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[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (39子コメント)

Why is it particularly relevant to dwell on whether or not the holocaust happened? Personally, being English-American, Eisenhower and Churchill are two people for whom I have great respect. I look at admiration when Churchill stands in the US Congress and speaks of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and asks "what kind of a people do they think we are?" and that the allies will pursue the Japanese until "they are taught a lesson the world will never forget" - and we most certainly did that.

The reality is, the pursuit of disproving or discrediting the holocaust is trivial. All it seeks to do is exonerate Hitler when there's no reason that Hitler should be the main or primary source of ethnic pride in white people. I don't admire Hitler, so maybe I shouldn't even be hanging out on this page. I see him as a tyrant who usurped the rights of free whites to independent governments. He invaded and attacked virtually every single white country on Earth other than the United States, Canada, and Australia. I fail to see how his method of terror bombing white civilians until the government surrendered was particularly "pro-white" in any way. In reality he was just a Germanic supremacist and not really in favor of white people in general. He hated that Germany is one of the few places German is spoken and that English is spoken in over 60 countries.

I have great respect for Germans in general, but during WWI and WWII they behaved so belligerently towards other white countries, in WWI siding with Muslims, and in WWII doing 50% of their trade with Turkey, that I have trouble being even mildly sympathetic to Hitler.

Here's why endless obsession about the holocaust is detrimental to white movements:

  1. Regardless of the precise truth of the history, almost everyone believes it happened and it bears almost no relevance to ethnic pride in the contemporary era.

  2. Because so many white pride members are obsessed with Hitler and discrediting the Holocaust, they end up demonizing all whites who want to be proud of Anglo-European history, culture, and religion, not particularly Nazi Germany.

  3. It regurgitates psudeo-scientific fallacies Hitler's minions spouted out that have long been disproved. During WWII, DNA wasn't even fully understood, much less any concept of what might constitute a superior genome.

  4. There's no reason to needlessly piss off Jews who do actually have a lot of economic power. Chose your battles. If a particular Jewish figure is anti-white or detrimental to other people: say it and EXPLAIN WHY. Jews are a tiny tiny minority of the population and ultimately couldn't stand up to the whole world population so they have every rational reason to be defensive.

  5. See above, there are really annoying Jewish people, I'll be the first to say it. Then there's more respectable Jewish people who are interested in protecting their ethnic group and fighting communism (the JDL assassinated and attacked a lot of Soviet representatives and groups). At the end of the day, attacking Jews simply for being Jews is childish and pathetic.

  6. Ashkenazi Jews have really done a great deal of scientific work for western civilization - they also have produced a fair number of pseudo-intellectual postmodernist leftist types and I'll be the first to condemn these types for attacks on Anglo-European culture.

  7. The Anglosphere has been since its inception quite anti-fascist - I believe this was the primary source of hostility to Hitler in England and the US. We founded the United States on the idea of individual freedom, European enlightenment values, Hitler believed in extreme totalitarian collective identity. Whereas collective identity is important for safety and culture, it needn't always be accompanied by totalitarianism.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (37子コメント)

Churchill was such a great man indeed

He single handedly dismantled the British Empire to secure a cheap personal victory over Germany

Jew "scientists" arent needed

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (36子コメント)

What? You mean getting sick of dealing with India? Sorry - fascism is not what made Western Europe and the Anglosphere great: individual liberty and capitalism did that. Hitler could not have wiped out communism - the Russians kicked his ass all on their own.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 2 ポイント3 ポイント  (35子コメント)


Stalin did absolutely nothing on his own. Franklin Roosevelt and American engineers/workers turned the USSR from a backwards economic basketcase into a war machine poised to take all of Europe had his offensive build up not been smashed by Barbarossa killing or capturing millions of Red Army soldiers positioned to attack the Axis.

National Socialism brought space faring rockets, synthetic fuel, biodiesel jet fuel, Jets, electronic computers, nuclear energy technology, and they lived in such a short time.

If Britain and France with their Jewish masters didn't declare war on Germany over Poland (which they handed over to Communist butchers anyway) They wouldn't have turned a legitimate German/Polish border dispute into a world war killing millions of Europeans for the sake of Jewish Communist interests.

Communism went from being contained in Russia to China/Korea/Vietnam/Greece/Czechoslovakia/Poland/Latvia/Lithuania/Estonia

A lot more than a fairy tale "six million" died under Communism thanks to the foreign policy of Franklin Roosevelt and Churchill.

There was no need to encircle/sanction/declare war on Germany. We should have all worked together against Communism, instead of Listening to Jewish agents whose advice made enemies out of the entire middle east, and set up Communist regimes throughout Eastern Europe/Asia/South America.

The "Western allies" and the Comintern are total economic and social criminals and the bright success of National Socialism challenged their dominance.

The holocaust is just atrocity propaganda used to make it seem as if there was a justification to turn Europe into a wasteland and allow another central Asian horde invasion to take place.

All of this is the fault of the failure leaders (puppets) you admire.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (34子コメント)

If the United States, Europe and Britain weren't currently being indoctrinated into communism by another name, I might be more skeptical of your assessment than I am. I am aware that because I was not taught the atrocities of communism in school that those who run the media and education system are sympathetic to the system regardless of its atrocities.

However, both Eisenhower and Churchill worked very hard against communism in their respective countries. Ultimately they weren't able to maintain the propaganda war due to communist takeover of our media and education systems.

Any sane person, however, recognizes that the communist indoctrination of Europe and the Anglosphere came decades after WWII - with Vietnam being the major catalyst in the US.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (33子コメント)

They didn't work hard against communism they allied with Jewish communism against Eurooe which wanted peace with Britain.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (23子コメント)

The Nazis brought the Soviets into the war by attacking them - not some secret British plot to join up with them.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (22子コメント)

Stalin was planning and prepared an attack on the Axis

Historians like Surovov showed he planned to attack Germany and her allies on July 7 1941

The British under Churchill lost their empire and spread communism for a personal victory over Hitler

The spoils are over half a century of Jewish torment

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (5子コメント)

Well... it looks like you're going to get your wish because the DNC hates Jews now and wants to blow up Israel, the minorities from other countries don't differentiate between Jew and White unless they're Muslim and then they REALLY want to kill the Jew. Honestly - the only thing that is standing between Jews and a 2nd Holocaust is the United States.

Unfortunately, Israel has all the non-communist Jews and all the communist Jews are in the United States trying to dispose of the non-communist Jews.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

The republican presidency of George W Bush is the same as Barack Obama.

The two party system is a joke since Jewish interests have taken them both over completely.

Israel has absolutely zero strategic value to the USA, and it's not worth spending American blood and treasure to prop up a Jewish theocracy that has a talmudic culture permitting sex slavery of whites, organ trafficking, and all other sorts of rabbinical decay and disease.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American -2 ポイント-1 ポイント  (15子コメント)

The truth is, though, whites are already dead - they were dead the minute they gave up their ethnic identity. It will be a few more decades of filling white countries up with hostile immigrants and the communists will order the final slaughter of all whites.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (14子コメント)

No, because all it takes is a fanatic minority to change the world. National Socialism is coming back to fix these failures.

People like you who are too backwards minded to understand Hitler's vision through the National Socialist party would rather choose Judeo-Bolshevism out of the unwarranted fear of a tyranny that didn't exist.

Hitler's government barely existed to the Germans. Poland was forcing Germans to live in foreign/brutal occupation and Germany had every right to demand Danzig corridor back.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American -1 ポイント0 ポイント  (8子コメント)

No - that's not how it happened. Germany invaded Poland, Britain declared war, Germany invaded Poland in violation of non-aggression pact, Soviets entered war, Japan bombed US, US entered war. Both the UK and Britain assumed the Soviets were just going to be sitting around and even high ranking Nazis are on record saying that they believed they lost the war the minute Hitler invaded the USSR.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (4子コメント)

Germany invaded Poland to protect the rights of Germans forced to live under foreign occupation.

You don't get much more justified.

Americans wouldn't care if the British or French government complained we were taking back Texas from Mexico.

Your analysis is based on the premise that the German people have no rights and don't deserve to follow their national destiny to be a world power based on their industrial/engineering/social capabilities as a race.

Barbarossa was a resounding success with millions of Soviet troops killed or captured, Generals doing their own thing cost early capture of Leningrad/Moscow, but Germany clearly demonstrated the capability to render the Red Army's ability to wage war inert.

Lend lease is what kept barbaric, hateful, atheistic Communism alive, which led to the Korean/Vietnam wars and other proxy massacres.

Hitler would have been allies with Poland had Sildusky not died, and Smigly been a glory hound thinking a pact with Britain would lead to annexation of Prussia, all he won for Poland was butchery under NKVD jews. (Just like Hitler predicted).

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Somehow I doubt that communism would magically disappear if there were no Jews.

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's your right to follow an incorrect assumption.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (1子コメント)

You might be right that ultimately it might have been better to take out the Soviet Union than Nazi Germany... if Hitler hadn't have been dedicated to overthrowing all of Europe in the process

[–]Na7SocNational Socialist 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Britain and France declared war on Germany, Germany wasn't out for world domination, just to secure Europe from Jewish Communism which was a clear and present danger.

Hitler had more European allies than the Communists or the "Allies".

[–]raxical 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (2子コメント)

Ya, I've read through a bunch of your comments. I mostly agree with you, but Churchill was a dick. They shouldn't have attacked Germany for the Polish invasion. IMO what was really going on was that they wanted to quash any sort of pan-Germanicism so they could maintain their empire.

The concessions and the reparations that the Germans were expect to pay after WW1 were unfair.

[–]HonorableJudgeHoldenEnglish-American 1 ポイント2 ポイント  (1子コメント)

Meh, I've been thinking of a world where Hitler won the war (no political correctness, no Marxist dogma, no ADL, no Mexican invasion of the United States, no endless black racism and white girls getting raped as "punishment for slavery", etc) and I'm reconsidering whether I disagree with Nazis.

[–]raxical 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yes. I think that what they were trying to do was largely sound. Ya, they got some stuff wrong because they didnt have dna testing or a firm enough grasp of genetics and the weilding of power was a problem etc etc. but for that time in history they weren't too far off.

[–]TotesMessengerBot Pride World Wide 0 ポイント1 ポイント  (0子コメント)