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am i at fault? (self.introvert)
88oo が 5 時間 前 投稿
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[–]WearWhatWhere 24 ポイント25 ポイント26 ポイント 5 時間 前 (16子コメント)
Let's play perspectives :D
This is how you see it:
.... why cant they just ask me what they need right off the bat. whats the point of saying hi? it doesnt mean anything.
Maybe this is how they see it:
It would be rude of me to just ask for something. I should say something first.
It's habit. Like when you pick up the phone, you just say "Hello."
"I wonder if he's at his/her desk?" "Hi [are you there?]"
"Oh, s/he must be busy. S/he hasn't responded yet."
If they continue to do this and it bothers you, I think you should tell them. "Hey, [person]. If you ever need anything, you can just let me know. You don't have to say 'hi' and wait for my response! Tell me what you need and I'll get back to you ASAP."
I guess it's your fault, but it's not a big deal. It seems to be bothering you more than it is bothering them, so just let them know. They can't possibly know that it's bothering you if you don't tell them.
[–]micmea1 11 ポイント12 ポイント13 ポイント 4 時間 前 (0子コメント)
My general reply, "hey what's up?". It keeps in line with pleasantries and asks them what business they got without coming off sour.
[–]TotesMessenger 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント 4 分 前 (0子コメント)
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[–]88oo[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント-3 ポイント 3 時間 前 (13子コメント)
its not rude to just ask something. thats what i would prefer...
if im not at my desk or busy then it would be better to just get to the point. that way i can see it when i get back and just do it instead of just seeing a hi that i will ignore....
how can i just tell them it bothers me? thats kinda weird to say, right?
[–]WearWhatWhere 7 ポイント8 ポイント9 ポイント 2 時間 前 (12子コメント)
From your point of view, it's not rude. But how do they know you see it that way?
"Hey, [person]. If you ever need anything, you can just let me know. You don't have to say 'hi' and wait for my response! Tell me what you need and I'll get back to you ASAP."
Sorry, sometimes I'm too busy to reply. Just leave a message, I'll get to it.
Don't hi me! What do you need? Smiley face, winky face, sunglasses face
If you feel that the "weirdness" of telling them outweighs the frustration that it causes you then you don't have to say anything at all. But place yourself in their shoes for a sec. If someone told you to stop saying "Hi" and waiting, and just get to the point, how would you feel? If you're not offended or weirded out by this, why would they be? And even if they are, so what? You're being honest and offering a solution to a problem. I'd say that deserves respect.
[+]88oo[S] スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント 2 時間 前 (11子コメント)
my point of view is based on logic and efficiency. the concept of rudeness isnt a factor in any aspect of my life or way of thinking. thinking logically is by default the most logical way to think so shouldnt they see it this way as well?
[–]angryCutlet 6 ポイント7 ポイント8 ポイント 1 時間 前 (3子コメント)
This whole problem of yours is the dumbest thing I have read in a while. People say hi. Deal with it or gtfo. It's normal human interaction.
[–]88oo[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 1 時間 前 (2子コメント)
im trying to deal with ii...
[–]geneusutwerkINTP 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 41 分 前 (0子コメント)
You clearly aren't. You refuse to change your actions at this point. The real question is, if you responding "hi" makes it more efficient and all you care about is efficiency then why aren't you just saying that?
[–]angryCutlet 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント 1 時間 前 (0子コメント)
it's pretty simple really. it's just a common curtesy, like wearing clothes, or taking a shower so you don't smell like shit. Unless you're so important that messaging back a "hi" to somebody is gonna make the company go under then you seriously need to put shit in perspective. This post could either go /r/firstworldproblems or /r/iamverysmart, not sure which really. On top of all that wtf does this have to do with being an introvert?
[–]sexysexytimes99 4 ポイント5 ポイント6 ポイント 1 時間 前 (2子コメント)
Rudeness might not be a concept that you recognize in your life, but most people do. So yes, you are at fault. You are being ridiculous and your attitude about it is quite rude.
[–]88oo[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント 1 時間 前 (1子コメント)
how am i being ridiculous? i just want to stop wasting time
[–]sexysexytimes99 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント 40 分 前 (0子コメント)
Listen, unless you are secretly Obama you have enough time to type 2 additional letters. You are not that important and busy, and your time is not that valuable. Say hi to people, get on with your life, do not give it another thought. My work communicates 99% by gchat and I just realized everyone says "hi" or something similar before launching into demands. I never realized it because it's so innocent and takes NO time, whereas obsessing about why they do it, ignoring them until they go away or just ask me what they want would ALL WASTE SO MUCH FUCKING TIME. You are wasting 12,000 times (exact figure) more time by thinking about this at ALL than by just saying "hi". And now I'm pretty sure you are a troll because no adult could possibly not understand this concept by now, even if you personally do not want to say hi to people, the fact that you don't get it...well I will just stop my thought there.
[–]Askol 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント 1 時間 前 (3子コメント)
Honestly, where I work people do this too and I get why it annoys you (it annoys me too). However, you work in an office, and there is a such thing as office culture. Trying to fight against office culture will result in you becoming an outsider, and will likely end up hurting you in the long run.
Yeah, maybe it's slightly inefficient, but we're talking about seconds. This is such a minor issue that you should really just get over it.
Also, expecting everybody else to accept your world-view (i.e. if it is logical, it has to be that way), is a really good way to piss people off.
[–]88oo[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント 1 時間 前 (2子コメント)
its not just about being inefficient. its just pointless and everyone else does it. when everyone else is doing something, its better to not do that thing. phones are the perfect example. everyone in the world has an iphone basically, so i got a windows phone to be unique and cool
[–]Askol 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント 40 分 前 (0子コメント)
I can't tell if you're serious...
[–]TheSkoomaCatINTJ 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント 5 分 前 (0子コメント)
Everybody breathes. Did you stop doing that, too?
Look, there's a point where you have to recognize that you won't understand all aspects of society, and you are well past that point. Social interaction doesn't work on logic, and it never will. People say "hi" because they want to be nice, not because they want to be efficient. Efficiency in communication is void of emotion, and people want to feel interaction, not utility. Like others have said, if you can't be bothered to press three keys just to type out "hi" and send it, then you really need to do some rethinking. I'd even go so far as to say see a therapist, because your line of thought is not healthy, but that is my opinion. Judging by your comment karma in this thread, I'd say you definitely don't have the most popular of opinions on social interaction, however.
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残りのコメントをみる →
[–]WearWhatWhere 24 ポイント25 ポイント26 ポイント (16子コメント)
[–]micmea1 11 ポイント12 ポイント13 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]TotesMessenger 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]88oo[S] -5 ポイント-4 ポイント-3 ポイント (13子コメント)
[–]WearWhatWhere 7 ポイント8 ポイント9 ポイント (12子コメント)
[+]88oo[S] スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7 ポイント-6 ポイント-5 ポイント (11子コメント)
[–]angryCutlet 6 ポイント7 ポイント8 ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]88oo[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]geneusutwerkINTP 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]angryCutlet 3 ポイント4 ポイント5 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]sexysexytimes99 4 ポイント5 ポイント6 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]88oo[S] -1 ポイント0 ポイント1 ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]sexysexytimes99 1 ポイント2 ポイント3 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Askol 2 ポイント3 ポイント4 ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]88oo[S] -2 ポイント-1 ポイント0 ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]Askol 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]TheSkoomaCatINTJ 0 ポイント1 ポイント2 ポイント (0子コメント)