#Get Right

Hi, my name's Aprell
And I am slept on.

Coons, go away.
Go befriend Iggy.

Pictures in my BLACKOUT tab.


So pro-POC
make everyone else on Tumblr feel so uncomfortable =================
No Justice
No Peace









black women are black

*white girl voice* um excuse me sweetie :) don’t you mean ALL women are black???



*white man voice* so now only black women are black? why exclude? this post is racist

*white teen voice* if i made a post saying white girls are white i’d be racist. gotta love tumblr equality (:

This is my favorite post.

mine too now

Tagged: #lmfao #this is gold 
Posted: Thu February 26th, 2015 at 10:22pm
Originally posted by: ambitious-babe.
Tagged: lmfao this is gold
Notes: 65944
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