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[–]dobbyschmurda 189 ポイント190 ポイント  (10子コメント)

I think if you want your kids to get a picture with Busta Rhymes, you can't take the moral high ground by playing the language card.

[–]raydite -16 ポイント-15 ポイント  (9子コメント)

I think if you want your kids to get a picture with Busta Rhymes, you can't take the moral high ground by playing the language card.

The thing isn't that - this is the thing: she's being completely inconsiderate of another human being - Mr. Busta Rhymes - then whining about and trying to 'get consideration' for herself or her children.

This is why some men hate women, sorry ladies, if you expect nothing but consideration for yourselves from humanity but while consistently expecting to be able to give none in return while still holding some kind of place on an imaginary collective pedestal, you're going to have a bad time when you meet someone who has a brain and respects themselves. Busta just told you to go fuck yourself for being a bitch and you wanted to pretend you weren't being one and somehow "turn it around on him", because you are in fact a fucking inconsiderate, brainless female dog.

This is a video of what happens when self-absorbed, british, and ugly meets self-respecting American artist. Go back to your caves and leave your young in the care of someone who is a more suitable parental figure.

[–]ComradePyro 6 ポイント7 ポイント  (8子コメント)

lol, tell your mom to make you some food, your blood sugar seems low