Golbats yelling at oppressors, posting memes 3x daily (possibly increasing depending on mod situation--we're taking applications). Good for all your anon-hate reaction pic needs.
We post in tags like "cisphobia" and "anti-sjw" because those are the people who need golbats screaming at them. We aim to make those tags like walking into a cave without repel for bigots. And if you're wondering why golbats, that's in the about page. Please do read the about page.


Transmedicalism: The belief that being trans requires dysphoria and is an illness that must be cured by transitioning to make the trans person as cis-like as possible.Needless to say, this is a hella transphobic way of looking at things, and is basically the flipside of conversion therapy.—Golbat

Transmedicalism: The belief that being trans requires dysphoria and is an illness that must be cured by transitioning to make the trans person as cis-like as possible.

Needless to say, this is a hella transphobic way of looking at things, and is basically the flipside of conversion therapy.


  1. putin-the-fabulous reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  2. persona3thejourney reblogged this from golbatsforequality and added:
    “Is an illness” A medical condition and an illness aren’t synonymous. Being trans is a medical condition that is defined...
  3. chicken-buddha reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  4. false-real-life reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
    Why are you using a freaking Zubat if you’re using Golbat as your sign. I’m the Pokemon Queen and I am offended. Anyway,...
  5. black-alpha reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  6. home-wrecker-holmes reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  7. elcyy reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  8. piss-nipples reblogged this from yayforkayla2
  9. editfriends reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
    “The belief that being trans requires dysphoria and is an illness that must be cured by transitioning to make the trans...
  10. moustachedchicken reblogged this from cishetwhiteoppressor
  11. yayforkayla2 reblogged this from skeleton-zone-192000
  12. miss-freakshow reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  13. andromeda-aliens reblogged this from dontneedfeminism
  14. skeleton-zone-192000 reblogged this from dontneedfeminism and added:
  15. dontneedfeminism reblogged this from zerotide
  16. koricongo reblogged this from mediocre-latinist and added:
    I have no room to speak for this, but did you even HOVER over the links?
  17. linebecking reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    That’s not even a Golbat. Reported
  18. theijiinstormandsong reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    Tucutes are so retarded I cant even feel bad, they’re just like toddlers to me.
  19. apackfullofpeanuts reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    Holy fuck what a moron. They’re seriously saying it’s as bad as conversion therapy.
  20. jimfear138 reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    You transtrenders are a fucking plague on actual trans people and make it far harder for them to be taken...
  21. rainbowsramblings reblogged this from zerotide and added:
    why are we talking about transphobia n shit can we talk about the fucking zubat
  22. zerotide reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    …OP makes this out to be some horrible thingWay to shit on everyone who has ever experienced crippling dysphoria by...
  23. bobbyis reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  24. luxrayisbestpkmn reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  25. derangedraccoon reblogged this from notyourqueertheoryposterchild
  26. laalonde reblogged this from golbatsforequality
  27. matijamaryam reblogged this from poppypicklesticks
  28. gymleaderbooty reblogged this from poppypicklesticks and added:
    that’s a fucking Zubat as well
  29. sjwmadness reblogged this from poppypicklesticks