




hands up if middle aged white men scare you more than anyone else

Second place goes to early twenties white men

let’s be real, teenage white boys in groups are the most terrifying, with the runner up being violently drunk college frat boys

all of the above

Yeah, for sure! I’d much rather hang out with ISIS than any white people, white people are just way too scary. I mean, the reports of their indiscriminate executions of gays, moderates, and foreigners is just probably overblown.

Even if it is, who would ever take having to talk to a white boi over burning alive? They’re probably way more progressive when you meet them in person.


Sorry for interrupting the circle jerk though. I’ll just leave this here.

 You know damn well that a straight white male has exceedingly more power in this nation than people of color, females, and those that do not consider themselves “straight”. White males have done all that you have listed above and have gotten away with these crimes throughout American History because they know that the system works in their favor. 
I’m sorry you feel targeted and poked fun at, and I’m sorry you may have some guilt in regards to how your ancestors raped, killed, pillaged, and burned their way into designing how this nation operates. But you  will never know how it feels to black or brown in America, and by belittling our opinion on who we view as to who the scariest people in the country are; you begin to add to the oppression by not being able to empathize.  
 Acknowledge your privilege as a white male and go benefit from  the institutional racism and systematic oppression laid out by your forefathers.  You are a part of the problem for trying to denounce the social construct of America’s racial and gender biased cast system.