Good ol’ gender tax, as told on Snapchat.
(Note: There’s an error in math.)
True, true. Time for a razor revolution I say. Viva la cheap shaving products. Or something.
Hey there, you stupid fucking cunt! The razors are simply pink and black, please stop gendering products that have none...
I like dude razors more, but yeah, girl razors have a sort of gel thing on the top of the razor. It makes your skin...
Just buy the men’s razors. I do. There’s no fucking difference outside of marketing and price.
I’m sure the other jackasses she was pandering to had a hoot. As much of a hoot as you can have in a man’s world
Jesus Christ Blades are cheap over there. In the UK the prices are through the fucking roof.
So this is essentially the gender wage gap fallacy… In razor form.