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About Deviant Artist Member Michael KilgoreMale/United States Groups :iconart-outdoor-nudity: Art-Outdoor-Nudity
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Finally, submitted a few new images from a shoot this summer. Will add a few more in the coming days.

My life has been overfull with obligations to work and volunteer activities here in Key West. So, not a lot of photography over the past two years. I hope to change that early next year. 
  • Mood: Content


Michael Kilgore
United States
I've been an avid photographer since my college days in the 60s and 70s though the interest back then was mostly architectural. Among (many)other things, I've worked as a photojournalist through which I developed an appreciation and skill for capturing "a moment" which tells a story.

My specific interest in male figurative work became serious in the early 90s when I owned a gallery in Key West called "Bodyscapes", one of the few galleries in the country at the time which would feature fine art imagery of the male form. Through the gallery I met and represented some of the finest photographers of the genre in the United States. And, subsequently, thought "if they can do it, why can't I?"

Fifteen years later, practicing my craft, I'm finally arriving at a style that's uniquely my own, gaining some recognition with several one-person shows and building a new career as a photographer. Though what goes around comes around...most of the paid work is as an architectural and interiors photographer. My passion, however, is the male figurative work. It's my intent that can become part of the new career as well.

Current Residence: Key West, FL

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prettymodelboy Featured By Owner Dec 1, 2014  Professional Traditional Artist
Thanks for the fave!
TinaEvil Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014
happy b'day! some spam for you!
Flowers fella (Love) fella's Gobbler (Party) Fella BreakDance (Music Band) Fella Heart Kiss (Love) 
Chazzier Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014
Happy Birthday!
The-Darkwolf Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014
Happy Birthday! :cake: :)
charlesarcher Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014  Professional Photographer
Michael, Happy Birthday!MenInASuitcase 
luciferusss Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014
Happy Birthday! :cake:
FictonArtAuthor Featured By Owner Oct 14, 2014
Happy Birthday. :)
txhern Featured By Owner Oct 13, 2014
Wishing you all the best and lots of fun on your day :D
The-WrinklyNinja Featured By Owner Edited Oct 13, 2014  Hobbyist Photographer
Hi Handsome! :wave:

Happy Birthday, and Have a Great Day! :party:

Thank you for sharing your fantastic gallery and works with us male admirers.

LyuLazarov Featured By Owner Sep 23, 2014
Thank you for tha fav :)
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