I don't belong here.
Reminder to All Men

Bus stops are not the place to approach women.

Buses are not the place to approach women.

Gas station parking lots are not the place to approach women.

Your place of employment is not the space to approach a woman. It doesn’t matter how long you’ve worked together or how “into you” you think she is (hint: she’s not).

Coffee shops are not the place to approach women. Public spaces, parks, and art exhibits are not the place to approach women. Bars, nightclubs, group hikes, camping trips, sports games, laundromats, gyms, theaters, and H&M are NOT the places to approach women.

Do not. Fucking. Do it.

Men: do not approach women. If we’re into you, we’ll approach you. Otherwise, keep your chubby little ass parked next to the Fat Tire and jalapeno dip and away from our fucking space, you subhuman piece of shit.

  1. annieandoliver reblogged this from soshigay
  2. likeacooldude reblogged this from butterbuttgoatblast and added:
    Friendly reminder we should ban straight people
  3. dreamswalkeninbroaddaylight reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  4. wishiwasastoner reblogged this from thighetician
  5. soshigay reblogged this from xkayla-mariex
  6. friendly-neighborhood-patriarch reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    Oi, fuck off. Who appointed you courtship police? Pathetic, grasping little harpy. How about stay in YOUR lonely-ass...
  7. ironicplanecrashes reblogged this from thighetician and added:
    lmao maybe everyone should just take the advice and stop approaching women and let that play out for a while
  8. ilikechildren--fried reblogged this from xkayla-mariex
  9. nana-bird reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  10. xkayla-mariex reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  11. poppypicklesticks reblogged this from liberator-separator and added:
    This is a joke, right? Please tell me OP is being sarcastic. “Men stop approaching women ever. EVER. Never ever come...
  12. basedsasori reblogged this from spectrum-infinity and added:
    So like??? Don’t approach people anywhere, ever? I mean, what the fuck kind of logic is this? I can see the logic behind...
  13. indigo-ranger reblogged this from milliondollarnigga
  14. liberator-separator reblogged this from butterbuttgoatblast and added:
    Plz stop.
  15. pokemonkid1995 reblogged this from milliondollarnigga
  16. spectrum-infinity reblogged this from fuckyouicantseestraight
  17. fuckyouicantseestraight reblogged this from butterbuttgoatblast and added:
    You’re a fucking idiot and I am immensely glad that someone as stupidly immature as you will never be taken seriously....
  18. ownsoule reblogged this from thighetician
  19. milliondollarnigga reblogged this from thighetician and added:
    I’d say none and three fourths, but damn, must I say this is complete bullshit because I’m sure no girl actively...
  20. beholdthemaverick reblogged this from thighetician and added:
    Lmfaooooo get this shitty post off of my dash
  21. jetstream-tormod reblogged this from thighetician and added:
    butterbuttgoatblast is a tumblr treasure and I will not stand for such besmirchment
  22. thighetician reblogged this from jetstream-tormod and added:
    How many people do y’all think are really out there pressed about talking to the OP? None? None and a half?
  23. futuristicmgtow reblogged this from butterbuttgoatblast and added:
    The funniest part is “if we’re into you, we’ll approach you”. She doesn’t know her own gender very well.
  24. butterbuttgoatblast posted this