
/r/AnarchismHey could you guys ban me from your sub

from JonnyLatte to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 6 hours ago

I followed a link the other day from r/anarcho_capitalism not realizing it was a brigade and got a site wide ban (my comment was neutral and was actually making fun of the drama) as I just posted this link. but in any case I am really disturbed by a site wide ban and dont really want to force myself to monitor every link I follow so I would rather just not be able to post from your sub so I cant get banned that way (ban is lifted but anyway).


re: Hey could you guys ban me from your sub

from sync0pate[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to JonnyLatte sent 4 hours ago

I don't see why we should go out of our way to stop you from being an arsehole. You got banned by the admins for brigading, I guess. That's nothing to do with us, that's what happens when you follow links like that into other subreddits and then participate where you shouldn't.

Just be a little bit more thoughtful about what you're doing and you'll be fine.

Cool comic btw.

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Ford42 sent 9 hours ago

re: you've been banned

from Ford42 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 7 hours ago

wow, fucking weird. still have no idea what the fuck is going on with you people. but then i don't think i care at this point

re: you've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Ford42 sent 6 hours ago

I banned you primarily for blatant misogyny outside of /r/anarchism, including participation in good faith on /r/mensrights, but also your posts in /r/anarchism leave a lot to be desired and seem to consist primarily of racism, ableism, getting upset over plastic bags, or attacking other users for no good reason at all.

If you wish to appeal the ban you can make a post in /r/metanarchism.

re: you've been banned

from Ford42 via  /r/Anarchism/  to -Enkara- sent 6 hours ago

Ah, good, I see, you are a childish idiot, with no sense of proportion, drowning in a sea of political correctness. Not exactly what one would expect from "anarchism", but that at least explains it. Philosophically anemic, and ideologically truculent. But you made me laugh out loud anyway, so thanks for that.

Good bye little girl.

re: you've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Ford42 sent 6 hours ago


/r/metanarchismBan me

from numandina to  /r/metanarchism/  sent 1 day ago

Can I please get banned from both meta and r@ for being pro GG? I can't stomach being part of this community. I'll keep paying the 5$ hosting per month for the bot, no issue. Thanks.

re: Ban me

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to numandina sent 1 day ago

Okay I guess :-/

re: Ban me

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to numandina sent 1 day ago

If that's what you want, I'll do it.

re: Ban me

from sync0pate[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to numandina sent 1 day ago

What the hell is this?

re: Ban me

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to sync0pate sent 1 day ago

Numandina asked to be banned, because they are pro-GG. We banned them, because that's what they wanted.

re: Ban me

from sync0pate[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to The_Mermaid sent 1 day ago

what is pro-GG?

re: Ban me

from Capn_Blackbeard[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to sync0pate sent 1 day ago

Gamer Gate

re: Ban me

from sync0pate[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to Capn_Blackbeard sent 1 day ago

See my comments here: I know very little about gamergate, from what I can tell is that it's a series of a events. As such I have no idea how you can be "pro" or "anti" it.. it's something that happened right?

Anyone that can enlighten me at all, let's take it to that thread to avoid clogging modchat eh?

re: Ban me

from numandina via  /r/metanarchism/  to sync0pate sent 1 day ago

who cares, I just want to get banned. If you're really curious: Some conspiracy theorists don't believe the series of events had happened. Those who believe are pro, those who don't are anti. The pro hang around at /r/kotakuinaction. The anti at /r/gamerghazi.

re: Ban me

from Vindalfr[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to numandina sent 1 day ago


Cryptic bullshit like that is why the whole thing is a clusterfuck. Its indie gaming drama that has blown up, way, way, beyond its scene (I already don't give a shit). Somewhere in there shit happened that pissed off liberal feminists (who were already talking shit about video games anyway) and they stepped the biggest pile of troll bait this decade.

I don't care if the you're pro or anti, I do care if people involved in that shit go all in on their slut shaming and other puritanical bullshit.

The topic IMO is a conversational toxic waste dump.

re: Ban me

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to numandina sent 20 hours ago

If you don't mind me asking, did you request the ban because most of us are anti-GG?


from flaxrabbit[M] to  /r/metanarchism/  sent 23 hours ago

I'm filing this under the trolls are trying way too hard:

I'm still not sure if subredditcancer is for real or not.

re: LOL

from emma-_______[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 22 hours ago

It's for real. Some of the mods there like are also mods of lovely subreddits like /r/NationalSocialism, /r/CoonTown, and /r/CuteFemaleCorpses.

re: LOL

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 22 hours ago

That subreddit is real, unfortunately.

re: LOL

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to The_Mermaid sent 22 hours ago

btw, I reported clickbait to the admins the other day, and asked what course of action I should take. They never responded :(

re: LOL

from emma-_______[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 21 hours ago

They use a single modmail for moderating the entire website. It's such a poorly designed system so they'll often end up missing people's messages completely. You could try posting it again and hoping that one of the admins that actually cares notices it this time.

re: LOL

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/metanarchism/  to emma-_______ sent 20 hours ago

He's been shadowbanned again, I also reported his new account. They don't respond, but they have been deleting his accounts.

/r/AnarchismAutoModerator notification

from AutoModerator[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 1 day ago

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to YUHATELIBERTY sent 1 day ago

re: you've been banned

from YUHATELIBERTY to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 1 day ago

haha typical anarchist fags, go choke on a bullet

/r/AnarchismAutoModerator notification

from AutoModerator[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 1 day ago

/r/AnarchismWhy was I banned?

from flossdaily to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 2 days ago

My only activity here was to advocate freedom of speech, even if the speakers are racist assholes.

Is that such a dangerous idea that you've got to kick me out?

One of your mods is out of control.

re: Why was I banned?

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to flossdaily sent 2 days ago

Reactionaries are not permitted on /r/anarchism. The MRA movement is a reactionary movement.

No one is afraid of your ideas, but spreading those ideas creates an unwelcoming environment for women and other non-males. People should be free to participate in a community without reactionaries.

re: Why was I banned?

from flossdaily via  /r/Anarchism/  to The_Mermaid sent 2 days ago

I've never posted anything about the MRA movement in this subreddit.

And while I believe that men's rights issues are important, I'm not part of the MRA movement, and all that that entails.

/r/AnarchismAutoModerator notification

from AutoModerator[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 2 days ago

A bot has reported an incoming brigade.

/r/AnarchismAutoModerator notification

from AutoModerator[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 3 days ago

A bot has reported an incoming brigade.

/r/AnarchismPost caught in spam filter

from [deleted] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 3 days ago

Please un-spam my post, as it is relevant to anarchism. Thanks

re: Post caught in spam filter

from Vindalfr[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to [deleted] sent 3 days ago


PS. You've been shadowbanned.

re: Post caught in spam filter

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to [deleted] sent 3 days ago

Yeah how about no.

/r/AnarchismAutoModerator notification

from AutoModerator[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 3 days ago

A bot has reported an incoming brigade.

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 4 days ago

I'm sorry, but why? Pretty sure I didn't break any rules.

re: you've been banned

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago


re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to The_Mermaid sent 4 days ago

Im not anti feminism at all.

I very much support feminism (well egalitarianism) and think first and second wave feminism was splendid and very important to society. Everyone should be equal under law.

Even if I was anti feminism it makes no sense to ban someone over it in anarchism. Though thats irrelevant as I'm very much pro first/second wave feminism and those that try to better the middle east and third world countries. Nowhere have i said anything against feminism.

re: you've been banned

from dbzer0[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

think first and second wave feminism was splendid and very important to society

Lol, classic anti-feminist talking points. "Feminism was good in the history books, but not now it's all feminazis!". All without realizing that men living during the time of 1st and 2nd wave feminism said pretty much the same shit.

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to dbzer0 sent 4 days ago

No? Maybe you shouldn't put words in peoples mouth?

It would be disrespectful and crude to belittle the work people are doing in places like the middle east, africa etc to get freedom for women.

re: you've been banned

from exiledarizona[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

Dude, you have no idea what 3rd wave feminism even means. Or anarchism or probably not much of anything else. You have no critique of feminism because you don't even know what it is. Tumblr and Reddit and your life therein is irrelevant to the actual outside world. And r/anarchism is a part of the outside non internet world worldwide. So this is pretty much a waste of time. Is what I am getting at. Like your "campaign to educate us" is a waste of time cause we see no value in it whatsoever because we are anarchists who exists within a larger social movement and context. Do you understand?

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to exiledarizona sent 4 days ago

Eh? I don't really care at all about tumblr or reddit and especially not about reddit accounts. Reallife is what i care about and though im no expert I am quite aware of what both third wave feminism and anarchy is.

Ad hominem has little use in conversation.

But I don't think you understand. Ignoring other peoples opinions is intellectually dishonest and though you might not be interested in my opinion, society has no interest in your movements opinion and never will simply because it will never reach majority prevalence or even critical mass.

re: you've been banned

from agnosticnixie[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

Ad hominem has little use in conversation.


My calling you a piece of refuse is not an ad hominem unless I go "as a piece of refuse you have no idea about anything".

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to agnosticnixie sent 4 days ago

You're wrong, but that's fine.

Responding TO an argument with a personal attack is ad hominem.

One should not state things as fact when they're wrong.

re: you've been banned

from exiledarizona[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

You also don't understand what majority prevalence or even critical mass entails and obviously have missed the last 250 years of anarchist history so please just stop. I am sure someone out there is interested in listening to this stuff

re: you've been banned

from agnosticnixie[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

No, I can respond to you with an insult and it's still not a fucking ad hominem, jackass. The problem is if the insult is your argument, which in this case it isn't.

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to agnosticnixie sent 4 days ago

Nope. Responding to an argument with an insult or personal attack IS ad hominem.

Really, educate yourself.

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to exiledarizona sent 4 days ago

Pretty sure I do, but hey =] well done on responding to an argument with.... Nothing =] well done you!

Now you can sit in your modchat and circlejerk and validate each other!

re: you've been banned

from agnosticnixie[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Couldbegigolo sent 4 days ago

Really, educate yourself.

Fuck off, ignorant stemlord.

re: you've been banned

from Couldbegigolo via  /r/Anarchism/  to agnosticnixie sent 4 days ago

You are entertaining I'll give you that =]

Well enjoy your ignorance and thanks for enjoying my comments on other accounts!

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Nathan_Explosion7 sent 4 days ago

re: you've been banned

from Nathan_Explosion7 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 4 days ago

It's very creepy how authoritarian tendencies lurk beneath the surface of anti statist "anarchists". Have fun in your hugbox. Toodles.

re: you've been banned

from The_Mermaid[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Nathan_Explosion7 sent 4 days ago

It's very creepy how you think misogyny would be tolerated in an anarchist society.

re: you've been banned

from Nathan_Explosion7 via  /r/Anarchism/  to The_Mermaid sent 4 days ago

Based on my comments to your sub, I don't see where you get the idea I'm sexist. At best you can call me a shit stirring troll.

Based on how easily I was banned, I see proof of your fascism. Enjoy your jackboots.

/r/AnarchismKeep up the work Guys!!

from brokengears676 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 4 days ago

Thanks for keeping this sub-reddit inclusive for everyone and making sure that bigots and racists are not welcome here! You guys are great! :)

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to sockpuppet_2 sent 4 days ago

re: you've been banned

from sockpuppet_2 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 4 days ago

Truth hurts I guess?

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to Kyoraki sent 5 days ago

you have been banned from posting to /r/Anarchism: Anarchism: Unremorsefully anti-capitalism (including "anarcho"-capitalists) and anti-state.

note from the moderators:

"I almost didn't ban you, because it was so hilarious that you claim you were not brigading. KIA is one of the top 5 subs you contribute to XD."

re: you've been banned

from Kyoraki to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

And? Nobody is linking to the thread. You aren't being brigaded, you paranoid moron.

re: you've been banned

from Kyoraki to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

And fwi? This ain't my only account. I'm using this one because I knew you morons would pull something like this to maintain the narrative. You paranoid morons.

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to alttit sent 5 days ago

you have been banned from posting to /r/Anarchism: Anarchism: Unremorsefully anti-capitalism (including "anarcho"-capitalists) and anti-state.

note from the moderators:

"You know what silencing opposition through brigading with sock puppets is? Censorship. Anarchism is not a platform for gamergate."

re: you've been banned

from alttit to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

Sorry, no, censorship is an exercise of power, held in this case by you and not me. I am the victim of power here. You are transparent in your quest to control others, oppressor.

re: you've been banned

from agnosticnixie[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to alttit sent 5 days ago

Read up on Emma Goldman. I invite you to pay attention to the bits about how she treated bawwing reactionaries.

It involves the world bullwhip.

re: you've been banned

from alttit via  /r/Anarchism/  to agnosticnixie sent 5 days ago

And now you're alluding to violence, showing your true colors as a power-seeking oppressor. Think about it.

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to OnSnowWhiteWings sent 5 days ago

re: you've been banned

from OnSnowWhiteWings to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

Hey mannnnn, this isn't very anarchy-like

Power to the point mannnn!

/r/Anarchismyo flaxrabbit

from exiledarizona[M] to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

admittingly, i have no idea what bro is trying to say in that Gamergate thread but why did you delete the comment? I am confused, did you delete it just cause its nonsensical?

re: yo flaxrabbit

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to exiledarizona sent 5 days ago

Are you talking about theone899?

re: yo flaxrabbit

from exiledarizona[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to -Enkara- sent 5 days ago

oh sorry, i just realized theres like 100 deleted things in there. I am talking about the "yesiamanalt" or something like that. Its like the first deleted comment. It doesn't seem to be pro gamergate....i think.

re: yo flaxrabbit

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to exiledarizona sent 5 days ago

I was deleting comments, because they were brigading. KotakuInAction has a long track record of brigading any gamergate related thread (as they obvs are here). There are a lot of spaces on reddit to find the positions of KotakuInAction, and I think allowing them to swarm in to every related thread and use it as a platform to defend a hate group is a violation of the AOP.

Had the comment been made by a regular poster on r/@ I would not have deleted it. For example I know numandia has clamed to support gamergate. Had they posted a response I wouldn't have deleted it. I even left a pro gg comment by an ancap that had posted here a few times.

re: yo flaxrabbit

from exiledarizona[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 5 days ago

I don't disagree I just didn't understand regarding that one comment

re: yo flaxrabbit

from flaxrabbit[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to exiledarizona sent 5 days ago

I was being a bit heavy handed there due to the nature of the topic. It's entirely possible I made a mistake. I read it as being in support of GG, and that user didn't have any history posting on r/@. I'll unremove it.

re: yo flaxrabbit

from exiledarizona[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 5 days ago

I don't care. Just wanted to understand the reasoning. Nbd

re: yo flaxrabbit

from agnosticnixie[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to flaxrabbit sent 5 days ago

Heavy handed is mostly fine. My initial intent was to get rid of the thread when I was notified.

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to theone899 sent 5 days ago

re: you've been banned

from theone899 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago

Is there any reason for this?

Your sub-reddit argues for ''liberation'' yet mindlessly censors anyone who disagrees?

/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from pnoque[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to peoplearejustpeople9 sent 6 days ago

re: you've been banned

from peoplearejustpeople9 to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 5 days ago


/r/Anarchismyou've been banned

from -Enkara-[M] via  /r/Anarchism/  to RenderUntoSeizure sent 6 days ago

re: you've been banned

from RenderUntoSeizure to  /r/Anarchism/  sent 6 days ago

But my message got out!