The ADHD ‘Community’ is disgusting

ADHD is practically a superpower in intelligence and creativity yet almost everyone, in fact I’m the only person I know who has it and ISN’T trying to get rid of it with drugs that turn you into a zombie.

you’re giving away everything that makes you special and unique, just to become an accountant or teacher, some basic ass job anyone without a brain could do…

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    "ADHD is practically a superpower in intelligence and creativity""you’re giving away everything that makes you special...
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  17. mister-boss reblogged this from victorianmeltdown and added:
    Thank. You.
  18. birlybir reblogged this from victorianmeltdown
  19. human-p1us reblogged this from highlyfictional and added:
    I’m not assumng everyone is like me, this is an excellent example of what I’m talking about though, you instantly got...
  20. mr-robert-gray reblogged this from victorianmeltdown and added:
    fuck outta here with this indigo child shit
  21. victorianmeltdown reblogged this from human-p1us and added:
    Hey! I’m glad you can manage your ADHD without medication. Honestly, I am. Mild ADHD is associated with greater...
  22. highlyfictional reblogged this from human-p1us and added:
    Don’t ever assume everyone else is exactly like you even if you have the same problem. You don’t know how bad they have...