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Good ol’ gender tax, as told on Snapchat.

(Note: There’s an error in math.)

posted 1 week ago @ 04 Mar 2015 with 1,825 notes
xselfie xmy face xgender tax xsexism xthanks obama xCVS xshaving xrazors xthe gender tax xtax xBIC xBIC razor xme xmy things xselfies xineqaulity xamerica xi get sarcastic on snapchat when I have to spend money
  1. beelzebummer reblogged this from pocketfulofgeek
  2. randomchick100 reblogged this from dreamingof-starrynights
  3. hell-yeah71 reblogged this from reusrnarco
  4. dreamingof-starrynights reblogged this from a-jellyfisher
  5. toopunkrockforurls reblogged this from kayllen and added:
    True, true. Time for a razor revolution I say. Viva la cheap shaving products. Or something.
  6. angelkytara reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian
  7. chasaw reblogged this from rtrixie
  8. heianillegalalien reblogged this from anti-feminism-pro-equality
  9. chris-the-anti-sjw reblogged this from antifeministphoenix
  10. anti-nigger-giratina reblogged this from mathematician-in-training and added:
    Hey there, you stupid fucking cunt! The razors are simply pink and black, please stop gendering products that have none...
  11. dannysapro reblogged this from theillogicalvulcan
  12. insertsjwcraphere reblogged this from do-n0tresuscitate
  13. mrbennetismyspiritanimal reblogged this from thefaceofhoe
  14. ducks-are-fab reblogged this from needingphillester
  15. dempokeballstho reblogged this from ai1340 and added:
    I like dude razors more, but yeah, girl razors have a sort of gel thing on the top of the razor. It makes your skin...
  16. cheesethatisalsocake reblogged this from taylermiller1 and added:
    Just buy the men’s razors. I do. There’s no fucking difference outside of marketing and price.
  17. macklittlered reblogged this from twizzlerrthedragon
  18. imnotsorryipoopedonyourlawn reblogged this from taylermiller1
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  20. basscrosszero reblogged this from thespectacularspider-girl
  21. feedumtothesharks reblogged this from the-darkest-of-souls and added:
    I’m sure the other jackasses she was pandering to had a hoot. As much of a hoot as you can have in a man’s world
  22. leonmomionio reblogged this from aquariusink
  23. feminisint reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian
  24. aquariusink reblogged this from bluedaisymae and added:
  25. abadbadman reblogged this from arthur-king-of-the-britons and added:
    Jesus Christ Blades are cheap over there. In the UK the prices are through the fucking roof.
  26. viredae reblogged this from durkin62 and added:
    So this is essentially the gender wage gap fallacy… In razor form.
  27. tyranictoaster reblogged this from justanotheregalitarian