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Rugby players holding babies.

It occurred to me last night, the way they cradle the ball looks like...

Click for biggy

Click for biggy

Click for biggy
(Black Moon, Fri 13 Mar, 9:05, 9 replies)
#Blue Moon#

(monkeon, Thu 12 Mar, 22:32, 10 replies)

(Q4nobody, Thu 12 Mar, 10:16, 4 replies)
Mein Gott!

(Ninj, Wed 11 Mar, 12:13, 7 replies)
BBC unveil the new line up

(HappyToast, Wed 11 Mar, 9:38, 6 replies)
lets face it, some people might not notice that thing on our wrist

(HappyToast, Tue 10 Mar, 16:54, 7 replies)
imma google glass his face if he doesn't shut up

(baying cyber-mob, Mon 9 Mar, 20:13, 6 replies)
What do you think of it so far?

(Andy_R, Sun 8 Mar, 13:14, 3 replies)

(Christian's Bolt and Ski, Sun 8 Mar, 12:30, 6 replies)

(amoebaboy, Fri 6 Mar, 16:36, 5 replies)
XML feeds
Explosions! Something about Apple! A man having sex with a toaster! Luke Haines! Explosions! Yes, it can only mean that B3ta newsletter 655 is out now! Call to action!
Read newsletter 655
published by rob on 13th Mar at 3pm
Question of the Week
Housemates From Hell III
I once had a flatmate who was so lazy he had a fungus growing in a cup in his bedroom - it was white and whispy so he nicknamed it "Albert". Tell us your tale of living with the disturbed, the odd, the fragile and the downright filthy.
Read all 35 stories (open)
asked by McChinaman on 12th Mar at 5pm
You asked for new icons and you've got them - by Bloop, by Monkeon, & by Q4nobody. If you'd like them on your account then donate now.
posted by rob on 12th Mar at 12pm
Thug life dog
These thug life videos have a stupid premise but I nearly always lol.

See all 20 popular links (5 made popular today)
linked to by BaronMunchausen on 12th Mar at 3pm
Cats in films
We're doing cats in films this week. Recast classic movies with our feline friends and rewrite award winning screenplays from a cat perspective. Bonus points for filming your own cat and winning an Oscar.
See all 107 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 12th Mar at 7am
Spanking new B3ta newsletter 654 is ready for you to gzip into the archive of your choice. Featuring: Russell Brand choose your own adventure, very gory Disney-themed Claymation and a nazi wildebeest.
Read newsletter 654
published by rob on 6th Mar at 5pm
Combine old works of Art
We're raiding the art galleries and mashing up great masters this week. Pick two or more famous old paintings and stitch them together to create something new. Introduce Whistler's Mother to the Laughing Cavalier and sail Napoleon's fleet across the Hay Wain.
See all 100 images (open)
set by HappyToast on 4th Mar at 10pm
Stars of the past today
This week we're raising the celebrity dead and putting them to work. What sort of films would Charlie Chaplin make if he were shuffling about today, would Bob Ross ditch the brushes for a Wacom tablet and would Marilyn be flogging her arse on a reality show?
You tell us with pictures.
See all 82 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 26th Feb at 8am
Film Spoonerisms
This week we're coming up with film spoonerisms, swap corresponding letters and do us a picture of the lolarious results.
See all 146 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 19th Feb at 8am
Brand-new good for you - B3ta newsletter 653 is out now. But whatever you do, don't tell anyone.
Read newsletter 653
published by rob on 13th Feb at 6pm
Question of the Week
Things you can't unsee...
The Eightball Says Yes wimpers, "Waiting for a bus on Upper Street, Islington twenty years ago I was approached by a very old and very potty woman. She must have been 80.
"She was licking her lips salaciously and saying 'fuck me, fuck me.' She then lifted her skirt to show me her fanny. I looked, I ran, I wish I could rinse my mind out, but the image remains."

Tell us and the internet what you cannot unsee
Read all 126 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 13th Feb at 1pm
Animals at War
George Orwell never made a sequel to animal farm, but if he had, it no doubt would have included global warfare between all animal species.
Show us this hell in all its furry mayhem. Cats vs Dogs, Monkeys vs Parrots, Dolphins vs Beetles on Fruitbats.
Tool up Fido, it's war!
See all 109 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 11th Feb at 11pm
It's 93 years since the first robot was shown on film and yet they still don't have the vote - call that justice? In other news, B3ta newsletter 652 is out now, with the Facebook LOLs and the Nigel Farage candle and the shouting and the hitting and such.
Read newsletter 652
published by rob on 6th Feb at 5pm
This week we want you to tell porkies. Come up with a massive fib and show us it in pictorial form.
Or if you can't think of your own, illustrate the terrible untruths people have tricked you with.
See all 50 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 4th Feb at 8pm
Question of the Week
Things You Still Can't Do Properly Despite Being a Proper Grown Up
An Inflatable Bearded Whumpus asks "What can't you do properly despite the fact you're a fully grown and responsible adult?"

Nothing instills confidence more than overhearing a builder on the site opposite muttering "Righty-tighty, lefty-loosey" to himself.

Basically, stealing the idea from this thread on reddit.
Read all 94 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 2nd Feb at 10am
B3ta newsletter 651 - title in a self depreciating way, "We bought it to help to with your Grandad's homework."
Read newsletter 651
published by rob on 31st Jan at 8am
In drawers
This week, you've voted to rummage through your drawers and make something with the results.
Pick a drawer, open it, empty it, abuse it, take a photo and post it.
Or if that doesn't work, just photoshop the nick nacks you find.
See all 24 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 29th Jan at 9am
650! 650! 650! Yes, it's B3ta Newsletter 650! Just 350 more of these fuckers and then our sinister Phase II can begin. Have your emergency kitten ready!
Read newsletter 650
published by rob on 23rd Jan at 6pm
Comedy Crossover
This week we're swapping characters, places and things between comedy films and tv shows.
Delboy falling through the Cheers bar, Herr Flick asking for Pike's name, that sort of thing.
Suggested by monkeon
See all 100 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 22nd Jan at 7am
Question of the Week
More Fire!
It's nearly ten YEARS since we last asked a question about fires.

Channel your inner neanderthal and tell us about fires, mostly to shut up that smug fucker that's made an oh-so-clever "wheel".
Read all 85 stories (closed)
asked by chthonic on 20th Jan at 9pm
We are a grandmother! Of a bouncing baby B3ta Newsletter 649. Want to know what's in it? Noises. Noises and wasps. DON'T CLICK IT WHATEVER YOU DO
Read newsletter 649
published by rob on 16th Jan at 7pm
This week we're taking a close look at the government's plans to spy on us. They want to read our Emails, peek in our zips and even fiddle with our software's backdoor.
Depict your thoughts on this and suggest what other draconian policies they might be plotting.
See all 56 images (closed)
set by HappyToast on 14th Jan at 7pm