Girl Gamer Gathering

A safe and inclusive convention for women gamers.

GGG 0 cancelled

I regret to announce that we are cancelling Girl Gamer Gathering Zero. We have lots of people who want to play games, but we ran out of time to pull it all together as a cohesive event.
There are about ten people pre-registered, and we will be sending out refunds this week.

A few volunteers needed

We’re looking for a few people to help us make this year’s little one-day convention happen. If you’d like to spend some of your time at Girl Gamer Gathering Zero helping out, here’s how to let us know.


Girl Gamer Gathering Zero will be held at the Radisson Ontario,CA Airport hotel, 2200 E Holt Blvd., Ontario, CA 91761. It’s near the intersection of I-10 and I-15. South side of I-10, between Archibald and Vineyard.
Our mailing address, if you want to pay for your pre-registration via check or money order (make checks payable to ISL, Inc.) is: GGG c/o ISL, 15931 Kalisher St., Granada Hills CA 91344.

Lots of Gaming

We will have rooms/areas set aside for:
  1. Tabletop gaming
  2. Demos
  3. Role Playing Games
  4. Live Action Role Playing
  5. Workshops/Learn-to-Play
  6. Social Gaming
  7. Meetpoint area
  8. BYOVGH (Bring Your Own Video Game/Handheld)*
  9. Con Suite (free snacks and beverages)
The gaming program will include scheduled games and open gaming. The family-friendly** program will run from 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. If you want to continue gaming into the night, hotel rooms are available!
*The hotel has free Wi-Fi available.
**Children under 12 are welcome accompanied by an adult over 18.

Registration Open

We have registration open! Pre-register for just $15. Badges will be $20 at the door.

Girl Gamer Gathering

We propose a new convention that will be a safe and inclusive place for women gamers and women who might be interested in gaming but who have not due to the reputation of gaming as misogynistic.