and the LGBT movement would be much less powerful, thank you.

    • Harriet Wright

      The hypocrisy in this article is almost laughable

      • Harriet Wright

        This was meant as a comment about the whole article, not your reply DU lesbians

  • S

    Just shut the fuck up. You’re giving us gay people a bad rep.

    I for one am all for straight people coming to gay bars. It can only be a sign of increasing tolerance and support for gay rights.

  • Anon

    This article is not only so aggressively written that it isn’t even worth reading, but as long as they’re no homophobic then why can’t straight girls and even straight guys come to gay clubs for a change of atmosphere/scene? With all these gay clubs shutting down in Soho for example, it’s a good thing to drum up a bit of popularity, and also gives a chance for the gay and straight community to come together. Also, all these straight girls you’re talking about – how do you know they’re not lesbians/bisexuals? If any group of people should be annoyed by the presence of straight girls in clubs it’s them because, as a bisexual myself, I know it’s difficult – if you want to pull – to tell who’s gay and who’s straight. And, as there are barely any all-girl gay clubs, naturally we congregated in mixed clubs. So stop trying to widen the divide between the gay and straight community and just be glad that you’re not living in an era where your sexuality could get you thrown in prison, or worse – if all you’ve got to complain about is coping with some girls dancing then count yourself lucky.

  • Poor Charles

    mate, we understand that you’re mad that you never get laid, but don’t take it out on the heteros (or, apparently, all women, you flaming misogynist)

  • CHAD






  • Anon

    This article is written in an unnecessarily aggressive tone, and it is upsetting to think that there will be many straight people reading this and thinking that these are the views of the gay community. I’m gay and I thoroughly disagree with it. Charles you really got it wrong, and if those are your views, then I sincerely hope that you never achieve a position in society where you can actually influence any change in this direction. These views are backward, and I think you need to reconsider what you’ve said.

  • Anon

    The bit that made me laugh was when you said you can’t be racist towards white people. What bubble of a world do you live in?!

  • London

    I’m surprised someone with such ridiculous an outlook on life can write let – shame on The Tab for giving idiots like this a platform to write such guf!

  • AllofDurham

    This is every kind of awful. The Tab needs to remove this writer, not only because he is offensive, but his writing is crap.

  • DurhamPopulus

    Does this writer enjoy making people feel unwelcome, uncomfortable and upset? If so he is a lowly human being regardless of any other characteristic he possesses. Whilst the Tab is a lighthearted online paper, this sort of writing is frankly dangerous, and needs to end. It is not informative or entertaining and divides communities. Surely all humans and friends are equal and this is the massage progressive individuals should be forwarding on such a platform. The Tab ought to be ashamed to publish such bigoted hate filled work, it needs to end.

  • anon

    Not only is this awfully written (e.g ‘The lunacy of having a system of subjugation in society only then to turn around and accuse minority groups of discriminating is clearly idiocy.’) but judging by the comments on this, it seems like the rest of Durham is more pro-equality than you are. Top work Charles

  • A

    Let’s disregard the fact that this article fails to really present a coherent argument…

    Are you seriously saying that we should separate the gays(/LGBT community) from our straight counterparts? Just like all forward thinking societies?

    I suppose I’m going to have to stop going to Klute now and ruining 95% of my (straight) friends’ nights out. You might want to consider giving up your employment there too because every customer has to hand over their £3…

    But that’s fine, I’ll just toddle off to Osbornes and have a wail of a time with Durhams HUGE, overly sociable gay community yeah?

  • You’re Durham’s Katie Hopkins

    What about straight trans people, or bi people?

  • Dissapointed

    You are possibly the only person in Durham with the confidence and guile to bring LGBT issues to student media. And then you go and do this.
    We don’t expect quality from you Charles, but at least a little decency.
    Don’t blame straight women for your dry spell – you should just have kept the top knot.

  • Lucius

    Is this because you look like a disabled Draco Malfoy?

  • Durham Student

    Does this mean gay people shouldn’t be allowed in straight clubs? You are the most heterophobic person I have ever heard of. Get over yourself.

    • Anon

      There is no such thing as a “straight club”.

  • anon

    if you seemed like less of a cunt and I thought i’d be able to bear your company, I’d sit you down and give you a talking to about the ills of segregation. Just watch Hairspray hun, even if you don’t get the nuances, the songs are fantastic.

  • farkennel

    Cool,have all the fruits and feminazis in the one place.They can feed off each others misery while blaming straight white men for all the shittiness in their hate filled lives.

  • Guest

    Obvious troll author is obvious.

  • JKM

    Ow OK so if I was to say ‘Straight clubs are for straight people. Are you straight? No. So fuck off’ that would be ok?? No of course not, so why should it be different the other way around! This article is a complete load of nonsense!

    • pseudopsyche

      Because gay clubs are designed to be a place where LGBTQ people can go without feeling threatened, something straight people like you don’t have to worry about…

      • anon

        Are you saying straight people don’t feel threatened in straight clubs…?

        • Anon

          Nail, head. etc

        • pseudopsyche

          Not because of your sexual orientation, no.


      • Nodenotnerd

        I’m fairly certain you can still feel threatened in non-gay clubs, regardless of orientation, gender or place of family origin. I know a lot of women that go into gay clubs because they don’t want to get hit on /groped/drugged… and not just women, really.

      • Aaron s

        If you are certain that straight people are unable to understand the concept of feeling threatened due to an unchangeable part of them, then as a gay woman, don’t assume you understand the feelings of a straight person.

        • pseudopsyche

          Classic bi-invisibility from a cishet.

  • Sophie

    1: Non white people can and have been racist towards white people. That doesn’t justify racism at all and racism is bad and unnecessary in any situation,but it isn’t limited to one race.

    2: Whilst I agree if your going to be awkward or make fun of it you shouldn’t go to a gay club, I don’t see why if you’re not gay or if you just haven’t as of yet had a same sex experience you should be banned. Straight girls (and boys) can be interested in gay culture and can have gay friends. You could also be curious about your sexuality and want to go somewhere where you might be able to explore it. Whilst a group of straight girls going to an all male gay bar might be a bit pointless, this article seems to have forgotten about lesbians and that most gay clubs are mixed. I’ve personally only ever gone to gay clubs with gay friends but I’ve been to a lot and at one point only ever went to them simply because the only friends I had at the time who wanted to go out were gay. As long as your accepting to the culture, I don’t see why you can’t join in. We wouldn’t ban gay people from straight clubs, so why is it okay to do the other way around?

  • Iz

    How dare you assume you know who is queer and who isn’t. How dare you make gay clubs exclusive and lacking in tolerance. If you want to fuck, get on Grindr; a club is for dancing and having a good time. A gay club is supposed to be a safe place for people of all orientations to have a good time in a safe environment. I’m sorry you’re upset because you aren’t getting any, but taking it out on people enjoying themselves be they straight, bisexual, lesbian, gay, trans or whatever, reflects very poorly on you babes.

  • Oli Parker

    Charles, you intolerant fool. Years and years have been spent in their pursuit of equality between the sexes, race and sexual orientation and recently massive strides have been taken forward which is fantastic. Admittedly centuries too late but this is the world that we live in.

    And then you come out with this article and set everything back just a little bit. Gay clubs are there to celebrate your sexuality not to exclude straight people!

    If my friends and I went out for a night and my gay friend wanted to go to a gay bar we’d all tag along because it simple wouldn’t matter where we went as long as we were together. Imagine if we’d been stopped at the door simply for being straight? Sounds like discrimination when all we want to do is let our friend celebrate his sexuality!

    How would you feel if someone stopped you from going into a club because you were gay? Pretty bad I bet!

    This whole article saddens me. I’m sure you probably grew up with a lot of adversity in your life. It’s a shame that you’ve become as intolerant as those who bullied you.

    Why can’t everyone just be tolerant of each other. We’re all different. Celebrate that.

  • anon

    i agree that straight people going to a gay club for an ‘experience’ is gross but… although tokenly talking about how ‘queer spaces are for queer people’ you seem to basically think gay clubs are solely for gay men?

    and i mean if that’s explicitly the case for a particular club then fine but don’t be pretending it’s a queer space…

    women are either aggressive straights or ‘fag hags’… like spare a thought for other queer people who honestly have even less spaces than you do…

  • d

    talk about double standard, you want equality and then people like you post ridiculous stuff like this. If one of your members of staff were to make an article called “Hey gay people, please stay out of straight clubs” and then started off by saying “are you straight? no. so fuck off” you would kick off the biggest fuss ever throwing homophobic around and arguing being offended. How about if you want equality you stop being such a narrow minded person and grow up straight people dont have a problem with you coming into every other club, so why do you have a problem when a straight person walks into yours, they know what they’re getting into as long as they’re not complaining when some body of the same sex hits on them then there is no harm in it, it’s just another club with alcohol and music so maybe you’re the one ruining for others because i’m sure you’re probably among a few who have a problem with it. So stop with your double standard if you want to be treated equally you’re bring hate on yourself. that is all

    • Tommy the Gay Tank Engine

      Okay dude, I disagree with the article as well but you seriously just don’t get it. Gay clubs provide a safe space away from the hetero dominated world, but heteros don’t need a safe space away from the homos because, yaknow, they’re not the ones being generally marginalised by mainstream culture. Just saying.

  • No one agrees with you

    Wow this article is so relevant, I get so mad at straight people being in all the gay clubs in Durham. Oh wait.

  • Andrew Hepburn

    I really admire how you write as if you speak for all gay people even though anyone who reads this article (gay or not) seems to think you’re just a massive tosser. You do the gay community a massive disservice by coming across as such a shallow little bitch.

    Also, most gay guys have no problems pulling even with straight people there. So, use this as an excuse for not getting laid if you want but maybe, just maybe people can see how repulsive you really are.

  • R

    I’ve been told I don’t belong in queer clubs plenty of times for being “too straight”. NEWSFLASH: I’m not straight. What, do you think lesbians with long hair don’t exist?

  • DisgustedOfAntarctica

    Other races are never racist to white people? You’ve clearly never worked in West Africa or South-East Asia then.

  • Con

    What’s the one thing being LGBT people should be? Accepting.
    You tarnish a brush over every straight person as if they’re some dumb basic bitch, not cool.
    Am I, a bisexual allowed only in, if I make sure that I don’t hetero it up for the duration of my visit? Should I bring my box of glitter?

  • Lotofhotairfornothing

    I do not even know where to start, but i think this sentence is a good starting point. “While in normal life they would be offended by being called “breeders,” What are you even trying to say?

    Also the pictures used… For example of the girl pole dancing, how exactly did you determine her to be straight? I personally do not see anything specifically suggesting that. Either way you are probably violating her privacy for no good reason other than making a big fuss out of nothing.

    Lastly clubbing should be for everyone. It does not matter what gender or orientation you are. If you cannot deal with diversity in your clubbing experience, why don’t you take up the activites you suggested. Deep friend mince pies may be a good alternative.

  • Kate


  • Kate

    Absolutely ludicrous, this is discrimination no matter how much you disguise it as simple preference or annoyance. Anyone should be able to dance wherever they like, suppose a homosexual was told to leave a general club due to the mostly straight ratio? Ridiculous.

  • Fellow Gay

    I really should make an account on here because there’s a lot of heterophobic gays writing for the Tab recently and I feel the need to say something.

    Firstly, heterophobia does exist: you’re exhibiting it right now. The idea that people should be excluded from a certain area or establishment on the basis of their sexuality is just as bad as saying gay people shouldn’t be allowed in ‘straight clubs’. Have a look at the Indiana Religious Freedom Act affair to see what happens when you start excluding people from certain places for stupid reasons.

    Secondly, everyone needs to know that this proto-fascist does not represent the views of our community. Not all of us are in gay clubs purely for the purpose of seeking out the next gratuitous stranger-fuck. Some of us, believe it or not, are there to be in a diverse and liberating environment where everyone is accepted as equal to dance and get pissed and laugh and enjoy themselves, gays and straights alike.

    Thirdly, don’t overblow the issue: non-gay people in gay clubs is not ‘heterosexual hegemony’, it’s liberty. I reiterate my first point.

    This article betrays a shocking intolerance that we, the LGBT community, should be fighting against. ‘Gay clubs for gay people’? How eerily similar does that ring to the Jim Crow laws in the US, or Apartheid? I’m not seeking to compare in magnitude this attitude to those, but it’s impossible not the draw the parallels.

    In short, stop being such an illiberal, intolerant, wannabe-gay crusader. If you can’t pull in gay clubs, it might not be because the place is full of straight people.

    It must just be because you’re a prick.

  • Sara Hopeful Hollow Wilson

    Are you kidding me I’m glad we have all sorts of people in the gay clubs around the country it’s a way to socialize and learn. We want acceptance not separation this acticle is promoting separation and inequality please stop doing what “straight” people have been doing to us and others for centuries

  • zero

    Twenty years ago the gay clubs were the only place I could dance to proper disco tunes. Now that you all dance to rubbish euro-techno I’ve moved on – doing a bit of disco DJ-ing myself now. You’re welcome to join me…

  • Amy

    It’s so hypocritical how you can claim to champion LGBTQ+ rights while simultaneously being highly misogynistic and insulting. I think it’s the author of this article who needs to learn some tolerance.

  • JB

    Every time you see the word ‘gay’ or ‘queer’ in this article,
    read ‘white’ and every time you see the word ‘straight’ or ‘hetero’,
    read brown or Muslim (or any minority). Makes the article sound like a BNP rant.

  • Davis

    This is pathetic. Telling people who want to go to a gay bar they shouldn’t because there not gay, that does two things, disgraces the idea of gay culture by assuming that the only idea gays would ever want to hang with each other at a club is to bang and if you don’t want to bang then you can fuck off. You are also denying people from experiancing gay culture. Ridiculous.

  • Prtk

    If this is your logic, then gay people should not be allowed in normal clubs because that’s where the straight people wanna go hang out.

  • Annoyed

    Straight people, we gays hate this guy as much as you do, please don’t think his opinions represent even close to the majority of gay people’s views. Straight folk are ALWAYS welcome in gay clubs.


    Oh right, I forgot guy clubs existed just so men could fuck. For something that’s meant to be queer positive, this article is hideously offensive. Grow up and never use the term fag hag ever, ever again.

  • Aaron James

    I literally cannot breathe at the small mindedness of this article. As a gay man I cannot think of a group of people I would want to spend my night with than a group of accepting straight girls that are contributing to the equality of night life.

  • Spunky

    I totally agree. Quite why straight girls feel that they have ‘carte blanche’ to litter gay clubs is anyone’s guess??? I am gay and go to gay clubs to be with gay people not straights! I have to spend my life with straights and wish that I could just spend a little time with gay peeps. This has nothing to do with Lesbians as they are gay and are as much of the fabric of a gay club as gay guys. But straight women or ‘fag hags’ just get in the way and are in the main always the loudest voice in the bar or club. Our local bar/club is going members only soon, the only way to keep it gay and protect our liquor licence!

    I don’t go around getting in the way in straight clubs, so why do straight girls feel it’s their right in gay clubs!???

    I drink in a gay bar that has extended opening times (long after the straight venues have closed) as the gay community can behave itself. The straights descend upon it purely to take advantage of its opening hours and cheap prices, we’ve had a number of incidents involving straights (not one incident of gay violence) that has lead to a warning on our late licence and us now having to drink out of plastic glasses (punished for something we haven’t done!!!). That is one of many reasons that most gay people (male & female) don’t want straights in their venues!!! As we can attest, first come the straight ‘fag hag’ girls, then come the straight guys (seeing it as an untapped market with no straight competition) and then follows the trouble (or violence), then the gay community is punished by having their late night licenses restricted or revoked! Understand now???