Haruehun Airry
Mayhem # 2347563
About MeAge is merely a number.
We're only as old as we feel and allow ourselves to perceive. The process CAN be slowed to a crawl through proper diet and nutrition... I know. I look younger now than I did when I was 30. My life is an ongoing experiment in rejecting the status quo. I've always been a free thinker and never felt comfortable living in the completely artificial "real" world we're all indoctrinated to accept as "just the way things are." After leaving the corporate world in 1998 at the heaviest and unhealthiest chapter of my life, I've never looked back and have spent my life exploring how people get off track from pursuing and living their dreams; instead, waking up one day wondering where it all went wrong. I've been a professional entertainer for 12 years who started out modeling back in 1999 after getting back into the shape of my long, lost Army days. I'm now looking to get back into modeling after a long hiatus as I work on finishing up a book I've been researching and writing for the past 5+ years. In the past 18 months, I've gotten my body back into what I feel is the best shape of my life, but don't let my age fool you. The yellow thong picture in my portfolio was taken in August, 2011 and the Awesome Images shoot in Dallas was October of 2012. I feel, look and act like someone half my age while embodying the knowledge and wisdom of someone twice my age. It's a rare combination, I feel, in the world as it currently exists. In my entertainment career, I easily pass for my mid-20's to early-30's on a regular basis because I take care of my health and now eat only real, unprocessed, organic and whole food. I've found that it makes all the difference in the world after years of falling prey to "urges" and poor information (outright lies, actually) from the "food" corporations and "government" which allows them, with impunity, to sell us the poison for massive profits on which they pay virtually no taxes. That's the sad reality and real cause of the "health care crisis" in this country. One of my favorite quotes I've come across in my research is this: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society." - Jiddu Krishnamurti OK, rant over. I'm very easy to work with, laid back and get along with everyone! And I like to talk, so be forewarned. I will do TFP Shoots with the right photographer. I won't do nude TFP. Nude work is PAID work. ***Update 11/13/12*** Latest work is posted under Artistic Nudes section of my portfolio. Amazing light with the sun setting for the day. Comments appreciated. Thanks! Friends |