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[–]cnt422 40 ポイント41 ポイント  (55子コメント)

Okay... sure... Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin were just innocent kids, right. I mean, there's no way they actually attacked their shooters (which is what eyewitness accounts and forensics say) They were just being innocent black teenagers with no history of violence on their record.

All sarcasm aside, I'm not saying these two men deserved to die, and I'm sure as hell not saying the police or Zimmerman were in the right. I'm saying that the two men this image is in reference to, had hands in their own deaths. If they behaved differently they may still be alive today.

In other words, you're choosing the wrong men to be martyrs. There are unarmed black (and white) men killed by the police in this country all the time. I'm not saying every day, but certainly too often to ignore. Choose one of them to make your martyr, do your research, then maybe you'll be taken seriously.

[–]DrHenryPym 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Or it could be deliberate that the media only focuses on incidents that can be disputed. More "story" and it doesn't make authorities look bad.

[–]shemp33 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

You have a point there. The line between entertainment and journalism is often very grey and out of focus. The media will always choose the white cop shoots black man story over a black/black, white/white, or even a black/white cop/assailant story every time. In the news business, the saying is "if it bleeds, it leads". Now not every top story has bleeding involved (to take the saying literally), but look at how the media thinks-- they will always focus on ratings.

[–]Safety_Dancer 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How the fuck is everyone missing your third paragraph?

[–]toobesteak 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (13子コメント)

This argument frustrates me, you can cherrypick all the bullshit you want to make it seem like these specific incidents arent that bad but the underlying trends they are being used to advocate for are very real.

[–]Safety_Dancer 8 ポイント9 ポイント  (8子コメント)

you can cherrypick all the bullshit

Who's cherry picking? Are you mad that he pointed out the two biggest names in recent memory as far as "unjustly gunned down" goes were the aggressors that initiated a fatal incident? Or are you mad that he's saying these two men are the wrong people to be martyrs?

Eric Garner was murdered or manslaughtered for selling loose cigarettes. Kelly Thomas was murdered for being homeless and mentally ill. This has never been a race issue. It's a class issue and race is the bait people keep falling for and it lets the problem persist.

[–]toobesteak -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (7子コメント)

Exactly, to every " hurr tray von was a criminal racism is dead." I could just say "eric garner". those situations were used to vent frustration with their community as a whole. I believe though that both garner and Martin would be alive if they were white.

Edit. It is a race issue. It s naive to think that racism ISN'T an Issue just 50 years after the civil rights movement.

[–]Safety_Dancer 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (6子コメント)

They'd both be dead. Trayvon's mistake wasn't that he was black. Trayvon's mistake was jumping a man who had a gun. Eric Garner's mistake was having a history of resisting arrest and not garnering any sympathy while his lungs stopped working. Being white didn't save Kelly Thomas, and he gave them no reason to kill him. Trayvon did, and Garner had dug himself into a hole that had he and the cop not been pieces of shit he'd have lived.

[–]toobesteak 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I believe what I believe based mostly on my personal experiences in the real world. That being said, anyone who watches the Eric Garner video should be disgusted, no amount of mental gymnastics can excuse that type of behavior.

I agree its not just an issue for the black community and that police brutality needs to be addressed as a whole but it obviously affects them more than it affects the white community.

[–]Mikey_Mayhem -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Trayvon's mistake was jumping a man who had a gun.

Who said Trayvon jumped George Zimmerman??? Oh yeah, George Zimmerman said that. And you can totally trust George Zimmerman, since he's an upstanding, law-abiding citizen.




Looks like the only thug in the Martin-Zimmerman ordeal was and is George Zimmerman.

[–]Safety_Dancer 4 ポイント5 ポイント  (3子コメント)

Where did I say that Zimmerman was a stand up guy, gentleman, and scholar? You do understand it is possible for two assholes to run into each other right? They're not like magnets with the same side pointed at each other.

You do understand that Martin attacked Zimmerman for following him, right?

You do understand that Martin was beating Zimmerman senseless when he was shot in retaliation and desperation, right?

You understand that if they'd both kept walking they'd both be alive, right?

You understand there was a media feeding frenzy about how this poor young angel was hunted and slaughtered in cold blood before the real story came out, right?

This is why no one will ever take /r/conspiracy seriously. Distrust the narrative unless it suits you. "The media is lying to us about everything! The news only tells you what they want you to know so they control how you feel! Except for this one pet project of mine! This time they're telling the truth!"

[–]Mikey_Mayhem -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Again, you only have one side of the story because the person who could have told the other side, is DEAD.

You only have Zimmerman's account and what little physical evidence of a "senseless" beating. If Zimmerman was being beaten so bad, why was his only "major" injury a small gash on the back of his head? Why didn't he go to the hospital for this "beating"?

Although paramedics gave him first aid, he said he did not need to go to the hospital and sought medical treatment the next day.


Why did Zimmerman directly ignore the 911 operators instructions to stay in the car?


If Trayvon "kept walking" Zimmerman would have kept following him for no reason, you understand that, right? That's what Trayvon was doing and Zimmerman kept following him.

If someone is one top of you "beating [you] senseless" how do you manage to grab your gun and shoot someone on top of you?

I like the way you didn't back up any of your claims with evidence or facts. And how you chose to take the side of the person who initiated the entire situation in the first place. If Zimmerman would have listened to the 911 operator and stayed in his car, none of this would have happened. Martin had no juvenile record when he was murdered, only 2 suspensions from school. Zimmerman did and continues to exhibit criminal behavior.

[–]Safety_Dancer 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Again, you only have one side of the story because the person who could have told the other side, is DEAD. You only have Zimmerman's account and what little physical evidence of a "senseless" beating. If Zimmerman was being beaten so bad, why was his only "major" injury a small gash on the back of his head? Why didn't he go to the hospital for this "beating"?

Because head injuries aren't necessarily visible. Concussions aren't exactly a rarity when having someone bludgeon your fat head against the ground.

Why did Zimmerman directly ignore the 911 operators instructions to stay in the car?

Because he's an asshole.

If Trayvon "kept walking" Zimmerman would have kept following him for no reason, you understand that, right? That's what Trayvon was doing and Zimmerman kept following him.

And what then? Zimmerman would have squirmed with impotent rage as the master criminal got away unharmed.

If someone is one top of you "beating [you] senseless" how do you manage to grab your gun and shoot someone on top of you?

Never been in a fight I see. It's not impossible to reach for your gun and pull the trigger if the other person isn't trying to restrain you at all. In fact a dumb kid who is bumrushing someone and striking in anger likely isn't checking the guy for weapons.

I like the way you didn't back up any of your claims with evidence or facts. And how you chose to take the side of the person who initiated the entire situation in the first place. If Zimmerman would have listened to the 911 operator and stayed in his car, none of this would have happened. Martin had no juvenile record when he was murdered, only 2 suspensions from school. Zimmerman did and continues to exhibit criminal behavior.

I like the way that you're glossing over the whole media frenzy. I can't wait to see what you do in regards to my repeating that Zimmerman is an asshole. There was no good guy that night.

How about you tell me what you think happened.

[–]Mikey_Mayhem -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because head injuries aren't necessarily visible. Concussions aren't exactly a rarity when having someone bludgeon your fat head against the ground.

Zimmerman didn't have a concussion.

Never been in a fight I see. It's not impossible to reach for your gun and pull the trigger if the other person isn't trying to restrain you at all. In fact a dumb kid who is bumrushing someone and striking in anger likely isn't checking the guy for weapons.

No, just never been on bottom, like I'm guessing you've been many times. From your own statement, you said that Trayvon was "beating Zimmerman senseless" and from Zimmerman's own statement saying that, "Martin punched him in the face, climbed on top of him and slammed his head into the sidewalk."

So if someone is straddling your torso and slamming your head into the sidewalk, you can grab a gun (presumably from your waistband), chamber a round, bring it forward and shoot someone in their chest??? Call your Mom to your room and try to act that out and see how it goes.

There was no good guy that night.

Yeah, but one guy got murdered because one guy tried to be a hero for no reason. And as far as the "media frenzy", who gives a fuck about what the media has to say? You're the one who brought up the "media frenzy" and how "the real story came out", which is bullshit. When there are 2 sides to the story and you only hear one because the only person who can give the other side is dead, you only hear half of what happened.

[–]narcissisticavenues 17 ポイント18 ポイント  (3子コメント)

So the facts don't matter, so long as the underlying message conforms with your world view? That's the exact same argument feminists use regarding all these highly publicized false rape accusations. You're on this subreddit, so you obviously know that the media is lying to you. Do you think that it's a coincidence that George Soros funded the Ferguson rallies?

[–]justreadthecomment -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

So the facts don't matter

The problem with facts is, people like you think they can win an argument with a mere handful of them. I mean, what are you trying to say here? That because in a few publicized cases decisive police action was necessary, there can't also be systemic abuse of that power? Well, you're wrong.

edit: See now that I'm not responding to /u/cnt422. Point's still valid.

[–]Safety_Dancer 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yea man, fuck that guy and his facts. Forget the fact he said:

In other words, you're choosing the wrong men to be martyrs. There are unarmed black (and white) men killed by the police in this country all the time. I'm not saying every day, but certainly too often to ignore. Choose one of them to make your martyr, do your research, then maybe you'll be taken seriously.

You got feels to feel man, don't let the reals get in the way!

[–]toobesteak -5 ポイント-4 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Again, to me, one tiny anecdote doesn't undermine the overall narrative of systematic oppression and exploitation. I would agree there's something fishy we just don't agreel where the lake is.

[–]ThatAgnosticGuy 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (7子コメント)

This isn't a matter of individuals like Brown and Martin. Them having "hands in their own deaths" takes nothing away from the situation. OP wasn't choosing any martyrs. The issue is the historic relationship between white officers and blacks in the US which has always been one of oppression.

[–]Bizoza9 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I honestly don't think this picture is representing any one person specifically. A hoodie is a very common piece of clothing for many people. I understand that it is frustrating that the more showcased incidences were from those who may or may not have been the best examples, and agree that there are better cases. Again though, I don't think this is in direct reference to any specific case.

[–]noobprodigy 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

This post doesn't say anything about Trayvon Martin or Michael Brown.

[–]rocktogether 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (0子コメント)

What the fuck are you talking about you ignorant fucking shit. Michael Brown's case is debateable, but Trayvon Martin was an innocent kid who was MURDERED by an older larger thug who has been arrested multiple times since then. The prosecutor on the case is a racist who with held evidence. Zimmerman's story had more holes in it than swiss cheese. He claimed his head was being beaten into the side walk, and later asked if he moved the body after he shot him. The body was 20 feet from the sidewalk! He said his gun was in the back of his pants, and he was on his back, and Trayvon was on top of him, and Trayvon reached for his gun? How the hell does that work? You are obviously a right winged racist who wants to believe this black teenager had to be a bad apple. Please choke on your own tongue soon.

[–]liberaljesus -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (19子コメント)

Uh, Mr. Forensics Expert, can you show me the evidence that Michael Brown attacked the officer? And as a respected Forensics Expert, I'm sure you have an intelligent grasp of what evidence actually means.

[–]happeningpodcast 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (17子コメント)

The bullet wounds, you stupid gullible fuck.

[–]liberaljesus -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (16子コメント)

Oh bullet wounds. Yes, that is evidence, without a doubt, that Brown attacked the cop first. Good job everyone. We solved the mystery. We can go home now.

[–]Thunderstruck79 5 ポイント6 ポイント  (11子コメント)

I'm sure you saw the tape of him roughing up the guy at the store. Is it that hard to believe a guy like that attacked a cop?

[–]Safety_Dancer 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

How dare you suggest that prior behavior can be used to extrapolate the outcome of future events!

[–]liberaljesus -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (9子コメント)

Mm, didn't consider that a completely separate event that has no objective link to the question of whether or not Brown attacked first. Good job buddy.

Is it that hard to believe a guy like that attacked a cop?

Is it hard to believe...?



And here I was, thinking that we were talking about evidence.

[–]Thunderstruck79 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (8子コメント)

Dude argue another case please. The guy was a thug who attacked a cop and got exactly what he deserved. There are numerous examples of police brutality people like you could be talking about that hold much more water than this case. Did you know two LAPD cops beat to death a handcuffed man last year? He was white and the cops were latino so I guess nobody on the I hate cops brigade gives a shit because it doesn't fit your white cops are all secret kkkers narrative.

[–]liberaljesus -4 ポイント-3 ポイント  (7子コメント)

My narrative of what? How does anything I said have to do what you said about me? I said there is no evidence that Brown attacked Wilson first. I NEVER said Wilson was a racist that killed Brown for no reason. I said only what I said and that's it. So shut the fuck up.

I'm not talking about other cases because the OP started this by talking about Brown and Martin. So I don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

Notice how everything you write is filled with assumption and subjectivity. The grand jury said there was not enough evidence to try Wilson of murder. That doesn't mean shit. It was a bunch of subjective, biased human beings that weren't even at the scene who decided that there was not enough evidence to say what exactly happened.


Jesus Christ. You guys just jump to the conclusion that you want to believe in.

[–]Thunderstruck79 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (6子コメント)

I don't think a liberal jesus would tell someone to shut the fuck up. Anyway, guess what? Getting together a bunch of subjective, biased human beings that weren't even at the scene to make a decision is EXACTLY how we do our best to determine guilt or innocence in this country dumb ass.

[–]liberaljesus -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Hey dumbass. Learn what a grand jury is. And try to use the thing called logic. You don't seem to be comprehending what I'm actually saying. So you might want to go back to high school to brush up on some basic reading comprehension.

[–]happeningpodcast 3 ポイント4 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Gun residue on hands and inside the car.

[–]liberaljesus -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't think you understand what "beyond a reasonable doubt" means. Or the word "evidence".

Before that piece of evidence was revealed, Brown's friend, Dorian, who was walking with him before the incidence, said that the officer pulled Brown by the neck into the car through the window, threatening to shoot him, then shot him. After Brown was shot once, they both started running. Then the fatal shots occurred.


I'm not saying Dorian's story is true. I'm saying that the residue and gun shot inside the car corroborates the story that Brown attacked the officer through the window, and also that the officer pulled Brown into the car and shot him.

Also note that a lot of the investigation processes were noted to be unorthodox. That raises some suspicion. What OP said about witness reports backing Wilson is totally false. There are reports backing both stories. And witness reports are not real evidence. The gun residue on hands and inside the car is not evidence beyond a reasonable doubt that Brown began the conflict.

You haven't presented a single piece of evidence that proves Brown attacked Wilson first.

[–]goldurn 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

liberal jesus. has to be a troll account.

[–]liberaljesus -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh good. More evidence that Brown attacked first. Wow, what a solid case.

[–]Slipgrid 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (6子コメント)

Okay... sure... Michael Brown and Treyvon Martin were just innocent kids, right.

Dead kids, so it's hard to say their disposition. That's why we have courts, and generally shun roaming execution squads.

[–]Safety_Dancer 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (5子コメント)

We have evidence that neither of them were in danger of winning any civics awards. And could you identify the officer the executed Trayvon?

[–]Slipgrid -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (4子コメント)

I don't understand your question. Also don't understand your disdain for the our judicial system.

[–]Safety_Dancer 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (3子コメント)

There's video evidence that Michael Brown was a heavy handed brute who had no respect for the property or well being of others. And Trayvon Martin attacked the fat creep who was following him. Neither of these are the actions of good people.

This is a discussion about how the police are gunning down innocent black men in the streets. So again I ask you, who was the officer who executed Trayvon Martin?

You say we have courts. Courts which have found the evidence against Officer Wilson to be lacking to such a degree they wouldn't indite, and a court that said Trayvon was killed in self defense.

And citation please for my disdain for our judicial system.

[–]Slipgrid -3 ポイント-2 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Your disdain for the judicial system is shown by your support for extra judicial excitation. Doesn't matter if it's done by police or citizens.

These events are cherry picked or outright manufactured.

The argument by cnt422 is summarized as, you can't prove Brown or Martin innocents, so err on side of caution and support their slaughter. That argument is ignorant, and rooted in disdain for justice. It's the argument you are supporting. The the argument that I disagree with.

So, why are you here arguing this point? Why are you trying to convince me that the judicial system should be avoided. Why are you trying to convince me that extra judicial executions are OK?

[–]Safety_Dancer 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You're a goddamned lunatic if that's what you took away from anything that you've read. You're doing that thing crazy people do where they ignore everything around them that goes against what they think.

Both of them made the mistake of using their bare hands to kill someone who had a gun and the will to use it. There is no grand conspiracy there. A couple of young men thought they were invincible and didn't understand they weren't. Should they have died isn't the question; should they have attacked the guy with gun is the question.

The point is that there are plenty of people who aren't shrouded in controversy to point to when discussing police brutality. But buying into the media frenzy of white guy kills black guy is what you're hellbent on because it feeds into whatever conspiracy is rattling around in your head.

I am not trying to convince you extra judicial executions are ok. If I was ok with them, why the fuck would mention Kelly Thomas or Eric Garner? Answer that one you disingenuous, sanctimonious, smug, son of a bitch.

[–]Slipgrid -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wow, you are unhinged! Has anyone ever told you that you should seek therapy? I hope you don't work in a career where you would be armed.

"Both of them made the mistake of using their bare hands to kill someone who had a gun"

I think you are delusion! Who has killed people? Martin, Brown, Thomas, Garner, or you?

We have a judicial system. If there's a crime, you should first notify the person who is suspected of criminal behavior; not murder them.

But, that's not what's happening in these cases. Not the cherry picked ones, and not the others. This seems to be widespread killing for sport. So much so that one department is now reported to handout tattoos.