Greetings shitkin,
It's that time of the week again, and about time for us to explain just what 'Sanity Sunday' is.
/r/TumblrinAction is a sub that generates a lot of content, and by it's nature most of that content highlights a depressing level of stupidity, mostly among the users of Tumblr.
Therefore, to lighten the mood, 'Sanity Sunday' was introduced as a means to help everyone relax and remember that SJW lunacy isn't as prevalent as it sometimes seems.
In practical terms, this means that from 10PM EST on Saturday nights to 3AM EST on Monday mornings, we allow posts featuring 'sane' reactions to Tumblr craziness. This is usually the type of content you can find full-time over at /r/TumblratRest.
A couple of points, though:
Sanity Sunday IS NOT a free-for-all, post-whatever-you-like day. You still have to abide by our other rules.
Along those lines, memes and other jokes still belong in /r/TumblrCirclejerk - we're only allowing posts and articles which respond to SJW bullshit reasonably (I.E. counterarguments).
Posts of people simply hurling abuse at SJWs will break Rule 3. We want sanity, not hatred.
Have fun, stay sane, and most of all enjoy the comedy.
- The King
Also as always - read the rules before submitting, please!