(cache) punkⒶrchy

Rose. 20. San Antonio.
anarchist, lacto-ovo vegetarian, INTJ
Instagram: @rosetootacky
YouTube: RoseTooTacky
mayonnaise is NOT racism, get over yourself

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  1. damniwishidthoughtofabettername reblogged this from european-traditionalist
  2. noitemsfoxonlyfinaldestination reblogged this from bluedaisymae and added:
    delete all of your blogs pleaselike shitty white girl posting about mayo is pretty gross but actively calling black...
  3. meowdeer reblogged this from noitemsfoxonlyfinaldestination
  4. tallporcupine reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor and added:
    I say, that this is harmless. As a white person, I enjoyed this. Just like, as an atheist, I enjoy making fun of the...
  5. thatalbanianguy reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  6. stylinsonfeber reblogged this from anti-bullshit-anti-sjw
  7. guyfawkesdisciple reblogged this from angelkytara and added:
    A study-1n-scares, and you said that you couldn’t be racist against whites. These SJW’S really need to stop justifying...
  8. nordicfoxtactical reblogged this from american-nativist and added:
    my mayo has the blood of my enemies mixed into it, that’s where i get the red hair.
  9. ngeenjay reblogged this from deus-vulting-intensifies
  10. feministfreedomfighter reblogged this from internetaristocratfollower
  11. rowyourboateng reblogged this from hardboiledoldmen and added:
    me 2
  12. kippy413 reblogged this from putin-the-fabulous
  13. hardboiledoldmen reblogged this from lovessevy and added:
    I’m miracle whip.
  14. calcoolconservative reblogged this from lovessevy
  15. lovessevy reblogged this from deus-vulting-intensifies
  16. bluedaisymae reblogged this from gregspenis and added:
    Agreed. Hence why I added “sociopathic” because the mentally retarded humans I have known were very sweet 👍 niggers are...
  17. gregspenis reblogged this from bluedaisymae and added:
    Idk…..I’ve grown up in a family of healthcare workers, and my family has taken care of many mentally retarded children...
  18. flagsofhistorymm reblogged this from deus-vulting-intensifies
  19. theycomeandgolikemoths reblogged this from straightpalechristianrepublicans
  20. i-just-want-to-piss-you-off reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor and added:
    Mustard is Asians
  21. american-nativist reblogged this from princess9114 and added:
    I would definitely fall under the Ranch category. Except I don’t wear camo when I’m not hunting, and the Confederate...
  22. watcher1408 reblogged this from princess9114 and added:
    Most of them don’t know their social security and some never heard of it until it comes time to collect food stamps and...
  23. straightpalechristianrepublicans reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  24. somedudelel reblogged this from the-antifeminist-atheist
  25. princess9114 reblogged this from gregspenis and added:
    Seriously, do they really think mayonnaise is insulting? Is this the third grade? Haha.