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TV Episode Reviews & Recaps
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Agonizer (Everything Else)
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Blood Splattered Cinema
Hosted by: Horror Guru
The Horror Guru reviews the bloodiest, wildest, and weirdest horror that cinema has to offer!
The Bunny Perspective!
Hosted by: Phil Buni
Media reviews and analysis by a pot smoking, puppet bunny. Do you like weird-but-great underground films? Hate Glee, Gigli, and other Hollywood garbage? The Bunny Perspective offers a blend of humorously angry negative reviews, and honest praise of underground movies and TV. We talk about films, TV, anime, and animation. We are the Cult of the Bunny, and you too can be a Cultist. #CultoftheBunny
Cartoon Palooza
Hosted by: Joey Tedesco
A satirical review show where a guy from Jersey watches and criticizes cartoons, including everything from comic books to animated movies. Whatever it is, Joey will either tell you to run out and see it... or fughetabouit!
The Cheap-Arse Film Review
Hosted by: Liam Barrett
It's the Cheap-Arse Film Review, where a young(ish) man finds out if it's possible to live the life of a cinephile super-nerd on the strictest budget possible. Inspired by growing up in the wilds of Essex, England (that's only partially a joke, by the way) and the current harsh economic times, Liam only reviews DVD that can be purchased for £1.00p or less!
The Count Jackula Show
Hosted by: Count Jackula
There are vampires, and there are men from outer space, but there is only one vampire from outer space! Join Count Jackula from the Planet Drakula as he explains the ins and outs of horror, from the mythic to the modern. Blood, off-color humor, and an obsession with Elvira are in store for you!
The DVD Shelf
Hosted by: David Rose
Life is short, so skip the bad movies and let your host David Rose reveal, review, and recommend the ones you should have on your own DVD shelf. The DVD Shelf is a film-lover's safe haven to bask in the warm glow of cult favorites, over-looked cinematic gems, rediscovered classics, and downright fun flicks on both DVD and Blu-ray.
The Examined Life (of Gaming)
Hosted by: Roland Thompson
Just when video games were getting good, the late '90s and early '00s came along. The Examined Life (of Gaming) dares to delve into the good, the bad, and the value-priced games of this dark period, and sometimes we find something worth playing!
The Film Renegado
Hosted by: Film Renegado
Coming to you from south of the border, it's the Film Renegado! A civil engineer with a cinephile complex, the Film Renegado uses movies made in Mexico or by Mexican directors to share bits from his country's culture, past and present. You will both learn and be entertained! How cool is that?
Friday Night Fright Flicks
Hosted by: Count Jackula & Horror Guru
Welcome, fright knights, to Friday Night Fright Flicks! Join your hosts Count Jackula and the Horror Guru as they stumble their way through current horror releases, letting you know which ones are worth the price of admission.
Good Bad Flicks
Hosted by: Cecil Trachenburg
Good Bad Flicks is a show not only dedicated to rare movies, but also forgotten classics and misunderstood box office bombs. Your host Cecil takes you through each movie, discussing the promotional materials, and taking a look at what went on behind the scenes. With a healthy dose of Irish sarcasm, he throws a few jabs at even his most cherished favorites.
The Graphic Novel Picture Show
Hosted by: Solkir
Your host Solkir presents The Graphic Novel Picture Show, a retrospective of the history of comic book movies!
Joshua the Anarchist
Hosted by: Joshua Bell
Charged with the crime of liking Batman & Robin, Joshua the Anarchist has been declared insane and committed to Arkham Asylum. Locked away in a padded cell, he'll endure movie after movie as doctors attempt to "treat" him. He may not have gone in a madman, but he soon will be.
Minority Report Reviews
Hosted by: Tom Marriott
Minority Report Reviews is where often slated or just plain forgotten films and TV shows come for an ego boost. Focusing primarily on unloved sequels, your host Tom Marriott takes questions from the general public to showcase the positives in these films. Love it or hate it, this is the show where you can have your say and see a guilty pleasure defended by the host with the most... strange tastes.
Movie Dorkness
Hosted by: Sofie Liv
It's the show formerly known as Red Suitcase Adventues! Join Sofie Liv, a nice Dane (who may not be as negative as everyone else!) as she dissects pop culture phenomena to explore both the good and bad in popular films.
The Movie Skewer
Hosted by: Team Agony Booth
From the makers of the Agony Booth™ comes The Movie Skewer, where terrible movies are roasted over an open flame for your enjoyment. Watch the very first online review/recap series that’s too much for one host to handle!
Mr. Mendo's Hack Attack
Hosted by: Michael A. Novelli
Need a healthy dose of cynicism from a guy whose face you can barely see? Then Mr. Mendo’s your man! Whether a movie suffers from Hype Backlash, Intellectual Dishonesty, or is just Complete Shit, Mr. Mendo is there. Mr. Mendo wasn‘t raised in this country, so he takes nothing for granted: if something ain‘t right, he’ll nose it out. So join him as he takes on Oscar winners and legendary flops alike in front of a blanket suspended between his couch and recliner!
Mystery Madness
Hosted by: Full of Questions
Mysteries are awesome! And who's better suited to examine the wonderful, the terrible, and the adequate of the movie mystery genre than a teenager with nerdy glasses and substandard editing software? ...Many people, probably, but enjoy the show anyway!
PGSM Summaries
Hosted by: Nycea
Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon (PGSM for short) is a hilarious live-action retelling of the Sailor Moon story. On this show, your host Nycea summarizes and riffs on this gloriously bad series—one episode at a time.
Reel vs. Reel
Hosted by: Animated Heroine
Animation isn't just for kids; it's also for adults who never learned how to grow up. In Reel vs. Reel, the Animated Heroine looks at two similar animated films to see which one comes out on top and why. Her love for good animated films is only matched by her cynicism towards the bad ones.
Stuff You Like
Hosted by: Sursum Ursa
Stuff You Like is an original show where redhead Sursum Ursa waxes enthusiastic about movies, TV shows, and anything else that comes to mind! Expect singing, snarky subtitles, random pictures she finds on the internet, and lots of fangirling!
Terror Obscura
Hosted by: Fear Fan
Terror Obscura is a show dedicated to exploring the best and worst horror films ever made. While some shows are content to just mock bad films, this one isn't afraid to take even the most sacred of cows to the slaughterhouse. If you like horror, humor, or if you're just looking to find some titles you might want to rent, Terror Obscura is the show for you!
Tom's Retrophilia
Hosted by: Thomas Stockel
Is he a connoisseur of vintage media, or just a bitter old man trapped in the past?  Either way, tune in and watch Tom take a look at the movies and television shows from a time when he was actually in the target audience!
The Unusual Suspect
Hosted by: Unusual Suspect
The Unusual Suspect reviews popular movies, and tears 'em apart! They may be good, but no movie is perfect, and there's always things you may have overlooked and hadn't thought about. So join the Suspect as he exploits and ridicules the films you know and love. Just don't kill him for it!
What We Had to Watch
Hosted by: Il Neige
Il Neige is a smart-ass with a love-hate relationship with movies from the new millennium. Sure, reviews can be fun or cathartic, but there's also the risk of the occasional Twi-hard invasion or fireball to the face! ...That's how these things usually go, right? So join Il Neige as he braves the cinematic dangers that lie just beyond the fourth wall to critique the best and worst of 21st century filmmaking!
Click to see all our shows!
the agony booth
Marvel’s Phase 2: The women deserved better
Marvel's Phase 2: The women deserved better

Marvel Studios makes fucking awesome movies. That’s not exactly a controversial statement to make. And no, not everything they’ve made has been perfect, but they’ve got a certain spark that thankfully has yet to be snuffed out.

As a younger studio, they’re far less cautious or predictable than their older competitors. They have the same fearlessness that made Pixar a success not long ago. They take risks and allow creativity to flourish, which makes their films feel more alive and less processed than similar products from Warner Brothers, Sony, or 20th Century Fox. They’ve made a reputation for themselves as the fan’s studio for their constant shout-outs and Easter eggs designed to appeal to hardcore Marvel zombies, as well as their continued dedication to capturing the look and tone of their colorful characters on film.

That’s really a large part of their success: they give the appearance of actually listening to their audience, while their competitors come off as tone-deaf. Which is why fans tend not to complain that much when Marvel films deviate from the source material, because we’ve learned from experience to trust them to get the heart of the thing right, regardless of the details.

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But it isn’t just the traditional 18-35 white male demographic that’s drawn to the Marvel formula. It’s become apparent that Marvel’s movies have attracted far more female fans than they likely expected. Disney may have purchased the company to be the “boy’s franchise” to complement their more female-targeted princess set, but Marvel’s fangirls are numerous and enthusiastic. Thor’s little corner of the Marvel Cinematic Universe especially tends to draw in lady devotees, but all of the Avengers have their fair share of female admirers.

And the company hasn’t ignored them. Much has been made of Marvel’s repeated appeals to the “female gaze”, with several of their films featuring far more fan service for the ladies than typical summer blockbusters. Also, Marvel heroines tend to have more personality and agency than women in the average superhero film. While WB also makes the attempt to include “strong female characters” in their movies, there’s something that feels effortless about the way Marvel does it.

For example, Black Widow and Jane Foster feel like integral, natural parts of their movies, whereas Selina Kyle and Lois Lane feel more awkward and extraneous, like their roles were added or expanded to fill some diversity quota. Marvel gives the impression that they actually like their female characters and want to give them important roles to play, whereas the competition often appears reluctant to include women at all. Marvel is demonstrably willing to go the extra mile for their female fans.

But it’s not nearly enough.

This is the inherent danger when celebrating something for being “feminist-friendly” or having “strong female characters”; people can sometimes see this accomplishment as equality achieved, rather than just another small step on the road to same. It’s important that in congratulating Marvel for being a little more sensitive to women in their writing and casting, we not make the mistake of overlooking all the ways even they fall short of true gender equality.

For example, Thor: The Dark World got a lot of attention for all the important roles women played in its narrative. Jane Foster was pivotal to the plot, Frigga was a strong mentor and role model, Darcy was a likable comic relief, and Sif got to be a badass without it being a “thing”*. And of course, the film has Tom Hiddleston being angst-y and wisecracking, and Chris Hemsworth taking his shirt off. Marvel knows what its fangirls like.

[*By which I mean, the film allows Sif to be a badass without feeling the need to constantly point it out. As in, “girls being tough is totally not normal, you guys! Look at how not girly she is!”]

But when you really look at The Dark World, the fact that it can be considered progressive in its handling of female characters is rather depressing. Sure, Jane gets to be important... by being turned into the film’s MacGuffin, to be led around, examined, and fought over, one of the most literal ways to objectify someone. Yes, Frigga is a strong, wise woman who’s looked up to by both male and female characters alike... before she’s almost immediately “fridged” in order to provide Loki with motivation to help take down Malekith. Sure, Sif is a badass who fights alongside the boys... who outnumber her four to one.

Well, what about Black Widow, you say? She may have started out as little more than eye candy in Iron Man 2, but with further appearances in The Avengers and Captain America: The Winter Soldier, she’s evolved into a key player in the Marvel movie universe and a great character in her own right.

On the other hand, she remains the sole female member of the Avengers, and one of the only two not to have a solo film. A Black Widow prequel movie has been rumored for some time now, but apparently fast-tracking the talking space raccoon was more of a priority than potentially making the first good solo superheroine movie ever.

And speaking of Guardians of the Galaxy, let’s talk Gamora. On the surface, she seems to be another success for Marvel’s gallery of lady ass-kickers. She’s visually distinctive, features a great performance by Zoe Saldana, and even delivers what’s possibly the most quotable line in the movie*. On the other hand, she’s also once again the sole female in her group, and to make matters worse, she’s the least developed. Her character arc amounts to little beyond being a tightwad and Star-Lord teaching her to lighten up a bit, which is already a worn out stereotype for female characters. Her personality also leaves something to be desired, as she’s basically a mishmash of character traits that Drax and Star-Lord both already respectively possess in spades.

[*Which for Guardians is saying quite a lot.]

Unfortunately, the future of Marvel doesn’t hold much promise of improving on these shortcomings. A female-led film has yet to be officially put on their release schedule, and the only new superheroine we have actual confirmation of is the Scarlet Witch, due to join the Avengers in Age of Ultron. And even that good news is tempered with the fact that she’s joining alongside four new male members (Quicksilver, the Vision, War Machine, and possibly Falcon), so the male-to-female ratio on this team isn’t showing signs of improving.

For all the good Marvel has done for their female characters, they’re still stuck in the roles of either sidekick or love interest, and are vastly outnumbered by their male castmates. The studio is still slower to put films starring women as the title characters* into production than all other projects, and merchandise featuring female characters is noticeably rarer and harder to find than merch for their male counterparts. There is progress to be found in Marvel’s movies, no question. But progress is not an end, it is a means. We have much, much further to go. There is still so much more Marvel could and should be doing, and we must demand it from them. Praise them when they take steps in the right direction, but don’t forget to point out where they fall short. We deserve a better Marvel than the one we have.

[*Seriously Marvel, where is that damn Ms. Marvel movie?]

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Posted Mar 26, 2015 by Staff Writer
Posted Mar 20, 2015 by Joshua Bell
Posted Mar 25, 2015 by Cecil Trachenburg
Posted Mar 17, 2015 by Chelsey McQuitty
Posted Mar 13, 2015 by Thomas Stockel
Posted Mar 6, 2015 by Dr. Winston O'Boogie
Posted Mar 22, 2015 by Joey Tedesco
Posted Mar 3, 2015 by Jonathan Campbell
Posted Mar 16, 2015 by Hex
Posted Mar 12, 2015 by Joel Schlosberg
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