In the wake of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Islamic fundamentalism has, in the minds of many, taken the place once held by communism as the leading threat to the safety and security of the industrialized West.
Watch NowThis is the highly anticipated documentary from director Robert Greenwald investiagates the impact of the U.S. Drone Wars, at home and abroad. According to Brandon Bryant, a former USAF drone sensor operator, now a 27-year old veteran, getting into the drone program was weird.
Watch NowRemember your first pet? They were probably small, furry and needy. Remember how much you LOVED that little guy and how sure you were that he loved you? For most of us this was our introduction to some key areas of our development.
Watch NowIn the ocean we can find the answer to many of our questions about life as we know it, because it is there that life itself seems to have begun. This documentary explores the depths of this unknown, yet powerful force that may have marked the beginning of life billions of years ago.
Watch NowThis award-winning documentary is considered one of the best ever made about UFOs and alien life. Even if you’re skeptical, you’ll be presented with an in-depth look at the scientific side of the debate about extraterrestrial life.
Watch NowAaron Swartz was a programmer, writer, and involved in activism that helped shape the Internet. A few of his major contributions he’s made to the technology world are, but not limited to, the invention of RSS feeds, the conceptualization of the Creative Commons, and his involvement in the popular social news site Reddit.
Watch NowGetting into North Korea was one of the hardest and weirdest processes VBS has ever dealt with. After we went back and forth with their representatives for months, North Korea officials finally said they were going to allow 16 journalists into the country to cover the Arirang Mass Games in Pyongyang.
Watch NowThe War on Drugs initiative which began sometime in the early 1970s, has since become one of the most costly and dangerous political policies of the American system. With an annual cost estimated at over fifty billion dollars annually, the program has been heavily criticized for it’s criminalization of non-violent crime and it’s budgetary abuses that could easily be siphoned into social programs that could more effectively combat issues of addiction and drug dependency.
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